Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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in the phrase belang belut intrans be colored unevenly; be irregular at work.

      bémo (abbr of Mal bécak bermotor) n a motorized pedicab.

      ben (=ban, bahan) conj but.

      ben té (=ban té) conj but all the same.

      bén conj but (=ben); adv only (=békén; in some parts of Bali =dogén)

      bena 1 L ps pron I (=benya, bennya, hicang).

      bena 2 n river mouth, estuary.

      bena 3 n additives to make palm wine stronger.

      benah adj better, right (menah trans).

      benahang, benahin pass be improved, corrected; hapa dadi benahin ‘what be-improved?’ =if it can be helped.

      benal intrans strike, whip, beat.

      benalin pass be beaten, whipped.

      benang 1 n thread, very thin string, sewing thread.

      benang pipis a white thread on which coins are strung, forming part of an offering.

      benang sadatu a white thread worn over one shoulder at some religious ceremonies.

      benang tridatu the Brahmanic thread of three colours (white, red and black), worn during some ceremonies.

      benang 2 num twenty-five, used only in telung ben L, tigang benang H 7.5.

      benat adj rapid, quick.

      ba-benat adj naughty (child).

      benatbenat palahibné very quick (was) his running.

      ha-benat intrans be very long.

      benawa K n boat (prahu L).

      benben intrans be filled full; nyawat benben a beehive full of larvae.

      bencah n piece, fragment; intrans (mencah trans) wreck, break in pieces, perish.

      bencahang pass be wrecked, be smashed.

      bencana n danger, disaster (mencana trans).

      bencangah n history, genealogy.

      bencar (=bencah) intrans break and fly in all directions.

      bencé n a dwarfish, weak person.

      benceng adj hasty, hurried, accelerated.

      bencing n horror, repulsion (=gila); intrans find repulsive, have a horror of.

      bencingah (=bancingah) n court of a temple or palace.

      bencol intrans have a bump on one’s head.

      benda n a species of breadfruit tree.

      bendal intrans (=benal) beat, whip.

      bendar n a pool formed by damming a stream.

      bendé n a small bowl; an instrument in the gagambelan.

      bendéng intrans lie in the sun, sunbathe; lie out in the sun to dry.

      bendét (=bentér) intrans be exposed to the full sun.

      bendéta pass be placed out in the full sunlight.

      béndi n carriage, cart.

      béndot intrans be swollen on one side.

      bendu 1 n a dish made principally of flour; a sort of pastry.

      bendu 2 R n anger, fury (brangti L); intrans (menduwang trans) be angry (+ ring with, at) (=bandu).

      benduhin (=benduwin) pass this word has no literal translation in English; it is the pass of menduhin ‘be angry with someone’; benduhin hida (I) was the object of anger (for) her.

      benduwang pass be enraged by, made angry.

      bendul n a fruit whose stones are used as weights for gold, etc.

      ha-bendul n one grain.

      bendung intrans (mbendung trans) dam (a stream), check, hold up.

      bendusa n bier, stretcher.

      beneh L M adj right, correct; just, true, sincere (=benah); intrans (meneh trans) act rightly, righteously, justly; must, ought (=patut).

      benehang imp be put right (becikang H).

      benehin pass be put right, be repaired.

      beneh ja adj ‘true indeed!’; at the beginning of a sentence: however, though.

      beneng L adj straight (course); regular, just; exactly opposite (physically); intrans (meneng, mbeneng trans) aim at, be regular (peleng H).

      beneng-an n the place exactly opposite; di benengan adv opposite, on the other side.

      benengang pass be made regular, be put right.

      benengin pass be aimed accurately at.

      di benengané hento in that opposite case, on the other hand.

      bénjang H adv tomorrow (mani L).

      bénjangan H adv later, afterwards (maniyan L).

      bénjangbénjang H adv later, afterwards (=ka pungkur) (manimani L).

      bénjangnya, bénjangnyané ‘its morrow’ =the following day.

      bénjang pungkur H later (in the future).

      sané bénjang H tomorrow.

      bénjo adj bent, distorted (a ring), not round (ménjowang trans).

      bénjowang pass be distorted, be bent out of shape.

      benjol intrans have a bump on one’s forehead from a blow.

      bénjot (=béndot) intrans be swollen on one side.

      bénjul adj haughty.

      bénjulin pass be annoyed by someone; intrans look down on someone of a lower caste; find someone funny (ménjulin trans).

      bennya (=bena) L ps pron I.

      bénsin n benzine, petrol (D).

      bentang intrans be swollen.

      bentangbentangan intrans be satiated.

      bentar 1 intrans split, divide down the middle.

      candi bentar n the ceremonial gate of a temple, two exactly symmetrical ornate walls with a straight-sided space between them.

      bentar 2 K adj high; n height, high place.

      bentaro n a species of tree.

      bentawas n a species of hardwood tree.

      bénté (=binté) intrans (ménté trans) compete in strength of legs (a game).

      bénténa pass be kicked by someone.

      bentél 1 intrans measure a sheaf of rice (usually by putting the hands round it).

      bentélin pass be measured and tied.

      bentélan n a sheaf, bundle.

      bentél 2 intrans (mentél trans) let fly (an arrow, a stone from a sling).

      bentéla pass be let fly by someone.

      bentél 3 (=bentét) intrans erase.

      bénten (=nénten) H intrans not be.

      bénténg 1 n bulwark, fort (Jav).

      bénténg 2 intrans (ménténg trans) pull, draw, stretch (e.g. a bowstring).

      bénténga pass be stretched by someone, be drawn by someone.

      bentér (=bendét) intrans (mentér trans) be exposed to the full heat and glare of the sun.

      bentet intrans be full.

      bentetang, bentetin pass be filled by someone.

      bentét intrans (mentét trans) pinch between finger and thumb; excite a rooster by pinching its crop.


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