Dictionary of Quotations from Ancient and Modern, English and Foreign Sources. Rev. James Wood

Dictionary of Quotations from Ancient and Modern, English and Foreign Sources - Rev. James Wood

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day hath its night, every weal its woe. Pr.

      Every day in thy life is a leaf in thy history. 35 Arab. Pr.

      Every day is the best day in the year. No man has learned anything rightly until he knows that every day is Doomsday. Emerson.

      Every day should be spent by us as if it were to be our last. Pub. Syr.

      Every department of knowledge passes successively through three stages: the theological, or fictitious; the metaphysical, or abstract; and the scientific, or positive. Comte.

      Every desire bears its death in its very gratification. W. Irving.

      Every desire is a viper in the bosom, who, 40 when he was chill, was harmless, but when warmth gave him strength, exerted it in poison. Johnson.

      Every dog must have his day. Swift.

      Every door may be shut but death's door. Pr.

      Every established religion was once a heresy. Buckle.

      Every event that a man would master must be mounted on the run, and no man ever caught the reins of a thought except as it galloped past him. Holmes.

      Every evil to which we do not succumb is a 45 benefactor; we gain the strength of the temptation we resist. Emerson.

      Every excess causes a defect; every deficit, an excess. Every sweet has its sour; every evil, its good. Every faculty which is a receiver of pleasure has an equal penalty put on its abuse. Emerson.

      Every experiment, by multitudes or by individuals, that has a sensual and selfish aim, will fail. Emerson.

      Every faculty is conserved and increased by its appropriate exercise. Epictetus.

      Every fancy that we would substitute for a reality is, if we saw it aright and saw the whole, not only false, but every way less beautiful and excellent than that which we sacrifice to it. J. Sterling.

      Every flood has its ebb. Dut. Pr. 50

      Every fool thinks himself clever enough. Dan. Pr.

      Every fool will be meddling. Bible.

      Every foot will tread on him who is in the mud. Gael. Pr.

      Every form of freedom is hurtful, except that which delivers us over to perfect command of ourselves. Goethe.

      Every form of human life is romantic. T. W. 55 Higginson.

      Every fresh acquirement is another remedy against affliction and time. Willmott.

      Every friend is to the other a sun and a sunflower also: he attracts and follows. Jean Paul.

      Every generation laughs at the old fashions, but follows religiously the herd. Thoreau.

      Every generous action loves the public view, yet no theatre for virtue is equal to a consciousness of it. Cic.

      Every genius has most power in his own language, and every heart in its own religion. Jean Paul.

      Every genius is defended from approach by quantities of unavailableness. Emerson.

      Every genuine work of art has as much reason 5 for being as the earth and the sun. Emerson.

      Every gift which is given, even though it be small, is in reality great if it be given with affection. Pindar.

      Every good act is charity. A man's true wealth hereafter is the good that he does in this world to his fellows. Mahomet.

      Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above. St. James.

      Every good gift comes from God. Pr.

      Every good picture is the best of sermons 10 and lectures: the sense informs the soul. Sydney Smith.

      Every good writer has much idiom; it is the life and spirit of language. Landor.

      Every great and commanding movement in the annals of the world is the triumph of enthusiasm. Emerson.

      Every great and original writer, in proportion as he is great or original, must himself create the taste by which he is to be relished. Wordsworth.

      Every great book is an action, and every great action is a book. Luther.

      Every great genius has a special vocation, 15 and when he has fulfilled it, he is no longer needed. Goethe.

      Every great man is unique. Emerson.

      Every great mind seeks to labour for eternity. All men are captivated by immediate advantages; great minds alone are excited by the prospect of distant good. Schiller.

      Every great poem is in itself limited by necessity, but in its suggestions unlimited and infinite. Longfellow.

      Every great reform which has been effected has consisted, not in doing something new, but in undoing something old. Buckle.

      Every great writer is a writer of history, let 20 him treat on almost what subject he may. He carries with him for thousands of years a portion of his times; and, indeed, if only his own effigy were there, it would be greatly more than a fragment of his century. Landor.

      Every healthy effort is directed from the inward to the outward world. Goethe.

      Every heart knows its own bitterness. Pr.

      Every hero becomes a bore at last. Emerson.

      Every heroic act measures itself by its contempt of some external good; but it finds its own success at last, and then the prudent also extol. Emerson.

      Every honest miller has a golden thumb. 25 Pr.

      Every hour has its end. Scott.

      Every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things is God. St. Paul.

      Every human being is intended to have a character of his own, to be what no other is, to do what no other can. Channing.

      Every human feeling is greater and larger than the exciting cause—a proof, I think, that man is designed for a higher state of existence. Coleridge.

      Every idea must have a visible unfolding. 30 Victor Hugo.

      Every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. Jesus.

      Every inch a king. Lear, iv. 6.

      Every inch of joy has an ell of annoy. Sc. Pr.

      Every individual colour makes on men an impression of its own, and thereby reveals its nature to the eye as well as the mind. Goethe.

      Every individual nature has its own beauty. 35 Emerson.

      Every inordinate cup

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