Spectroscopy for Materials Characterization. Группа авторов

Spectroscopy for Materials Characterization - Группа авторов

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3.9b) does not modify the shape of the signal. However, the entire signal now undergoes a progressive decay (compare the amplitude of the two signals in Figure 3.9b). Notably, a detailed analysis shows that the two timescales of this decay are found identical to those of solvation.

Schematic illustration of TA spectra of bare CDs (a) and with 100 mM of Cu2+ (b) recorded at 300 fs and 10 ps after the photoexcitation. (c) Normalized kinetics traces at the SE signal with different amounts of copper ions (0, 20 mM, 100 mM).

      Source:[29]. Adapted by permission of the Royal Society of Chemistry.

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