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harbour 2 = psychiatric hospital, hospital, institutionathlete NOUN = sportsperson, player, runner, competitor, sportsman, contestant, gymnast, sportswomanathletic ADJECTIVE = fit, strong, powerful, healthy, active, trim, strapping, energetic ◼ OPPOSITE: feebleathletics PLURAL NOUN = sports, games, races, exercises, contests, sporting events, gymnastics, track and field eventsatmosphere NOUN 1 = air, sky, heavens, aerosphere 2 = feeling, character, environment, spirit, surroundings, tone, mood, climateatom NOUN = particle, bit, spot, trace, molecule, dot, speckatrocity NOUN 1 = act of cruelty, crime, horror, evil, outrage, abomination 2 = cruelty, horror, brutality, savagery, wickedness, barbarity, viciousness, fiendishnessattach VERB 1 = affix, stick, secure, add, join, couple, link, tie ◼ OPPOSITE: detach 2 = ascribe, connect, attribute, assign, associateattached ADJECTIVE = spoken for, married, partnered, engaged, accompanied ● attached to = fond of, devoted to, affectionate towards, full of regard forattachment NOUN 1 = fondness, liking, feeling, relationship, regard, attraction, affection, affinity, aroha (N.Z.) ◼ OPPOSITE: aversion 2 = accessory, fitting, extra, component, extension, supplement, fixture, accoutrementattack VERB 1 = assault, strike (at), mug (informal), ambush, tear into, set upon, lay into (informal) ◼ OPPOSITE: defend 2 = invade, occupy, raid, infringe, storm, encroach 3 = criticize, blame, abuse, condemn, knock (informal), put down, slate (informal), have a go (at) (informal) ▸ NOUN 1 = assault, charge, campaign, strike, raid, invasion, offensive, blitz ◼ OPPOSITE: defence 2 = criticism, censure, disapproval, abuse, bad press, vilification, denigration, disparagement 3 = bout, fit, stroke, seizure, spasm, convulsion, paroxysmattacker NOUN = assailant, assaulter, raider, intruder, invader, aggressor, muggerattain VERB 1 = obtain, get, reach, complete, gain, achieve, acquire, fulfil 2 = reach, achieve, acquire, accomplishattempt VERB = try, seek, aim, struggle, venture, undertake, strive, endeavour ▸ NOUN 1 = try, go (informal), shot (informal), effort, trial, bid, crack (informal), stab (informal) 2 = attackattend VERB 1 = be present, go to, visit, frequent, haunt, appear at, turn up at, patronize ◼ OPPOSITE: be absent 2 = pay attention, listen, hear, mark, note, observe, heed, pay heed ◼ OPPOSITE: ignore ● attend to something = apply yourself to, concentrate on, look after, take care of, see to, get to work on, devote yourself to, occupy yourself withattendance NOUN 1 = presence, being there, attending, appearance 2 = turnout, audience, gate, congregation, house, crowd, throng, number presentattendant NOUN = assistant, guard, servant, companion, aide, escort, follower, helper ▸ ADJECTIVE = accompanying, related, associated, accessory, consequent, resultant, concomitantattention NOUN 1 = thinking, thought, mind, consideration, scrutiny, heed, deliberation, intentness 2 = care, support, concern, treatment, looking after, succour, ministration 3 = awareness, regard, notice, recognition, consideration, observation, consciousness ◼ OPPOSITE: inattentionattic NOUN = loft, garret, roof spaceattitude NOUN 1 = opinion, view, position, approach, mood, perspective, point of view, stance 2 = position, bearing, pose, stance, carriage, postureattract VERB 1 = allure, draw, persuade, charm, appeal to, win over, tempt, lure (informal) ◼ OPPOSITE: repel 2 = pull (informal), draw, magnetizeattraction NOUN 1 = appeal, pull (informal), charm, lure, temptation, fascination, allure, magnetism 2 = pull, magnetismattractive ADJECTIVE 1 = seductive, charming, tempting, pretty, fair, inviting, lovely, pleasant, hot (informal), fit (Brit. informal), lush (slang) ◼ OPPOSITE: unattractive 2 = appealing, pleasing, inviting, tempting, irresistible ◼ OPPOSITE: unappealingattribute VERB = ascribe, credit, refer, trace, assign, charge, allocate, put down ▸ NOUN = quality, feature, property, character, element, aspect, characteristic, distinctionaudience NOUN 1 = spectators, company, crowd, gathering, gallery, assembly, viewers, listeners 2 = interview, meeting, hearing, exchange, reception, consultationaura NOUN = air, feeling, quality, atmosphere, tone, mood, ambienceausterity NOUN 1 = plainness, simplicity, starkness 2 = asceticism, self-discipline, sobriety, puritanism, self-denialauthentic ADJECTIVE 1 = real, pure, genuine, valid, undisputed, lawful, bona fide, dinkum (Austral. & N.Z. informal), true-to-life, live (of data) ◼ OPPOSITE: fake 2 = accurate, legitimate, authoritativeauthenticity NOUN 1 = genuineness, purity 2 = accuracy, certainty, validity, legitimacy, faithfulness, truthfulnessauthor NOUN 1 = writer, composer, novelist, hack, creator, scribbler, scribe, wordsmith 2 = creator, father, producer, designer, founder, architect, inventor, originatorauthoritarian ADJECTIVE = strict, severe, autocratic, dictatorial, dogmatic, tyrannical, doctrinaire ◼ OPPOSITE: lenient ▸ NOUN = disciplinarian, dictator, tyrant, despot, autocrat, absolutistauthoritative ADJECTIVE 1 = commanding, masterly, imposing, assertive, imperious, self-assured ◼ OPPOSITE: timid 2 = reliable, accurate, valid, authentic, definitive, dependable, trustworthy ◼ OPPOSITE: unreliableauthority NOUN 1 (usually plural) = powers that be, government, police, officials, the state, management, administration, the system 2 = prerogative, influence, power, control, weight, direction, command, licence, mana (N.Z.) 3 = expert, specialist, professional, master, guru, virtuoso, connoisseur, fundi (S. African) 4 = command, power, control, rule, management, direction, masteryauthorize VERB 1 = empower, commission, enable, entitle, mandate, accredit, give authority to 2 = permit, allow, grant, approve, sanction, license, warrant, consent to ◼ OPPOSITE: forbidautomatic ADJECTIVE 1 = mechanical, automated, mechanized, push-button, self-propelling ◼ OPPOSITE: done by hand 2 = involuntary, natural, unconscious, mechanical, spontaneous, reflex, instinctive, unwilled ◼ OPPOSITE: consciousautonomous ADJECTIVE = self-ruling, free, independent, sovereign, self-sufficient, self-governing, self-determiningautonomy NOUN = independence, freedom, sovereignty, self-determination, self-government, self-rule, self-sufficiency, home rule, rangatiratanga (N.Z.) ◼ OPPOSITE: dependencyavailability NOUN = accessibility, readiness, handiness, attainabilityavailable ADJECTIVE = accessible, ready, to hand, handy, at hand, free, to be had, achievable ◼ OPPOSITE: in useavalanche NOUN 1 = snow-slide, landslide, landslip 2 = large amount, barrage, torrent, deluge, inundationavant-garde ADJECTIVE = progressive, pioneering, experimental, innovative, unconventional, ground-breaking ◼ OPPOSITE: conservativeavenue NOUN = street, way, course, drive, road, approach, route, pathaverage NOUN = standard, normal, usual, par, mode, mean, medium, norm ▸ ADJECTIVE 1 = usual, standard, general, normal, regular, ordinary, typical, commonplace ◼ OPPOSITE: unusual 2 = mean, middle, medium, intermediate, median ▸ VERB = make on average, be on average, even out to, do on average, balance out to ● on average = usually, generally, normally, typically, for the most part, as a ruleavert VERB 1 = ward off, avoid, prevent, frustrate, fend off, preclude, stave off, forestall, deflect 2 = turn away,
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