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Gardiner, Samuel Rawson, History of England, from the Accession of James I to the Disgrace of Chief Justice Coke, 1603–1616. 1863: pp. 190 [i. 102], 193 [i. 89], 226 [i. 58–9], 263 [i. 29–32].
—Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage, 1617–1623. 1869: pp. 238 [i. 151], 309 [i. 57–64], 324 [i. 125, 130], 332 [i. 134], 337 [i. 140].
—The Case against Sir Walter Ralegh (Fortnightly Review, vol. vii; New Series, vol. i), 1867: pp. 305 [613], 318 [602–14].
Gascoigne, George, The Glasse of Gouernment (1576), ed. W.C. Hazlitt (Roxburghe Library), 1870: p. 12 [ii. 178].
Gerard, John, Herbal, or General History of Plants, 1597, with dedication to Sir Walter Raleigh: p. 105 [546].
Gibbon, Edward, Life and Works, ed. John Lord Sheffield (1799), new ed. 1814: pp. 102 [i. 152], 281 [i. 151], 309 [i. 152–3], 398 [i. 153].
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Gifford, William, Ben Jonson's Works, with Memoir by, 1860: p. 157 [19].
Goodman, Godfrey, ex-Bishop of Gloucester, Court of King James the First, ed. John S. Brewer, 1839: pp. 195 [ii. 93–7], 381 [i. 69].
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Gosse, Edmund, Athenaeum, January 2 and 9, 1886: p. 73.
Gutch, Rev. J., Collectanea Curiosa, 1781: pp. 368 [i. 94–5], 367, 372, 373, 374, 376 [ii. 421–4].
Hailes, Lord, Secret Correspondence of Sir Robert Cecil with James VI, ed. Lord Hailes, 1766: pp. 171 [116], 174 [9], 175 [29], 176 [68], 180 [231], 182 [107], 254 [140–60, 290].
Hakluyt, Richard, Voyages, Navigations, Traffics, and Discoveries of the English Nation (1600). New ed. 1810: pp. 11 [iii. 364], 15 [iii. 186], 44 [iii. 301–6], 45 [iii. 324–40], 47 [iii. 365], 50 [iii. 366], 53 [iii. 364], 67 [ii. 169], 84 [ii. 663–70], 119 [iv. 66].
Hall, Bishop Joseph, Balm of Gilead (1660), Works, 1837: p. 279 [vii. 171].
Hallam, Henry, Constitutional History of England, Henry VII—George II (1827), 1850: pp. 183 [i. 354], 199 [i. 353], 204 [i. 354], 225 [i. 353], 285 [i. 277], 293 [i. 352–3], 303 [i. 354].
—Introduction to the Literature of Europe (1838–1839), 1847: pp. 79 [ii. 126], 277 [iii. 149].
Hampshire, History of, by Richard Warner, 1795, Woodward, Wilks, and Lockhart (undated) 209 [i. 298–302], Murray's Handbook, 5th ed. 1898: p. 209 [98–9].
Hannah, Archdeacon John, The Courtly Poets, from Raleigh to Montrose, 1870: pp. 56 [56], 73 [Introd. xiv-xv], 367 [52–3].
Harington, Sir John (Nugae Antiquae, 1804). A Brief State of the Church of England: pp. 91 [ii. 127], 101 [ii. 125], 102 [ii. 152], 143 [ii. 129], 164 [ii. 125], 194 [ii. 126], 237 [ii. 99], 273 [ii. 127].
—Letters: pp. 90 [i. 348–53], 93 [i. 362], 156 [i. 342], 171 [ibid.], 205 [i. 343], 293 [i. 348–53].
Hariot (Harriot, Heriott, or Heriot), Thomas, A Briefe and True Report of the new found Land of Virginia, February, 1587; published, London, 1588, and in Latin, by Theodore Bry at Frankfort, 1590; reprinted from the London edition by Hakluyt (iii. 324–40), 1600; new ed. of Hakluyt, 1810: pp. 45, 49.
Harleian MSS., British Museum: pp. 20 [6993, fol. 5], 21 [1644, fol. 77], 56 [6994, fol. 2], 181 [11402, fol. 88], 210, 218 [xxxix. ff. 277 et seq.], 288 [xxxix. fol. 359], 290 [xxxix. ff. 350–1], 329 [4761, ff. 23–5], 333 [7002, fol. 410].
Harleian Miscellany (from library of Edward, second Earl of Oxford), (1st ed. William Oldys, 1744–1753; 2nd ed. the late William Oldys and Thomas Park, 1808–1813): pp. 381 [iv. 62], 382 [iv. 63], 387 [iii. 63–8].
Hatfield Papers, Hatfield House: pp. 18, 102, 103, 107, 111, 112, 119, 120, 124, 126, 141, 156, 160, 164, 165, 170, 171, 174, 178, 181, 194, 201, 203, 232, 233, 242, 244, 246, 247, 249, 260, 261, 334.
Hawles, Sir John, The Magistracy and Government of England Vindicated, 1689: pp. 186, 224 [35].
Hearne, Thomas, Appendix to Preface to Chronic. Walteri Hemingford, Edw I, II, and III, 1731: pp. 372, 374 [i. 181].
Hennessy, Sir John Pope, Sir Walter Ralegh in Ireland, 1883: pp. 70 [1–3], 162 [75–9], 272 [142–3].
Heylin, Rev. Peter, D.D., 'Observation upon some particular persons and passages in a Book intitled A Compleat History of the Lives and Reigns of Queen Mary and King James, By a Lover of the Truth, 1656' (ascribed to Carew Ralegh, but queried in British Museum Catalogue as by Peter Heylin): pp. 243, 254, 281.
Historical Account of Sir Walter Raleigh's Voyages and Adventures, 1719: p. 7.
'Holinshed's Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland (1st ed. by Raphael Holinshed, 1577; 2nd ed. by Raphael Holinshed, William Harrison, and others, newlie augmented and continued to the yeare 1586 by John Hooker, alias Vowell, Gent.'—the 'supplie' by Hooker, vol. vi, 323–461—1586–1587). Reprint 1807 (to which I refer): pp. 4 [iii. 942], 15 [vi. 107], 16 [vi. 437], 18 [vi. 441–5], 38 [vi. 183], 45 [iv. 598–9].
Hooker, John, alias Vowell. See Holinshed. Also, Epistle Dedicatory, prefixed to his translation of The Irish Histories of Giraldus Cambrensis, and his Continuation of the Chronicles of Ireland, in ii. Holinshed, ed. 1587. Reprint 1807, vol. vi, pp. 101–110: pp. 1 [vi. 105–6], 3 [vi. 105], 53 [vi. 107].
Howell, Thomas Bayly (Cobbett's Complete Collection of State Trials, edited by Thomas Bayly Howell, 1809–1815; and by Thomas Jones Howell, 1815–1826): pp. 174 [ii. 48], 228 [ii. 48], 230 [ii. 47–51], 237 [ii. 50], 260 [ii. 950–1].
Howell (or Howel), James, Epistolae Ho-Elianae (1645–1655), 7th ed. 1705: pp. 49 [404], 302 [371], 303 [ibid.], 305 [369], 327 [370].
Humboldt, F.H. Alexander von, Personal Narrative of Travels (1799–1804). Translated by Helen Maria Williams, 2nd ed. 1827: p. 115 [ii. 439, 446].
Hume, David, History of England (1754–1761), new ed. 1848: pp. 120 [iv. 123], 184 [iv. 225], 225 [iv. 226].
Hutchins, John, History and Antiquities of the County of Dorset, 3rd ed. 1870: pp. 49 [iv. 279], 266 [iv. 276].
Hutchinson, Mrs. Lucy, Life of Colonel Hutchinson (1806), 3rd ed. 1810: pp. 247 [ii. 322], 347 [i. 20], 348 [i. 22, 274].
Irish Correspondence, Eliz. (Record Office): pp. 19 [lxxx. § 82], 20 [lxxxiii. § 16].
Izacke, Richard, Remarkable Antiquities of the City of Exeter (1677), enlarged by Samuel Izacke, 1724: