Sir Walter Ralegh: A Biography. W. Stebbing
David, Criminal Trials (Library of Entertaining Knowledge), 1832: pp. 152 [i. 507], 214 [i. 514–5], 218 [i. 446], 224 [i. 513–4], 303 [i. 518–9].
Jonson, Ben, Works, ed. William Gifford (1816), 1860: p. 274 [701].
King, Captain Samuel, Narrative of Sir Walter Ralegh's Motives and Opportunities for conveying himself out of the Kingdom, with the Manner in which he was betrayed, MS. 1618. (Cited by Oldys in Life; and stated by E. Edwards to be in the British Museum; but not discoverable there by Spedding): pp. 333–342.
Kingsley, Rev. Charles, Miscellanies, 1859: pp. 151 [i. 65], 204 [i. 72], 300 [i. 80], 328 [i. 104], 388 [i. 106].
Knight, Charles, London, 1842: p. 104 [ii. 175–6].
Laing, David (viii. MSS. Hawthornden, Antiqu. Society of Scotland; ii, Drummond Miscel.): p. 367 [iv. 236–8].
Lansdowne MSS., Brit. Mus.: pp. 1 [clx. fol. 311], 97 [xx. fol. 88], 99 [lxx. fol. 210], 361 [cxlii. ff. 412, &c.].
Laudonnière, René de, L'Histoire notable de la Floride, Paris, 1586. (Only six copies known to be extant): p. 43.
Leicester's Commonwealth. See Parsons.
Lingard, Rev. Dr. John, History of England (1819–1830), 6th ed. 1855: pp. 192 [vi. 208–9], 227 [viii. 131].
Lismore Papers. Notes and Diaries of Sir Richard Boyle, first Earl of Cork, ed. Dr. Alexander B. Grosart. First Series, 1886: pp. 95 [v. 242], 103 [i. 289]; Second Series, 1887: pp. 163 [ii. 157], 299 [ii. 81–2], 314 [i. 78, and ii. 85, 159], 315 [ii. 38–57], 382 [ii. 157–60].
Lloyd, David, State Worthies, 1766: pp. 55 [i. 564], 270 [i. 565], 328 [ii. 83–4].
Lodge, Edmund, Portraits of Illustrious Personages, 1824: p. 381 [ii. Portrait 12].
Loseley Manuscripts, Henry VIII—James I, ed. A.J. Kempe, 1835: pp. 295 [377–8], 298 [378–9].
Lysons, Rev. Daniel, Environs of London (1792–96), 2nd ed. 1811: p. 105 [ii. Part II, 481].
Manning, Rev. Owen, and William Bray, History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey, 1814: pp. 49 [ii. 527], 105 [iii. Append. 152], 373 [ii. 527].
Marêts, Comte des, Despatches, MSS. 1616–1617, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris: pp. 306 [ii. No. 420], 307 [ii].
Matthew, Sir Toby, Collection of Letters, 1660: pp. 189 [181], 199 [285], 219 [285], 229 [279], 237 [285].
Middlesex County Records, ed. John Cordy Jeaffreson, 1886: pp. 13 [i. 110–11], 40 [i. 149].
Monson, Sir William, Narrative of the Principal Naval Expeditions of English Fleets, 1588–1603 (MSS. Cotton. Titus, B. viii, ff. 127 et seq. Brit. Mus.). Printed by Sir Henry Ellis in xxxiv. Archaeologia, 296–349, as by an anonymous writer 'closely connected with Sir William Monson, if he was not Sir William himself'; and as Sir William Monson's Naval Tracts, in iii. Churchill's Collection of Voyages and Travels, 3rd ed. 1745, pp. 147–508: pp. 71 [iii. 164], 99 [iii. 165], 125 [iii. 167], 127 [iii. 169], 129 [iii. 170], 131 [iii. 172], 136 [iii. 173], 138 [iii. 173, but cf. xxxiv. Archaeol. 324].
Moore, Rev. Thomas, History of Devonshire, 1829: p. 6.
Napier, Macvey, Lord Bacon and Sir Waller Raleigh, 1853: pp. 208 [223], 270 [206].
Naunton, Sir Robert, Fragmenta Regalia, or, Observations on the late Queen Elizabeth, her Times and Favourites (1641); reprinted Harl. Miscel. ii. 81–108: pp. 16 [ii. 100], 22 [ii. 100], 35 [ii. 101], 109 [ii. 100].
Newes of Sir Walter Rauleigh from the River of Caliana. At the Bell without Newgate, 1618: p. 317.
Nicolas, Sir Nicolas Harris, Life and Times of Sir Christopher Hatton, 1846: pp. 57 [323], 60 [415].
Notes and Queries, Second Series, vol. viii, pp. 64 [107], 247 [107]; Third Series, vol. v, pp. 16 [351], 21 [351]; Fourth Series, vol. v, p. 299 [91], and vol. ix, p. 333 [239]; Fifth Series, vol. viii, p. 5 [515]. See also Collier.
Observation upon a Book, &c. See Heylin.
Oldys, William, Life of Sir Walter Ralegh (1735); new ed. prefixed to Oxford edition of Ralegh's Works, 1829: pp. 12 [i. 23], 55 [i. 115], 260 [i. 416], 265 [i. 372, 415, 447], 266 [i. 413, 415], 267 [i. 447], 268 [i. 441–2], 295 [i. 468], 299 [i. 472–3], 301 [i. 479], 375 [i 563].
—Manuscript notes to Gerard Langbaine's Account of the English Dramatic Poets, 1691, in Brit. Mus. copy of Langbaine: p. 301 [ii. 612].
Osborn, Francis, Traditional Memoirs on the Reign of King James (1658). Reprinted in Secret History of James I, 1811: pp. 180 [379], 230 [384], 258 [413], 280 [387], 296 [382], 368 [382].
Overbury, Sir Thomas, Trial of Sir Walter Ralegh; MSS. Cotton. Titus, C. 7, Brit. Mus.; MSS. Harleian, xxxix; ii. Somers Collect.: pp. 219, 221 [ii. 408–20].
Oxford, Register of the University of, ed. Rev. Andrew Clark, 1887–1889: pp. 8 [ii. Part II, 40], 300 [ii. Part II, 297], 381 [ii. Part II. 386].
Parsons (or Persons), Rev. Robert (alias R. Doleman the Jesuit), Per D. Andraeam Philopatrum ad idem (i.e. Elizabethae Reginae Edictum, Nov. 29, 1592) Responsio, Lyons, 1592: p. 106.
—Leicester's Commonwealth, 'by Robert Parsons, Jesuite, London, 1641' (according to Lowndes, and the Dictionary of National Biography, falsely attributed to him. Reprinted IV. Harleian Miscellany, 576–583. Originally printed abroad as early as 1584): p. 33.
Physicians, Roll of Royal College of, ed. William Munk, M.D.; 2nd ed. 1878: p. 328 [i. 166].
Pinkerton, John, Letters of Literature, by Robert Heron, 1785: p. 283 [213–16].
Pole, Sir William, 'Collections towards a Description of the County of Devon (made by or before 1635). Now first printed by Sir J.W. de la Pole,' 1791: pp. 1 [119], 101 [162–3].
Polwhele, Rev. Richard, History of Devonshire, 1797: pp. 1 [i. 267], 2 [ii. 219], 101 [ii. 219].
Pope, Alexander, Works, ed. William Roscoe, 1824: pp. 164 [viii. 411–18], 278 [vi. 273].
Preston, Thomas, Yeomen of the Guard, 1485–1885. 1886: pp. 35 [11], 108 [11].
Prince, Rev. John, The Worthies of Devon (1710), 2nd ed. 1810: p. 2.
Privy Council, 'Acts of the Privy Council of England; New Series (vols. i-xvi), 1542–1580,' ed. John Roche Dasent, 1890–1897: pp. 13 [xi. 384, 388–9, 421], 15 [xi. 143].
Privy Council Register, Elizabeth—James I: pp. 51 [ii. 57], 331 [iii. 175], 332 [iii. 233]. 335 [iii. 474–5]. 351 [iii. 510–12].
Purchas, Rev. Samuel, Purchas his Pilgrimes (or Purchas his Pilgrimage), 1613–1625: pp. 136, 138, 139, 140, 291 [iv. 1938–1969, and 1267].
Puttenham, George, The Arte of English Poesie (1589). Reprinted 1811: p. 77 [ii. 236].
Ralegh, Sir Walter, The Works of Sir Walter Ralegh, Kt., now first collected, with the Lives by Oldys and Birch. Oxford University Press, 1829.
—Apology for his Voyage to Guiana, first printed 1650, and generally annexed to his Select Essays, also published in 1650. Reprinted with the same essays, 1667. In the Oxford ed. of Works, viii.