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◼ OPPOSITE: reluctant 2 = uneasy, concerned, worried, troubled, nervous, uncomfortable, tense, fearful ◼ OPPOSITE: confidentapart ADVERB 1 = to pieces, to bits, asunder (literary) 2 = away from each other, distant from each other 3 = aside, away, alone, isolated, to one side, by yourself ● apart from = except for, excepting, other than, excluding, besides, not including, aside from, butapartment NOUN 1 = flat, room, suite, penthouse, duplex (U.S. & Canad.), crib, bachelor apartment (Canad.) 2 = rooms, quarters, accommodation, living quartersapathy NOUN = lack of interest, indifference, inertia, coolness, passivity, nonchalance, torpor, unconcern ◼ OPPOSITE: interestapiece ADVERB = each, individually, separately, for each, to each, respectively, from each ◼ OPPOSITE: all togetherapologize VERB = say sorry, express regret, ask forgiveness, make an apology, beg pardonapology NOUN = regret, explanation, excuse, confession ● an apology for something or someone = mockery of, excuse for, imitation of, caricature of, travesty of, poor substitute forappal VERB = horrify, shock, alarm, frighten, outrage, disgust, dishearten, revoltappalling ADJECTIVE 1 = horrifying, shocking (informal), alarming, awful, terrifying, horrible, dreadful, fearful (informal) ◼ OPPOSITE: reassuring 2 = awful, dreadful, horrendousapparatus NOUN 1 = organization, system, network, structure, bureaucracy, hierarchy, setup (informal), chain of command 2 = equipment, tackle, gear, device, tools, mechanism, machinery, applianceapparent ADJECTIVE 1 = seeming, outward, superficial, ostensible ◼ OPPOSITE: actual 2 = obvious, marked, visible, evident, distinct, manifest, noticeable, unmistakable ◼ OPPOSITE: unclearapparently ADVERB = seemingly, outwardly, ostensiblyappeal VERB = plead, ask, request, pray, beg, entreat ◼ OPPOSITE: refuse ▸ NOUN 1 = plea, call, application, request, prayer, petition, overture, entreaty ◼ OPPOSITE: refusal 2 = attraction, charm, fascination, beauty, allure ◼ OPPOSITE: repulsiveness ● appeal to someone = attract, interest, draw (informal), please, charm, fascinate, tempt, lureappealing ADJECTIVE = attractive, engaging, charming, desirable, alluring, winsome ◼ OPPOSITE: repellentappear VERB 1 = look (like or as if), seem, occur, look to be, come across as, strike you as 2 = come into view, emerge, occur, surface, come out, turn up, be present, show up (informal) ◼ OPPOSITE: disappearappearance NOUN 1 = look, form, figure, looks, manner, expression, demeanour, mien (literary) 2 = arrival, presence, introduction, emergence 3 = impression, air, front, image, illusion, guise, façade, pretenceappease VERB 1 = pacify, satisfy, calm, soothe, quiet, placate, mollify, conciliate ◼ OPPOSITE: anger 2 = ease, calm, relieve, soothe, alleviate, allayappendix NOUN = supplement, postscript, adjunct, appendage, addendum, additionappetite NOUN 1 = hunger 2 = desire, liking, longing, demand, taste, passion, stomach, hunger ◼ OPPOSITE: distasteapplaud VERB 1 = clap, encourage, praise, cheer, acclaim ◼ OPPOSITE: boo 2 = praise, celebrate, approve, acclaim, compliment, salute, commend, extol ◼ OPPOSITE: criticizeapplause NOUN = ovation, praise, cheers, approval, clapping, accolade, big handappliance NOUN = device, machine, tool, instrument, implement, mechanism, apparatus, gadgetapplicable ADJECTIVE = appropriate, fitting, useful, suitable, relevant, apt, pertinent ◼ OPPOSITE: inappropriateapplicant NOUN = candidate, claimant, inquirerapplication NOUN 1 = request, claim, appeal, inquiry, petition, requisition 2 = effort, work, industry, trouble, struggle, pains, commitment, hard work 3 = program, package, software, app (informal), killer application or killer appapply VERB 1 = request, appeal, put in, petition, inquire, claim, requisition 2 = be relevant, relate, refer, be fitting, be appropriate, fit, pertain, be applicable 3 = use, exercise, carry out, employ, implement, practise, exert, enact 4 = put on, work in, cover with, lay on, paint on, spread on, rub in, smear on ● apply yourself = work hard, concentrate, try, commit yourself, buckle down (informal), devote yourself, be diligent, dedicate yourselfappoint VERB 1 = assign, name, choose, commission, select, elect, delegate, nominate ◼ OPPOSITE: fire 2 = decide, set, choose, establish, fix, arrange, assign, designate ◼ OPPOSITE: cancelappointed ADJECTIVE 1 = decided, set, chosen, established, fixed, arranged, assigned, designated 2 = assigned, named, chosen, selected, elected, delegated, nominated 3 = equipped, provided, supplied, furnished, fitted outappointment NOUN 1 = selection, naming, election, choice, nomination, assignment 2 = job, office, position, post, situation, place, employment, assignment 3 = meeting, interview, date, arrangement, engagement, fixture, rendezvous, assignationappraisal NOUN = assessment, opinion, estimate, judgment, evaluation, estimationappreciate VERB 1 = enjoy, like, value, respect, prize, admire, treasure, rate highly ◼ OPPOSITE: scorn 2 = be aware of, understand, realize, recognize, perceive, take account of, be sensitive to, sympathize with ◼ OPPOSITE: be unaware of 3 = be grateful for, be obliged for, be thankful for, give thanks for, be indebted for, be in debt for, be appreciative of ◼ OPPOSITE: be ungrateful for 4 = increase, rise, grow, gain, improve, enhance, soar ◼ OPPOSITE: fallappreciation NOUN 1 = admiration, enjoyment 2 = gratitude, thanks, recognition, obligation, acknowledgment, indebtedness, thankfulness, gratefulness ◼ OPPOSITE: ingratitude 3 = awareness, understanding, recognition, perception, sympathy, consciousness, sensitivity, realization ◼ OPPOSITE: ignorance 4 = increase, rise, gain, growth, improvement, escalation, enhancement ◼ OPPOSITE: fallapprehension NOUN 1 = anxiety, concern, fear, worry, alarm, suspicion, dread, trepidation (formal) ◼ OPPOSITE: confidence 2 = arrest, catching, capture, taking, seizure ◼ OPPOSITE: release 3 = awareness, understanding, perception, grasp, comprehension ◼ OPPOSITE: incomprehensionapprentice NOUN = trainee, student, pupil, novice, beginner, learner, probationer ◼ OPPOSITE: masterapproach VERB 1 = move towards, reach, near, come close, come near, draw near 2 = make a proposal to, speak to, apply to, appeal to, proposition, solicit, sound out, make overtures to 3 = set about, tackle, undertake, embark on, get down to, launch into, begin work on, commence on ▸ NOUN 1 = advance, coming, nearing, appearance, arrival, drawing near 2 = access, way, drive, road, passage, entrance, avenue, passageway 3 (often plural) = proposal, offer, appeal, advance, application, invitation, proposition, overture 4 = way, means, style, method, technique, mannerappropriate ADJECTIVE = suitable, fitting, relevant, to the point, apt, pertinent, befitting, well-suited ◼ OPPOSITE: unsuitable ▸ VERB 1 = seize, claim, acquire, confiscate, usurp, impound, commandeer, take possession of ◼ OPPOSITE: relinquish 2 = allocate, allow, budget, devote, assign, designate, set aside, earmark ◼ OPPOSITE: withhold 3 = steal, take, nick (slang, chiefly Brit.), pocket, pinch (informal), lift (informal), embezzle, pilferapproval NOUN 1 = consent, agreement, sanction, blessing, permission, recommendation, endorsement, assent 2 = favour, respect, praise, esteem, acclaim, appreciation,
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