Sir Walter Ralegh: A Biography. W. Stebbing

Sir Walter Ralegh: A Biography - W. Stebbing

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      —Discourse touching a War with Spain: p. 17 [viii. 304–5].

      —Instructions to his Son, and to Posterity: pp. 167 [viii. 563], 187 [viii. 558].

      —Letters: pp. 20, 42, 56, 87, 88, 92–3, 95, 103, 106, 107, 151–2, 183, 233, 237–8, 257, 262, 293, 317, 324, 329, 349–50 [viii. 627–66].

      —Match between the Lady Elizabeth and the Prince of Piedmont: p. 256 [viii. 224–36].

      —Marriage between Prince Henry and a Daughter of Savoy: p. 256 [viii. 237–52].

      —Maxims of State: p. 286 [viii. 2].

      —Orders to Commanders: p. 313 [viii. 682–8].

      —Poems: pp. 12, 56, 72–81, 102, 103, 258 [viii. 697–736].

      —Prerogative of Parliaments: pp. 148 [viii. 199], 159 [viii. 187], 178 [viii. 178], 259 [viii. 179], 285 [viii. 154], 286 [viii. 213].

      —Relation of Cadiz Action: pp. 127 [viii. 668], 131 [viii. 674].

      —Report of the Truth of the Fight about the Isle of Azores (not in Works), 1591. See Hakluyt.

      —History of the World: pp. 10 [vi. 211], 35 [vii. 789], 50 [iv. 684], 52 [v. 318], 65 [vi. 101–2], 66 [vi. 81–2], 85 [vi. 113–4], 134 [vii. 789–90], 137 [vi. 103–5], 162 [ii. 151–2], 167 [vi. 458–63], 204 [v. 210], 208 [ii. Preface, 2], 270 [vi. 83], 396 [vii. 900].

      —Lives, by Oldys and Birch. See Oldys and Birch.

      —Carew, Observation upon Sanderson's History. See Heylin.

      Record Office MSS.: pp. 343 [Dom. Cor. James I, xcviii. § 79], 357 [Dom. Cor. James I, xcix. § 74], 373 [Dom. Cor. James I, Nov. 7, 1618], 383 [Dom. Cor. James I, Oct. 5, 1619], 385 [Dom. Cor. James I, ciii. §§ 76 and 21].

      Remains of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1651 and 1656–1657. Lowndes dates 1660. (The contents of this publication—treatises and letters—are incorporated in the Oxford 1829 edition of the Works): pp. 257, 294, 317.

      Ros, Lieut.-Gen. Lord de, Memorials of the Tower of London (1866), new ed. 1867: pp. 248 [183, 193], 250 [168].

      Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (in Sonnets of Three Centuries, ed. T.H. Caine, 1883): p. 265 [170].

      Rushworth, John, Historical Collections of Private Passages of State (1659–1701). Abridged and improved, 1703: pp. 186 [i. 9], 386 [i. 9].


      St. John, James Augustus, Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1868: p. 360 [ii. 339].

      Sanderson, Sir William, A Compleat History of the Lives and Reigns of Queen Mary and King James, 1656. 'Answer to a scurrilous pamphlet entitled Observations upon a Complete History,' &c., 1656: pp. 210 [284], 297 [459–60].

      Schomburgk, Sir Robert H., Discovery of the Empire of Guiana in the year 1595, by Sir Walter Ralegh, ed. Sir R.H. Schomburgk (Hakluyt Society), 1848: pp. 110 [25–6], 113 [41], 119 [62], 121 [56–64], 307 [173], 321 [211].

      Shirley (John, or Benjamin, or James), Life of the Valiant and Learned Sir Walter Ralegh, Kt., 1677: pp. 258 [179], 273.

      Sidney, Hon. Algernon, Discourses Concerning Government (1698), 1750: pp. 274 [ii. 274], 285 [ibid.].

      Smith, Charles, M.D., County and City of Cork, 1774: pp. 38 [i. 52–6], 49 [i. 120].

      Somers, Collection of Tracts from public and private Libraries, particularly that of Lord Somers, 2nd ed. Walter Scott, 1809: pp. 219 [ii. 408–20], 376 [ii. 439–42], 382 [ii. 452–6], 387 [ii. 445–51], 389 [ii. 422–37].

      Southey, Robert, The British Admirals (Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaedia), 1837: pp. 11 [iv. 210], 55 [iv. 242], 113 [iv. 310].

      Spedding, James. See Francis Bacon.

      Spence, Rev. Joseph, D.D., Observations, Anecdotes, and Characters of Books and Men, ed. S.W. Singer (1820), 2nd ed. 1858: p. 278 [235].

      Spenser, Edmund, A View of the State of Ireland, in Ancient Irish Histories, Dublin (1633, ed. Sir James Ware), 1809: p. 17 [i. 168–9].

      Staundford (Staunford, or Stanford), Mr. Justice Sir William, Les Plees del Coron, London (1557); 1560: p. 214. See Jardine.

      Steele, Sir Richard, The Englishman, 1714: p. 269 [Aug. 11, 1611].

      Stewart, Dugald, Collected Works, ed. Sir William Hamilton, 1854–1860. A Dissertation, Part First: p. 398 [i. 78].

      —Elements of the Philosophy of the Human Mind: p. 398 [iii. 376].

      Stow, John, A Survey of London and Westminster (1598), 6th ed. 1754–1755: P. 371 [ii. 634].

      —Annales, or a Generall Chronicle of England (1580), continued by Edmond Howes (1615), 1631: p. 146 [788].

      Strype, Rev. John, Annals of the Reformation—Reign of Elizabeth—with Appendix of original State Papers (1709–31), new ed. 1824: pp. 55 [iv. 28–41], 97 [iv. 178], 98 [iv. 177], 99 [iv. 181].

      Stukely (or Stucley), Sir Lewis, Apology (MSS. Ashmolean, Bodleian Library, Oxford; copy in Stukely's own hand), Aug. 10, 1618: p. 386. [Printed in Ralegh's Works, viii. 783–5.]

      —Humble Petition and Information of Sir Lewis Stukely, &c., Nov. 26, 1618; Somers Collection, 445–451; Harleian Miscellany, 63–68; Fortescue Papers, 67: p. 387.

      Sully, Maximilien de Bethune, Duc de, Mémoires (1634), nouvelle edition, Londres, 1768: pp. 156 [iv. 37], 184 [iv. 340], 254 [iv. 295].

      Sydney, Sir Henry, 'Letters and Memorials of State (Queen Mary—Oliver), written and collected by Sir Henry Sydney,' ed. from originals at Penshurst, Arthur Collins, 1746: pp. 121 [i. 377], 132 [ii. 24], 133 [ii. 42, 55], 144 [ii. 82, 90], 146 [ii. 96, 117–18], 148 [ii. 178, 139], 151 [ii. 168–9], 160 [ii. 210].


      Tanner MSS. (Archbishop Sancroft's, at Bodleian): pp. 271 [xxv. No. 10, fol. 12], 304 [lxxiii. § 160], 368 [ccxcix. fol. 87].

      Tenison MSS., Lambeth Palace Library Catalogue: p. 69 [i. 160].

      Thoresby, Ralph, Ducatus Leodensis, or The Topography of Leeds (Musaeum Thoresbyanum), 1715: p. 49 [485].

      Timbs, John, Curiosities of London, 1855: p. 248 [796].

      Townshend, Heywood, Four Last Parliaments of Queen Elizabeth, 1680: p. 159 [232, 235].

      Tubus Historicus, or Historical Perspective (described by the publisher, T. Harper, as 'Model to the Heroic Work, The History of the World, by Sir Walter Raleigh'), 1631: p. 282.

      Tytler, Patrick Fraser, Life of Sir Walter Raleigh, 1833: p. 198 [438].


      Udal, Rev. John, Demonstration of the Truth of that Discipline which Christ hath prescribed in his Worde for the Gouernment of his Church, 1588: p. 55.


      Vere, Marshal Sir Francis, The Commentaries of Sir Francis Vere, written by Himself. Published from his manuscript by Dr. William Dillingham, 1657. Reprinted, VII. English Garner, ed. Edward Arber, 1883, pp. 57–184: pp. 134 [vii. 94], 138 [vii. 99].


      Walton, Izaak, The Complete Angler (1653), ed. Sir Harris Nicolas, 1875: pp. 78 [78].

      Welldon, Sir Anthony, Court and Character of King James the First (1651), reprinted in Secret History of the Court of James I, 1811: pp. 217

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