Collins GEM English Thesaurus. Collins Dictionaries
= thing, piece, unit, item, object, device, tool, implement 3 = clause, point, part, section, item, passage, portion, paragrapharticulate ADJECTIVE = expressive, clear, coherent, fluent, eloquent, lucid ◼ OPPOSITE: incoherent ▸ VERB 1 = express, say, state, word, declare, phrase, communicate, utter 2 = pronounce, say, talk, speak, voice, utter, enunciateartificial ADJECTIVE 1 = synthetic, manufactured, plastic (slang), man-made, non-natural 2 = insincere, forced, affected, phoney or phony (informal), false, contrived, unnatural, feigned ◼ OPPOSITE: genuine 3 = fake, mock, imitation, bogus, simulated, sham, counterfeit ◼ OPPOSITE: authenticartillery NOUN = big guns, battery, cannon, ordnance, gunneryartistic ADJECTIVE 1 = creative, cultured, original, sophisticated, refined, aesthetic, discerning, eloquent ◼ OPPOSITE: untalented 2 = beautiful, creative, elegant, stylish, aesthetic, tasteful ◼ OPPOSITE: unattractive
1 = when, while, just as, at the time that 2 = in the way that, like, in the manner that 3 = since, because, seeing that, considering that, on account of the fact that ▸ PREPOSITION = in the role of, being, under the name of, in the character ofashamed ADJECTIVE 1 = embarrassed, sorry, guilty, distressed, humiliated, self-conscious, red-faced, mortified ◼ OPPOSITE: proud 2 = reluctant, embarrassedashore ADVERB = on land, on the beach, on the shore, aground, to the shore, on dry land, shorewards, landwardsaside ADVERB = to one side, separately, apart, beside, out of the way, on one side, to the side ▸ NOUN = interpolation, parenthesisask VERB 1 = inquire, question, quiz, query, interrogate ◼ OPPOSITE: answer 2 = request, appeal to, plead with, demand, beg 3 = invite, bid, summonasleep ADJECTIVE = sleeping, napping, dormant, dozing, slumbering, snoozing (informal), fast asleep, sound asleepaspect NOUN 1 = feature, side, factor, angle, characteristic, facet 2 = position, view, situation, scene, prospect, point of view, outlook 3 = appearance, look, air, condition, quality, bearing, attitude, castaspiration NOUN = aim, plan, hope, goal, dream, wish, desire, objectiveaspire to VERB = aim for, desire, hope for, long for, seek out, wish for, dream about, set your heart onass NOUN 1 = donkey, moke (slang) 2 = fool, idiot, twit (informal, chiefly Brit.), oaf, jackass, blockhead, dorba or dorb (Austral. slang)assassin NOUN = murderer, killer, slayer, liquidator, executioner, hitman or woman (slang), hatchet man or woman or person (slang)assassinate VERB = murder, kill, eliminate (slang), take out (slang), terminate, hit (slang), slay, liquidateassault NOUN = attack, raid, invasion, charge, offensive, onslaught, foray ◼ OPPOSITE: defence ▸ VERB = strike, attack, beat, knock, bang, slap, smack, thumpassemble VERB 1 = gather, meet, collect, rally, come together, muster, congregate ◼ OPPOSITE: scatter 2 = bring together, collect, gather, rally, come together, muster, amass, congregate 3 = put together, join, set up, build up, connect, construct, piece together, fabricate ◼ OPPOSITE: take apartassembly NOUN 1 = gathering, group, meeting, council, conference, crowd, congress, collection, hui (N.Z.), runanga (N.Z.) 2 = putting together, setting up, construction, building up, connecting, piecing togetherassert VERB 1 = state, argue, maintain, declare, swear, pronounce, affirm, profess ◼ OPPOSITE: deny 2 = insist upon, stress, defend, uphold, put forward, press, stand up for ◼ OPPOSITE: retract ● assert yourself = be forceful, put your foot down (informal), put yourself forward, make your presence felt, exert your influenceassertion NOUN 1 = statement, claim, declaration, pronouncement 2 = insistence, stressing, maintenanceassertive ADJECTIVE = confident, positive, aggressive, forceful, emphatic, insistent, feisty (informal), pushy (informal) ◼ OPPOSITE: meekassess VERB 1 = judge, estimate, analyse, evaluate, rate, value, check out, weigh up 2 = evaluate, rate, tax, value, estimate, fix, impose, levyassessment NOUN 1 = judgment, analysis, evaluation, valuation, appraisal, rating, opinion, estimate 2 = evaluation, rating, charge, fee, toll, levy, valuationasset NOUN = benefit, help, service, aid, advantage, strength, resource, attraction ◼ OPPOSITE: disadvantageassign VERB 1 = give, set, grant, allocate, give out, consign, allot, apportion 2 = select for, post, commission, elect, appoint, delegate, nominate, name 3 = attribute, credit, put down, set down, ascribe, accreditassignment NOUN = task, job, position, post, commission, exercise, responsibility, dutyassist VERB 1 = help, support, aid, cooperate with, abet, lend a helping hand to 2 = facilitate, help, further, serve, aid, forward, speed up ◼ OPPOSITE: hinderassistance NOUN = help, backing, support, aid, cooperation, helping hand ◼ OPPOSITE: hindranceassistant NOUN = helper, ally, colleague, supporter, aide, second, attendant, accompliceassociate VERB 1 = connect, link, ally, identify, join, combine, attach, fasten ◼ OPPOSITE: separate 2 = socialize, mix, accompany, mingle, consort, hobnob ◼ OPPOSITE: avoid ▸ NOUN = partner, friend, ally, colleague, mate (informal), companion, comrade, affiliate, cobber (Austral. & N.Z. old-fashioned, informal), E hoa (N.Z.)association NOUN 1 = group, club, society, league, band, set, pack, collection, social network (Computing) 2 = connection, union, joining, pairing, combination, mixture, blend, juxtapositionassorted ADJECTIVE = various, different, mixed, varied, diverse, miscellaneous, sundry, motley ◼ OPPOSITE: similarassume VERB 1 = presume, think, believe, expect, suppose, imagine, fancy, take for granted ◼ OPPOSITE: know 2 = take on, accept, shoulder, take over, put on, enter upon 3 = simulate, affect, adopt, put on, imitate, mimic, feign, impersonate 4 = take over, take, appropriate, seize, commandeer ◼ OPPOSITE: give upassumed ADJECTIVE = false, made-up, fake, bogus, counterfeit, fictitious, make-believe ◼ OPPOSITE: realassumption NOUN 1 = presumption, belief, guess, hypothesis, inference, conjecture, surmise, supposition 2 = taking on, managing, handling, shouldering, putting on, taking up, takeover, acquisition 3 = seizure, taking, takeover, acquisition, appropriation, wresting, confiscation, commandeeringassurance NOUN 1 = promise, statement, guarantee, commitment, pledge, vow, declaration, assertion ◼ OPPOSITE: lie 2 = confidence, conviction, certainty, self-confidence, poise, faith, nerve, aplomb ◼ OPPOSITE: self-doubtassure VERB 1 = convince, encourage, persuade, satisfy, comfort, reassure, hearten, embolden 2 = make certain, ensure, confirm, guarantee, secure, make sure, complete, seal 3 = promise to, pledge to, vow to, guarantee to, swear to, confirm to, certify to, give your word toassured ADJECTIVE 1 = confident, certain, positive, poised, fearless, self-confident, self-assured, dauntless ◼ OPPOSITE: self-conscious 2 = certain, sure, ensured, confirmed, settled, guaranteed, fixed, secure, nailed-on (slang) ◼ OPPOSITE: doubtfulastonish VERB = amaze, surprise, stun, stagger, bewilder, astound, daze, confoundastounding ADJECTIVE = amazing, surprising, brilliant, impressive, astonishing, staggering, sensational (informal), bewilderingastute ADJECTIVE = intelligent, sharp, clever, subtle, shrewd, cunning, canny, perceptiveasylum NOUN 1 = refuge,