Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg
basanan (Raf) n legacy.
basang L n belly (the abdomen; also regarded as the seat of the emotion anger (wetang).
basangbasang n pl guts, intestines.
basang dawa n the large intestine.
basangé brangti the belly of wrath.
basang gedé a fat belly.
basang manggutgut n ‘the belly bites’ =bellyache.
basangné their belly.
basangnyané her belly.
basé L n betel leaf (sedah H, canang C).
basé hambungan n betel as a part of an offering.
baséné the betel leaf.
baseh M intrans (maseh trans) wash, rinse; adj wet, damp.
basehang pass be washed for, be caused to wash.
basehin pass be washed by someone.
basing R n (=basong) dog (cicing L).
basma n the sprinkling of holy water on forehead, shoulders, and chest.
basmi C n ash; K intrans reduce to ashes (bakar H, puhun L) (S bhasma-).
basong R n (=basing) dog (cicing L).
basta H intrans (mbasta trans) tie up (a criminal) (tali L).
bastu (=wastu) K adj definite, determined.
basuki K adj undamaged.
basur 1 intrans be protruding (a belly, the navel of a child).
basur 2 intrans have only one testicle, the other having been removed basur 3 n long-drawn (speech), long (composition).
bata 1 H n brick (citakan L) (see mata rubuh).
batäbin n roof tile (mata trans).
bata 2 (Raf) intrans consider.
batak L (wareg H) adj full, satiated (=betek); adv only.
batan n foot, the lowest part; adv below.
batang, di batan, sig batan L prep under (ring batan R).
batang H n guess, estimate, opinion, explanation; intrans (it) seems, (I) think (hadén L).
batar n gallery; floor of stone or earth; ground, soil; intrans (matar trans) lay a floor.
batar-an (=babataran) n floor.
batarang pass be caused to be floored.
batarin pass be provided with a floor.
batara, bhatãra n god (of the highest order) (S bhattãra-).
batari, bhatãri n goddess (S bhattãri-).
batbat n ridicule, scorn; intrans (matbat trans) ridicule, mock, scorn.
ba-tebén-an adj lower, lowest.
batek 1 (=watek) n sort, kind, class, what belongs to the same type.
sabatek every.
batek 2 H intrans (matek trans) drag, draw, pull, haul (humad L).
batek 3 (=batak) prep to, up to, on top of; adv only (=hatek).
batél intrans increase rapidly; (music) go faster; n a drum in the gagambelan that is played fast (see babatélan).
batélang pass be drummed fast.
bates n border, boundary, limit; intrans limit, bound (mates trans).
batesin pass be given a limit, be limited.
bati n profit, interest, gain (money).
batinin pass (profit) be produced, (interest) be produced, be sold at a profit.
batinné his gain, profit.
batik n colored cloth of a special type, made by waxing the thread in various places and dyeing it in the unwaxed place, so that in weaving a definite pattern is produced in different colors.
batil n a little metal cup for holy water (brass, silver, gold).
batis n foot, leg.
batisin pass be provided with feet by someone (matisin trans).
batisné his feet, his foot.
batok n the mons veneris.
batu n stone, rock, gem; stone (of fruit), seed, pip, kernel.
batubatu stones.
batu bin a roof tile.
batu brani lodestone.
batu buletan n thunder bolt.
batu bulitan a beautiful kind of black stone.
batu dadaran touchstone.
batu hapi flint.
batu katéng a sort of stone valued as a whet-stone.
batun the seed (of).
batun butuh n the testicles.
batun bwah fruit stone.
batuné the seed, stone.
batu nilam sapphire.
batu putih alabaster.
batugepéng intrans disobey an order, refuse to do service as a soldier (mbatugepéng trans).
batutu n a stuffed fowl or duck boiled in water.
batuwan adj built of stone, as hard as stone.
bawa 1 K (=ketu) n a pointed cap worn by padandas on special occasions.
bawa laksmana n commander-in-chief.
bawa 2 n shape, form (goba L).
bawa 3 n expression, mien, shining face (sebeng L).
bawah 1 n a kind of banana.
bawah 2 K adj blue.
bawak intrans (mbawakin trans) be short, be abbreviated, shrunken (cendek H, bontok L).
bawakang pass be made shorter.
bawakin pass be abbreviated.
bawana K n (=buwana, jagat) the world (S bhavana-, bhuvana-).
bawang n onion, garlic.
bawang putih white onion, garlic.
bawang tambusin ‘onions are being fried’ =ask about a path that is well known.
bawang tunggal an onion that grows singly.
bawes C intrans (=bawos) speak.
bawi H n pig, boar (céléng L).
bawon (=bahon) n fumes, vapor, smell.
bawong (=bahong) n neck.
bawongné his neck.
bawos (=bahos) n word, speech; intrans speak.
bawosang pass be talked about, be addressed; pass be acknowledged in words.
baya 1 n danger; adj dangerous, menacing (mayanin trans) (S bhaya-).
baya kala n a day of purification a few days before the New Year.
baya 2 (=bwaya) n crocodile.
bayadan n a species of leguminous plant.
bayah L intrans (mayah trans) pay for, pay over (tahur H).
bayaha pass was paid for.
bayahin pass be paid by someone; make an offering for someone to ward off a danger which threatens him.
bayan K n heart; an antiquated title for ladies of a queen’s court; n chambermaid.
bayang n the open air; adj not casting a shadow.
bayangbayang 1 n an offering to evil spirits, usually