Communicating Science in Times of Crisis. Группа авторов

Communicating Science in Times of Crisis - Группа авторов

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Level of Facticity Author’s Immediate Intention to Deceive High Low High Native advertising Propaganda News satire Low Fabrication News parody Source: Adapted from Tandoc et al. (2017).

      Figure 2.4 Deceptive intention spectrum of information distortion. Source: Adapted from UNESCO (2018), attributed to

Dimension Exemplars
Agent Actor type: Level of organization: Type of motivation: Level of automation: Intended audience: Intent to harm: Intent to mislead: Official/Unofficial None/Loose/Tight/Networked Financial/Political/Social/Psychological Human/Cyborg/Bot Members/Social Groups/Entire Societies Yes/No Yes/No
Message Duration: Accuracy: Legality: Imposter type: Message target: Long-term/Short-term/Event-based Misleading/Manipulated/Fabricated Legal/Illegal No/Brand/Individual Individual/Organization/Social Group/Entire Society
Interpreter Message reading: Action taken: Hegemonic/Oppositional/Negotiated Ignored/Shared in support/Shared in opposition

      Figure 2.5 Contextual typology of misinformation. Source: Adapted from Vraga and Bode (2020).

      Fake news takes numerous potential forms of misinformation in the transmedia environment (e.g., Tandoc et al., 2017), including “false connection (subtitles that do not correspond to the content), false context, context manipulation, satire or parody (without explicit intentionality), misleading content (misuse of data), deceiving content (use of false sources), and made-up content (with the intention of manipulating public opinion and harming)” (Alzamora & Andrade, 2019, p. 110). Just as importantly, however, are the distinctions between fake news and some of its conceptual cousins that would be excluded from such definitions or operationalizations of fake news. For example, fake news is distinct from (i) unintentional informational mistakes, (ii) rumors that do not derive from news, (iii) conspiracy theories, which are likely to be believed as true by their

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