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decoy ▸ VERB = tease, annoy, irritate, bother, mock, wind up (Brit. slang), hound, tormentbaked ADJECTIVE = dry, desert, seared, scorched, barren, sterile, arid, torridbakkie NOUN (S. African) = truck, pick-up, van, lorry, pick-up truckbalance VERB 1 = stabilize, level, steady ◼ OPPOSITE: overbalance 2 = weigh, consider, compare, estimate, contrast, assess, evaluate, set against 3 = calculate, total, determine, estimate, settle, count, square, reckon ▸ NOUN 1 = equilibrium, stability, steadiness, evenness ◼ OPPOSITE: instability 2 = stability, equanimity, steadiness 3 = parity, equity, fairness, impartiality, equality, correspondence, equivalence 4 = remainder, rest, difference, surplus, residue 5 = composure, stability, restraint, self-control, poise, self-discipline, equanimity, self-restraintbalcony NOUN 1 = terrace, veranda 2 = upper circle, gods, gallerybald ADJECTIVE 1 = hairless, depilated, baldheaded 2 = plain, direct, frank, straightforward, blunt, rude, forthright, unadornedball NOUN = sphere, drop, globe, pellet, orb, globule, spheroidballoon VERB = expand, rise, increase, swell, blow up, inflate, bulge, billowballot NOUN = vote, election, voting, poll, polling, referendum, show of handsban VERB 1 = prohibit, bar, block, veto, forbid, boycott, outlaw, banish ◼ OPPOSITE: permit 2 = bar, prohibit, exclude, forbid, disqualify, preclude, debar, declare ineligible ▸ NOUN = prohibition, restriction, veto, boycott, embargo, injunction, taboo, disqualification, rahui (N.Z.), restraining order (U.S., Law) ◼ OPPOSITE: permissionband1 NOUN 1 = ensemble, group, orchestra, combo 2 = gang, company, group, party, team, body, crowd, packband2 NOUN = headband, strip, ribbonbandage NOUN = dressing, plaster, compress, gauze ▸ VERB = dress, cover, bind, swathebandit NOUN = robber, outlaw, raider, plunderer, mugger (informal), looter, highwayman or woman, desperadobang NOUN 1 = explosion, pop, clash, crack, blast, slam, discharge, thump 2 = blow, knock, stroke, punch, bump, sock (slang), smack, thump ▸ VERB 1 = resound, boom, explode, thunder, thump, clang 2 = bump, knock, elbow, jostle 3 (often with on) = hit, strike, knock, belt (informal), slam, thump, clatter, beat or knock seven bells out of (informal) ▸ ADVERB = exactly, straight, square, squarely, precisely, slap, smack (informal), plumb (informal)banish VERB 1 = exclude, ban, dismiss, expel, throw out, eject, evict 2 = expel, exile, outlaw, deport ◼ OPPOSITE: admit 3 = get rid of, removebank1 NOUN 1 = financial institution, repository, depository 2 = store, fund, stock, source, supply, reserve, pool, reservoir ▸ VERB = deposit, keep, savebank2 NOUN 1 = side, edge, margin, shore, brink 2 = mound, banking, rise, hill, mass, pile, heap, ridge, kopje or koppie (S. African) ▸ VERB = tilt, tip, pitch, heel, slope, incline, slant, cantbank3 NOUN = row, group, line, range, series, file, rank, sequencebankrupt ADJECTIVE = insolvent, broke (informal), ruined, wiped out (informal), impoverished, in the red, destitute, gone bust (informal) ◼ OPPOSITE: solventbankruptcy NOUN = insolvency, failure, disaster, ruin, liquidationbanner NOUN 1 = flag, standard, colours, pennant, ensign, streamer 2 = placardbanquet NOUN = feast, spread (informal), dinner, meal, revel, repast, hakari (N.Z.)bar NOUN 1 = public house, pub (informal, chiefly Brit.), counter, inn, saloon, tavern, canteen, watering hole (facetious, slang), beer parlour (Canad.) 2 = rod, staff, stick, stake, rail, pole, paling, shaft 3 = obstacle, block, barrier, hurdle, hitch, barricade, snag, deterrent ◼ OPPOSITE: aid ▸ VERB 1 = lock, block, secure, attach, bolt, blockade, barricade, fortify 2 = block, restrict, restrain, hamper, thwart, hinder, obstruct, impede 3 = exclude, ban, forbid, prohibit, keep out of, disallow, shut out of, blackball ◼ OPPOSITE: admitbarbarian NOUN 1 = savage, monster, beast, brute, yahoo, swine, sadist 2 = lout, yahoo, bigot, philistine, hoon (Austral. & N.Z. informal), cougan (Austral. slang), scozza (Austral. slang), bogan (Austral. slang), boor, vulgarianbare ADJECTIVE 1 = naked, nude, stripped, uncovered, undressed, unclothed, unclad, without a stitch on (informal) ◼ OPPOSITE: dressed 2 = simple, spare, stark, austere, spartan, unadorned, unembellished, unornamented, bare-bones ◼ OPPOSITE: adorned 3 = plain, simple, basic, obvious, sheer, patent, evident, starkbarely ADVERB = only just, just, hardly, scarcely, at a push ◼ OPPOSITE: completelybargain NOUN 1 = good buy, discount purchase, good deal, steal (informal), snip (informal), giveaway, cheap purchase 2 = agreement, deal (informal), promise, contract, arrangement, settlement, pledge, pact ▸ VERB = negotiate, deal, contract, mediate, covenant, stipulate, transact, cut a dealbarge NOUN = canal boat, lighter, narrow boat, flatboatbark1 VERB = yap, bay, howl, snarl, growl, yelp, woof ▸ NOUN = yap, bay, howl, snarl, growl, yelp, woofbark2 NOUN = covering, casing, cover, skin, layer, crust, cortex (Anatomy, Botany), rindbarracks PLURAL NOUN = camp, quarters, garrison, encampment, billetbarrage NOUN 1 = bombardment, attack, bombing, assault, shelling, battery, volley, blitz 2 = torrent, mass, burst, stream, hail, spate, onslaught, delugebarren ADJECTIVE 1 = desolate, empty, desert, waste 2 = infertile, sterile, unproductivebarricade NOUN = barrier, wall, fence, blockade, obstruction, rampart, bulwark, palisade ▸ VERB = bar, block, defend, secure, lock, bolt, blockade, fortifybarrier NOUN = barricade, wall, bar, fence, boundary, obstacle, blockade, obstructionbase1 NOUN 1 = bottom, floor, lowest part ◼ OPPOSITE: top 2 = support, stand, foot, rest, bed, bottom, foundation, pedestal 3 = foundation, institution, organization, establishment, starting point 4 = centre, post, station, camp, settlement, headquarters 5 = home, house, pad (slang, old-fashioned), residence 6 = essence, source, basis, root, core ▸ VERB 1 = ground, found, build, establish, depend, construct, derive, hinge 2 = place, set, post, station, establish, locate, installbase2 ADJECTIVE = dishonourable, evil, disgraceful, shameful, immoral, wicked, sordid, despicable, scungy (Austral. & N.Z.) ◼ OPPOSITE: honourablebash VERB = hit, beat, strike, knock, smash, belt (informal), slap, sock (slang)basic ADJECTIVE 1 = fundamental, main, essential, primary, vital, principal, cardinal, elementary 2 = vital, needed, important, key, necessary, essential, primary, crucial (informal) 3 = essential, key, vital, fundamental ◼ OPPOSITE: secondary 4 = main, key, essential, primary 5 = plain, simple, classic, unfussy, unembellished, bare-bones, lo-fi ▸ PLURAL NOUN = essentials, principles, fundamentals, nuts and bolts (informal), nitty-gritty (informal), rudiments, brass tacks (informal)basically ADVERB = essentially, mainly, mostly, principally, fundamentally, primarily, at heart, inherentlybasis NOUN 1 = arrangement, way, system, footing, agreement 2 = foundation, support, base, ground, footing, bottom, groundworkbask VERB = lie, relax, lounge, sprawl, loaf, lie about, swim in, sunbathe, outspan (S. African)bass ADJECTIVE = deep, low, resonant, sonorous, low-pitched, deep-tonedbat