Sir Walter Ralegh: A Biography. W. Stebbing
of England (1765–1769). Revised by Serjeant Henry John Stephen, 3rd ed. 1853: p. 285 [ii. 475].
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John, Viscount ('The Craftsman, by Caleb D'Anvers, Esq.' 1731–1737. Nos. 160, 163, 164, 175, 274): p. 269.
Bray. See Manning.
Brayley, Edward Wedlake, and John Britton, History of Surrey, 1850: p. 380 [ii. 93–4].
Bruce, Rev. John, Correspondence of King James VI of Scotland with Sir R. Cecil and others in England (Camden Society), 1861: pp. 58 [67], 148 [Appendix 82–3, 90], 172 [15], 173 [67], 175 [43], 176 [18–9], 177 [ibid.], 254 [140–60, 219].
Brushfield, Thomas Nadauld, M.D., Raleghana (Burial-place of Walter and Katherine Ralegh), 1896: p. 5 (Devon Assoc. Trans. xxviii. 291–4).
—— (Birthplace of Sir Walter Ralegh), 1889: pp. 6, 101 (Devon Assoc. Trans. xxi. 319–21).
—— (Children of), 1896: p. 197 (Devon Assoc. Trans. xxviii. 310–12).
—London and Suburban Residences of Sir Walter Ralegh: pp. 103–5 (Western Antiquary, iv. 82–7, 109–12).
—Bibliography of Sir Walter Ralegh (reprinted from Western Antiquary), 1886: pp. 265–76.
—(Tobacco and Potatoes): p. 49 (Devon Assoc. Trans. xxx. 158–97). Builder, The, Sept. 17, 1864: p. 105.
Bullen, A.H. (Poetical Rhapsody, ed. Francis Davison, 1602), 1890: pp. 78 [i. 116, and Introd. 83, 84], 79 [i. 28, and Introd. 86].
—(England's Helicon, 1600), 1887: p. 80 [Introd. 22, 23].
Burghley, William Cecil, Lord, State Papers at Hatfield House, Vol. ii, 1571–1596, ed. Rev. Wm. Murdin: pp. 93 [ii. 657], 95 [ii. 658], 102 [ii. 675], 152 [ii. 811].
Calendar, Carew MSS. 1515–1624, Lambeth Palace Library, ed. Rev. John S. Brewer and William Bullen, 1868: pp. 38, 49, 71, 91, 126, 148, 149, 156, 158, 162, 169, 330.
—State Papers, Domestic Series, Elizabeth and James I, 1585–1618: pp. 34, 35, 36, 37, 43, 45, 51, 54, 55, 58, 59, 64, 69, 82, 84, 87, 89, 96, 98, 101, 102, 117, 125, 134, 135, 142, 146, 147, 164, 169, 180, 182, 201, 208, 241, 242, 243, 247, 249, 252, 254, 257, 260, 262, 263, 264, 266, 288, 297, 298, 300, 301, 302, 307, 313, 316, 332, 333, 337, 346, 347, 348, 349, 352, 358, 366, 369, 372, 375, 381, 384, 385, 386, 387, 393, 394, 396.
—Venetian State Papers, 1581–1591: pp. 50, 64.
Camden, William, Annales, etc. regnante Elizabethâ (Part I, to 1589, 1615; Part II, 1627), ed. Thomas Hearne, 1717: pp. 9 [i. 198], 66 [ii. 574–5], 89 [iii. 697], 109 [iii. 697], 137 [iii. 741–2].
—Annales Regni Jacobi I: p. 275 [9].
—Epistolae (containing in appendix the Annales Jacobi I), ed. Thomas Smith, 1691: pp. 325 [256], 333 [243].
Campbell, John, Lord, Lives of the Chief Justices of England, 1849–1857: p. 209 [i. 210–11].
Carew, Richard, Survey of Cornwall (1602), ed. Lord de Dunstanville, 1811: p. 168 [xxv-xxvi].
Carlyle, Thomas: p. 279 (see Cromwell).
Carte, Thomas, General History of England, 1747–1755: p. 205 [iii. 719].
Clarendon, Edward Hyde, first earl of, The Difference and Disparity between the Estates and Conditions of George, Duke of Buckingham, and Robert, Earl of Essex, 'written by the Earl of Clarendon in his younger Dayes' (in Reliquiae Wottonianae, 4th ed. 1685, 185–202): p. 145 [190].
Coke, Sir Edward, Third Institute (1644), 1797: p. 214 [24–5].
Collier, John Payne (Notes and Queries, 3rd Series, vol. v): pp. 244 [7], 246 [7].
—Archaeologia (Society of Antiquaries) 1852–1853: pp. 11 [xxxiv. 139], 15 [xxxiv. 139], 21 [xxxiv. 141], 36 [xxxv. 368–71], 42 [xxxiii. 199, and xxxiv. 151], 89 [xxxiv. 160], 90 [xxxiv. 161], 91 [xxxiv. 165], 133 [xxxiv. 168], 164 [xxxiv. 163–4], 165 [xxxv. 214], 244 [xxxv. 217–8], 252 [xxxv. 219–20].
Corney, Bolton, 'Curiosities of Literature, by I. D'Israeli, Esq., Illustrated by Bolton Corney, Esq.,' 1837: p. 274.
Costello, Louisa Stuart, Memoirs of Eminent Englishwomen, 1844: p. 63 [i. 209–10].
Cotton. Library MSS., British Museum: pp. 57 [Galba, C. 9, fol. 157], 132 [Vespas. C. 13, fol. 290], 149 [Julius, F. 6, p. 433], 272 [Julius, C. 3, fol. 311], 316 [Titus, B. 8, fol. 155], 351 [Vitell. C. 17, foll. 439–40], 373 [Titus, C. 6, fol. 93].
Craftsman. See Bolingbroke.
Cromwell, Oliver, Letters and Speeches, ed. Thomas Carlyle, 1870: p. 279 [ii. 293].
—Memoirs of the Protector Oliver Cromwell, and of his sons, Richard and Henry, by Oliver Cromwell, Esq. (1820), 3rd ed. 1822: p. 279 [i. 369–70].
Declaration of the Demeanour and Carriage of Sir Walter Raleigh, as well in his Voyage, as in and since his Return, printed by the King's Printers, 1618; reprinted Harleian Miscellany, iii, 1809; Somers Collect, ii, 1809: pp. 301 [Harl. iii. 20–3], 389–93 [Harl. iii. 18, et seq.].
Dee, Dr. John, Private Diary, ed. J.O. Halliwell (Camden Society), 1842: p. 104 [54].
Devereux, Walter B., Lives and Letters of the Devereux, Earls of Essex, 1853: pp. 61 [i. 86], 62 [i. 186–8], 130 [i. 376–7], 138 [i. 457].
Devonshire Association for the Advancement of Science, Literature, and Art, Transactions of the (see also Brushfield): pp. 2 [xv. 163–79], 313 [xv. 459].
D'Ewes, Sir Simonds, Journals of all the Parliaments during the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, ed. Paul Bowes (1682), 1862: pp. 105 [478, 492], 106 [508–9], 158 [674–6], 159 [629–33].
D'Israeli, Isaac, Curiosities of Literature (1791–1834), ed. B. Disraeli, 1849: pp. 79 [iii. 140], 274 [iii. 145–7], 334 [iii. 127], 375 [iii. 141].
—'Amenities of Literature (Psychological History of Rawleigh (1840)),' 1841: pp. 59 [iii. 152], 181 [iii. 166–7], 274 [iii. 172–84].
Dixon, William Hepworth, Her Majesty's Tower, 1869–71: pp. 198 [i. 351–4], 266 [i. 369–70].
Drexelius, Jeremiah (Trismegistus Christianus), Antwerp, 1643: p. 40 [469].
Drummond, William, of Hawthornden, 'Notes of Ben Jonson's Conversations with—January, 1619' (Shakespeare Society), ed. David Laing, 1842: pp. 13 [21], 270 [15], 274 [15], 301 [21].
Echard, Archdeacon Laurence, History of England, 1711: p. 186 [i. 911].
Edwards, Edward, Life of Sir Walter Ralegh, 1868: p. 26 [i. 54–5].
Egerton Papers—from MSS. belonging to Lord Francis Egerton, ed. J. Payne Collier (for Camden Society), 1840: pp. 36 [94], 183 [377].
Eliot, Sir John, Monarchy of Man, MSS. Harleian, 2228, Brit. Mus. (cf. Forster's Life of Eliot [i. 34, 604]): pp. 375, 397.
Evelyn, John, Diary and Correspondence, ed. William Bray (1818–1819), 1872: p. 267 [i. 391].
Febre, Nicholas le, Discours sur le Grand Cordial de Sir Walter Ralegh, 1664: p. 266.
Flying Chudleigh, Chaplain of the, MSS. Corpus Christi, Oxford: p. 326.
Forster, John, Life of John Eliot, 1864. See Eliot.
Fortescue Papers; collected by John Packer, Secretary