Collins GEM English Thesaurus. Collins Dictionaries
of date, unfashionable, outmoded, passé ◼ OPPOSITE: up-to-dateand CONJUNCTION 1 = also, including, along with, together with, in addition to, as well as 2 = moreover, plus, furthermore
USAGE The forms try and do something and wait and do something should only be used in informal or spoken English. In more formal writing, use try to and wait to, for example: we must try to prevent this happening (not try and prevent). |
anecdote NOUN = story, tale, sketch, short story, yarn (informal), reminiscence, urban myth, urban legendangel NOUN 1 = divine messenger, cherub, archangel, seraph 2 = dear, beauty, saint, treasure, darling, jewel, gem, paragonanger NOUN = rage, outrage, temper, fury, resentment, wrath, annoyance, ire ◼ OPPOSITE: calmness ▸ VERB = enrage, outrage, annoy, infuriate, incense, gall, madden, exasperate ◼ OPPOSITE: sootheangle NOUN 1 = gradient, bank, slope, incline, inclination 2 = intersection, point, edge, corner, bend, elbow, crook, nook 3 = point of view, position, approach, direction, aspect, perspective, outlook, viewpointangry ADJECTIVE = furious, cross, mad (informal), outraged, annoyed, infuriated, incensed, enraged, tooshie (Austral. slang), off the air (Austral. slang), aerated ◼ OPPOSITE: calm
USAGE Some people feel it is more correct to talk about being angry with someone than being angry at them. In British English, angry with is still more common than angry at, but angry at is used more commonly in American English. |
angst NOUN = anxiety, worry, unease, apprehension ◼ OPPOSITE: peace of mindanguish NOUN = suffering, pain, distress, grief, misery, agony, torment, sorrowanimal NOUN 1 = creature, beast, brute 2 = brute, devil, monster, savage, beast, villain, barbarian ▸ ADJECTIVE = physical, gross, bodily, sensual, carnal, brutish, bestial, animalistic • see Amphibians, Bats, Birds, Carnivores, Dinosaurs, Fish, Insects, Invertebrates, Marsupials, Monkeys, apes and other primates, Reptiles, Rodents, Sea mammalsanimate ADJECTIVE = living, live, moving, alive, breathing, alive and kicking ▸ VERB = enliven, excite, inspire, move, fire, stimulate, energize, kindle ◼ OPPOSITE: inhibitanimated ADJECTIVE = lively, spirited, excited, enthusiastic, passionate, energetic, ebullient, vivacious ◼ OPPOSITE: listlessanimation NOUN = liveliness, energy, spirit, passion, enthusiasm, excitement, verve, zestannounce VERB = make known, tell, report, reveal, declare, advertise, broadcast, disclose, post, tweet ◼ OPPOSITE: keep secretannouncement NOUN 1 = statement, communication, broadcast, declaration, advertisement, bulletin, communiqué, proclamation 2 = declaration, report, reporting, revelation, proclamationannoy VERB = irritate, trouble, anger, bother, disturb, plague, hassle (informal), madden, hack you off (informal) ◼ OPPOSITE: sootheannoying ADJECTIVE = irritating, disturbing, troublesome, maddening, exasperating ◼ OPPOSITE: delightfulannual ADJECTIVE 1 = once a year, yearly 2 = yearlong, yearlyannually ADVERB 1 = once a year, yearly, every year, per year, by the year, every twelve months, per annum 2 = per year, yearly, every year, by the year, per annumanomaly NOUN = irregularity, exception, abnormality, inconsistency, eccentricity, oddity, peculiarity, incongruityanonymous ADJECTIVE 1 = unnamed, unknown, unidentified, nameless, unacknowledged, incognito ◼ OPPOSITE: identified 2 = unsigned, uncredited, unattributed ◼ OPPOSITE: signedanswer VERB = reply, explain, respond, resolve, react, return, retort ◼ OPPOSITE: ask ▸ NOUN 1 = reply, response, reaction, explanation, comeback, retort, return, defence ◼ OPPOSITE: question 2 = solution, resolution, explanation 3 = remedy, solutionant
Ants, bees, and wasps
Amazon ant |
ant or (archaic or dialect) emmet |
army ant or legionary ant |
bee |
blue ant (Austral.) |
bulldog ant, bull ant, or (Austral.) bull Joe |
bumblebee or humblebee |
carpenter bee |
cicada hunter (Austral.) |
cuckoo bee |
digger wasp |
driver ant |
flower wasp (Austral.) |
gall wasp |
honeybee or hive bee |
honeypot ant or honey ant (Austral.) |
horntail or wood wasp |
ichneumon fly or ichneumon wasp |
killer bee |
kootchar (Austral.) |
leafcutter ant |
leafcutter bee |
mason bee |
mason wasp |
minga (Austral.) |
mining bee |
mud dauber |
native bee or sugarbag fly (Austral.) |
Pharaoh ant |
policeman fly (Austral.) |
ruby-tail wasp |
sand wasp |
Sirex wasp (Austral.) |
slave ant |
spider-hunting wasp |
termite or white ant |
velvet ant |
wasp |
wood ant |
yellow jacket (U.S. & Canad.) |
anthem NOUN = song of praise, carol, chant, hymn, psalm, paean, chorale, canticleanthology NOUN = collection, selection, treasury, compilation, compendium, miscellanyanticipate VERB 1 = expect, predict, prepare for, hope for, envisage, foresee, bank on, foretell 2 = await, look forward to, count the hours untilanticipation NOUN = expectancy, expectation, foresight, premonition, prescience, forethoughtantics PLURAL NOUN = clowning, tricks, mischief, pranks, escapades, playfulness, horseplay, tomfooleryantique NOUN = period piece, relic, bygone, heirloom, collector's item, museum piece ▸ ADJECTIVE = vintage, classic, antiquarian, oldenanxiety NOUN = uneasiness, concern, worry, doubt, tension, angst, apprehension, misgiving ◼ OPPOSITE: confidenceanxious ADJECTIVE 1