Collins GEM English Thesaurus. Collins Dictionaries

Collins GEM English Thesaurus - Collins Dictionaries

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168 B.C. Quatre Bras 1815 Ramillies 1706 Roncesvalles 778 Sadowa or Sadová 1866 Saint-Mihiel 1918 Salamis 480 B.C. San Carlos 1982 Sedgemoor 1685 Sempach 1386 Shiloh 1862 Shipka Pass 1877-78 Somme 1916; 1918 Stalingrad 1941-42 Stamford Bridge 1066 Stirling Bridge 1297 Tannenberg 1410; 1914 Tet Offensive 1968 Tewkesbury 1471 Thermopylae 480 B.C. Tobruk 1941; 1942 Trafalgar 1805 Trenton 1776 Verdun 1916 Vitoria 1813 Wagram 1809 Waterloo 1815 Ypres 1914; 1915; 1917; 1918 Zama 202 B.C.
USAGE The phrase on account of can provide a useful alternative to because of in writing. It occurs relatively infrequently in spoken language, where it is sometimes followed by a clause, as in on account of I don't drink coffee. However, this use is considered nonstandard.

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