Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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n a florid expression, a proverbial saying, florid, figurative language.

      belatu n spark (from fire).

      belatuk n a species of woodpecker.

      belatung n cactus; belatung cina n a species of cactus.

      belayag n a long basket woven of coconut leaves.

      belayur adj ripe to the point of rottenness (fruit).

      belbel intrans (melbel trans) clog (a channel, pipe), stop a flow.

      belbel-an adj be clogged, stopped up.

      bélbél adj broad, expanded, flat, flattened (see jebél); adj measured out broadl; prarahi bélbél H n a moon-face.

      belébét n a kind of muzzle that leaves the mouth free.

      belecok adj trembling, quivering, shivering.

      beled n a long row, line.

      beléd intrans (mabeléd trans) trickle, drip.

      belédbéd n smooth story, a smooth narrative.

      beleg intrans be exactly alike; coincide exactly.

      belegandung intrans (=ngejuk trans) elope with a girl or woman against her will.

      beleh intrans swallow, use up.

      belék n tin, metal container.

      belék-an n tinned food.

      belékin pass be tinned, canned (melékin trans).

      bélék 1 (Jav) intrans having come to a head (boil).

      bélék 2 adj soft, lazy, gentle.

      belekangbeleking intrans (=cekangceking) be misshapen (body).

      belekas n big, straight chopper.

      belekok n a species of small dark heron.

      beleng n a climbing plant whose leaves are chewed like betel.

      béléng adj askew, aslant, awry.

      belenged n a grub on tobacco plants.

      belengih intrans be very sensitive, easily hurt, unable to bear pain; n the plant touch-me-not, garden balsam.

      beler intrans be really stupid, ignorant, be a clown (belog L, tambet H).

      belerang imp be stupid! act like a clown!;

      heda belerang imp don’t be a fool! beles intrans stand in a row (=beled).

      belesih intrans splash about, spread around.

      belet intrans (meletang trans) belt, gird, tie round, shut in, hold together; round on all sides, hinder, prevent.

      beletang, beletin pass be tied down, shut in, prevented, blocked.

      beléténg n the name of a noble family.

      beli 1 (=bli) n elder brother (like bapa, this word is (1) not confined to biologically related persons, but used towards rather older contemporaries (2) used instead of ps pron ‘you’) (raka R).

      beliné of the brother, the elder brother (yours/mine).

      belihang pass be regarded or addressed as elder brother.

      belinné his elder brother.

      beli 2 L intrans (meli trans) buy (tumbas H).

      belihang pass be bought for someone.

      belina was bought by him.

      belin cahi was bought by thee.

      belinin pass be bought from someone.

      belibar adj not yet ripe (used of some fruits: mango, orange).

      belida n weaver’s beam.

      belidbid n bamboo fence or enclosure.

      belig L adj slippery, smooth (bantar R, halus H).

      belig malented intrans be troublesome.

      beligud intrans be lazy, unwilling to work (a draught animal).

      belik adj supple, flexible.

      belinbinan n crop, maw, gizzard.

      beling L adj pregnant; full (ears of rice); about to erupt (teeth) (bobot R); intrans (mbeling trans) be pregnant with sth, ‘set’ (seeds, fruit, at the end of flowering).

      beling-an n uterus, fetus; pregnancy.

      belingang pass be fertilized, be made pregnant.

      belingin pass be made pregnant by someone.

      belingbing n a species of fruit which grows on trees.

      belit intrans (manelit trans) be in conflict, be against, be in contradiction.

      beliyung n a large chopper with a crooked blade.

      beliyus intrans be empty (of peas, beans, etc.).

      belod adj lying, north (or south) of (mabelod intrans).

      belodan compr further north/south.

      belodan n a species of sea fish.

      belog L adj foolish, stupid, ignorant (tambet H); n fool, ignoramus; intrans (melog trans) be foolish; belog magandong pretend to be stupid to take advantage of someone.

      belogan compr stupider, less intelligent.

      belogbeloga pass were made fools of by him.

      belogbelogan intrans pretend to be stupid.

      belogin pass be made a fool of, be mocked.

      beloh L adj having wide-open eyes; intrans bulge wide open.

      beloh mata n ‘bulging eyes’ =a species of fish with big eyes.

      belok n bar (metal, soap, chocolate); clod, lump; n a wooden device for restraining madmen.

      bélok n curve, bend; intrans (melokang trans) curve, bend.

      bélokang pass be caused to bend, be turned in a curve (e.g. a motorcar).

      belong n a valley or hollow containing a spring of water.

      bélong n a large vessel of tufa, which is laid in a pool or pond, so that clean water will percolate into it; n an upturned sieve.

      bélongbélong (Raf) n flattery.

      belongkak n a piece of a coconut.

      be-longkak-an n the shell of a turtle or tortoise.

      belu n a species of long grass.

      bélu n a sort of padlock.

      belubuh intrans be overcome by sleep, fall asleep unintentionally.

      beludru 1 n velvet.

      beludru 2 n a species of plant.

      beluh n a kind of vaginal rupture.

      beluk (=babelukan) adj short, low (ears of rice affected by disease).

      belulang n leather, skin (melulang trans); n a ‘tough’ man.

      belulangang (=belulangin) pass be skinned, flayed.

      beluluk n the fruit of the palm wine tree (=biluluk); n the sago palm, whose fruit causes itching.

      beluluk-in pass be made to itch greatly.

      belunggu (=belenggu) n fetters, irons.

      belur 1 intrans slough, change skin, peel off (of the skin); n graze, scratch, scrape (on the skin), weal; babak belur skin scraped loose by a fall, etc.

      belur 2 intrans be vulnerable, sensitive.

      belus intrans (melusin trans) wet, dampen, moisten, soak.

      belus-an n wetness, damp.

      belusang pass be made wet.

      belusin pass be put to soak.


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