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VERB = agree to, allow, pass, recommend, permit, sanction, endorse, authorize ◼ OPPOSITE: veto ● approve of something or someone = favour, like, respect, praise, admire, commend, have a good opinion of, regard highlyapt ADJECTIVE 1 = appropriate, fitting, suitable, relevant, to the point, pertinent ◼ OPPOSITE: inappropriate 2 = inclined, likely, ready, disposed, prone, liable, given, predisposed 3 = gifted, skilled, quick, talented, sharp, capable, smart, cleverarbitrary ADJECTIVE = random, chance, subjective, inconsistent, erratic, personal, whimsical, capricious ◼ OPPOSITE: logicalarbitration NOUN = decision, settlement, judgment, determination, adjudicationarc NOUN = curve, bend, bow, arch, crescent, half-moonarcade NOUN = gallery, cloister, portico, colonnadearch1 NOUN 1 = archway, curve, dome, span, vault 2 = curve, bend, bow, crook, arc, hunch, sweep, hump ▸ VERB = curve, bridge, bend, bow, span, arcarch2 ADJECTIVE = playful, sly, mischievous, saucy, pert, roguish, frolicsome, waggisharchetypal or archetypical ADJECTIVE = typical, standard, model, original, classic, ideal, prototypic or prototypicalarchitect NOUN = designer, planner, draughtsman or woman or person, master builderarchitecture NOUN 1 = design, planning, building, construction 2 = construction, design, style 3 = structure, design, shape, make-up, construction, framework, layout, anatomyarchive NOUN = record office, museum, registry, repository ▸ PLURAL NOUN = records, papers, accounts, rolls, documents, files, deeds, chroniclesarctic ADJECTIVE = freezing, cold, frozen, icy, chilly, glacial, frigidArctic ADJECTIVE = polar, far-northern, hyperboreanardent ADJECTIVE 1 = enthusiastic, keen, eager, avid, zealous ◼ OPPOSITE: indifferent 2 = passionate, intense, impassioned, emotional, lusty, amorous, hot-blooded ◼ OPPOSITE: coldarea NOUN 1 = region, quarter, district, zone, neighbourhood, locality 2 = part, section, sector, portion 3 = realm, part, department (informal), field, province, sphere, domainarena NOUN 1 = ring, ground, field, theatre, bowl, pitch, stadium, enclosure 2 = scene (informal), world, area, stage, field, sector, territory, provinceargue VERB 1 = quarrel, fight, row, clash, dispute, disagree, squabble, bicker 2 = discuss, debate, dispute 3 = claim, reason, challenge, insist, maintain, allege, assert, upholdargument NOUN 1 = reason, case, reasoning, ground(s), defence, logic, polemic, dialectic 2 = debate, questioning, claim, discussion, dispute, issue, controversy, plea, assertion 3 = quarrel, fight, row, clash, dispute, controversy, disagreement, feud ◼ OPPOSITE: agreementarise VERB 1 = happen, start, begin, follow, result, develop, emerge, occur 2 = get to your feet, get up, rise, stand up, spring up, leap up 3 = get up, wake up, awaken, get out of bedaristocrat NOUN = noble, lord, lady, peer, patrician, grandee, aristo (informal), peeressaristocratic ADJECTIVE = upper-class, lordly, titled, elite, gentlemanly, noble, patrician, blue-blooded ◼ OPPOSITE: commonarm1 NOUN = upper limb, limb, appendagearm2 VERB = equip, provide, supply, array, furnish, issue with, deck out, accoutre ▸ PLURAL NOUN = weapons, guns, firearms, weaponry, armaments, ordnance, munitions, instruments of wararmed ADJECTIVE = carrying weapons, protected, equipped, primed, fitted outarmour NOUN = protection, covering, shield, sheathing, armour plate, chain mail, protective coveringarmoured ADJECTIVE = protected, mailed, reinforced, toughened, bulletproof, armour-plated, steel-plated, ironcladarmy NOUN 1 = soldiers, military, troops, armed force, legions, infantry, military force, land force 2 = vast number, host, gang, mob, flock, array, legion, swarmaroma NOUN = scent, smell, perfume, fragrance, bouquet, savour, odour, redolencearound PREPOSITION 1 = approximately, about, nearly, close to, roughly, just about, in the region of, circa (of a date) 2 = surrounding, about, enclosing, encompassing, framing, encircling, on all sides of, on every side of ▸ ADVERB 1 = everywhere, about, throughout, all over, here and there, on all sides, in all directions, to and fro 2 = near, close, nearby, at hand, close at hand

USAGE In American English, around is used more often than round as an adverb and preposition, except in a few fixed phrases such as all year round. In British English, round is more commonly used as an adverb than around.

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