The Old English Herbals. Eleanour Sinclair Rohde

The Old English Herbals - Eleanour Sinclair Rohde

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thou to him any word ere thou come to the wort which on the evening before thou markedst; then sing the Benedicite and the Pater Noster and a litany, delve up the wort, let the knife stick in it; go again as quickly as thou art able to church and let it lie under the altar with the knife; let it lie till the sun be up, wash it afterwards, and make into a drink with bishopwort and lichen off a crucifix; boil in milk thrice, thrice pour holy water upon it and sing over it the Pater Noster, the Credo and the Gloria in Excelsis Deo, and sing upon it a litany and score with a sword round about it on three sides a cross, and then after that let the man drink the wort; Soon it will be well with him.”—Leech Book, III. 62.

      The instructions for a horse or cattle that are elf-shot runs thus:—

       “If a horse or other neat be elf-shot take sorrel-seed or Scotch wax, let a man sing twelve Masses over it and put holy water on the horse or on whatsoever neat it be; have the worts always with thee. For the same take the eye of a broken needle, give the horse a prick with it, no harm shall come.”—Leech Book of Bald, I. 88.

      Another prescription for an elf-shot horse runs thus:—

      “If a horse be elf-shot, then take the knife of which the haft is the horn of a fallow ox and on which are three brass nails, then write upon the horse’s forehead Christ’s mark and on each of the limbs which thou mayst feel at: then take the left ear, prick a hole in it in silence, this thou shalt do; then strike the horse on the back, then will it be whole.—And write upon the handle of the knife these words—

      “Benedicite omnia opera Domini dominum.

      “These nine attack

       against nine venoms.

       A worm came creeping,

       he tore asunder a man.

       Then took Woden

       nine magic twigs,

       [&] then smote the serpent

       that he in nine [bits] dispersed.

       Now these nine herbs have power

       against nine magic outcasts

       against nine venoms

       & against nine flying things

       [& have might] against the loathed things

       that over land rove.

       Against the red venoms

       against the runlan [?] venom

       against the white venom

       against the blue [?] venom

       against the yellow venom

       against the green venom

       against the dusky venom

       against the brown venom

       against the purple venom.

      “The Marshes created the Worm,

       Came the Worm and wept before Shamash,

       What wilt thou give me for my food?

       What wilt thou give me to devour?

       … . …

       Let me drink among the teeth And set me on the gums, That I may devour the blood of the teeth And of the gums destroy their strength. Then shall I hold the bolt of the door. … . … So must thou say this, O Worm, May Ea smite thee with the might of his fist.”

      Closely interwoven with these elements of Indo-Germanic origin we find the ancient Eastern doctrine which ascribes disease to demoniac possession. The exorcisms were

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