La sal y el Estado colombiano. M Joshua Rosenthal

La sal y el Estado colombiano - M Joshua Rosenthal

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2006); Lina Del Castillo, “The Science of Nation Building: A History of Geographic Sciences in Colombia, 1821-1921” (disertación doctoral, Universidad de Miami, 2007); y Meri Linnea Clark, “Education for a Moral Republic: Schools, Reforms, and Conflict in Colombia, 1780-1845” (disertación doctoral, Universidad de Princeton, 2003). También véase Jeremy Adelman, “Unfinished States: Historical Perspectives on the Andes”, en State and Society in Conflict: Comparative Perspectives on Andean Crises, eds. Paul W. Drake y Eric Hershberg (Pittsburgh, Pensilvania: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006); y Cecilia Méndez, The Plebeian Republic: The Huanta Rebellion and the Making of the Peruvian State, 1820-1850 (Durham: Duke University Press, 2005).