Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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out, pluck out, uncover (ngebét trans).

      bétan n break in, extraction, exposure.

      bétang pass be broken into, plucked out.

      bétin pass be tried to be pulled out.

      betah intrans lack, need; be wanton, naughty; be conceited.

      betak intrans be as big as.

      betakan, betak batis n calf of the leg.

      bétak intrans be healthy and happy; be fluent; be energetic, active.

      betala C n the spirits of the ancestors.

      betara (=bhatara) n deity, god.

      betas adj beaten, defeated, surpassed (metas trans).

      betasa pass be surpassed by someone.

      bétbét 1 (=hebét) intrans pull out, pull up.

      bétbét-an n pulling up, extraction.

      bétbét 2 intrans lay open, expose, uncover (métbét trans).

      beteg 1 intrans have beriberi, scurvy.

      beteg 2 intrans (meteg trans) wash, wet, dampen.

      betegang pass be washed, wetted.

      betegin pass be washed by someone.

      betek L (wareg H) adj satisfied, filled.

      betek-an n satiety.

      betekang, betekin pass be satiated, satisfied by someone.

      betekné his being full.

      béték n a woven or plaited bag or pouch.

      bétél intrans (métél trans) penetrate, make a hole in, go through; adv straight on; prep through (space); n a way through, gap; adj clairvoyant (see terus); bétél tingal clever, having sharp eyesight.

      bétél-an n side gate, way through.

      bétélang pass be penetrated, be reached through.

      betén L prep under, beneath (sor, hasor, hisor H); di betén prep under, beneath.

      betén-an adj lower, on the floor, in the yard.

      beténang pass be under sth.

      beténin pass be put under (mbeténin trans).

      beteng 1 intrans (meteng trans) shut, close, flood totally (rice field); complete, fill up.

      betengin pass be flooded by someone.

      beteng 2 n the popular name for the second day of the three-day week (pasah, beteng, kajeng).

      bétét n a species of bird.

      betok n a species of fish.

      bétok n the name of a kind of king, cuisine.

      beton n concrete (meton trans) (D).

      betonin pass be made concrete.

      betuk n gizzard, craw (of fowl).

      betus intrans have a relapse of illness.

      bétutu n a way of cooking a fowl or duck without cutting it in pieces.

      béya n payment for work; payment for a religious festival (méyanin trans); customs duty, toll; cost, expense (haji R, pangarga C) (S vyaya-).

      béyanin pass be paid.

      béya pakara court fee.

      béyakbéyak adj shot (silk).

      beyang n the sound of many people moving; intrans make such a sound.

      beyangbeyung intrans make a public disturbance, tumult.

      béyo n mynah (bird) (syung).

      béyod (=béhod) intrans be swollen.

      béyok intrans (méyok trans) run over (water), fall.

      béyong n a species of banana.

      bhagawan n a religious expert, especially a prince who has given up his rule and become a scholarly priest.

      bhatãra, batara n god (of the highest order) (S bhattãra-).

      bhatãri, batari n goddess (S bhattãri-).

      bibi C (mémé L, byang, hibu H) n mother, foster mother.

      bibin mother (of).

      bibid 1 intrans be spoilt, destroyed; citakané bibid kena hujan the bricks were spoilt, hit (by) rain.

      bibid 2 in mabibid intrans: be high (waves).

      bibih L n lip; edge, border, margin.

      bibihné (lambé H) his lips (mibih trans).

      bibihang, bibihin pass be left as a margin.

      bibik (=bibi) n mother.

      bibis (=bisbis) intrans disentangle, loose, unravel (a tangle).

      bibisan n cousin (uncle’s son).

      bibit L n seed, seedling; germ, bacteria.

      bibitan (=binih) (hawi, wenih H) n seed, seedlings ready for transplanting; fresh vaccine (mibit trans).

      bibitang pass be caused to seed.

      bibit cukit n vaccine (for smallpox).

      bibitin pass be tried to produce seed.

      bicak n many footprints.

      bicek intrans be spoilt; tulisanné bicek his writing is spoilt.

      bicuh (=bincuh) intrans be first in order.

      bidag intrans (midag trans) be arrogant, conceited.

      bidak 1 L (layar H) n sail (midakin trans).

      bidakin pass be equipped with sails by someone.

      bidak 2 (Raf) (=pidak) n pawn (chess) (Arab birqad).

      bidang (=lajur, lembar) n page of a book, sheet of paper; class for flat thin things.

      habidang one page, one sheet.

      bidangan n page; a copy of a book; one képéng.

      bidara n a species of tree with small round fruits which are used as medicine.

      bidé n a screen, woven of leaves or cane, to keep off the sun.

      bidéhin pass be screened from the sun.

      bideg intrans speak with a cold.

      munyi bideg voice affected by a cold.

      bidel intrans (midel trans) close very tightly.

      bidelang, bidelin pass be closed by someone.

      bidug (=bedug) adj humped, humpbacked.

      bidugal n rubbish, dirt.

      bih (=béh) interj (expresses amazement).

      bihag intrans enjoy oneself, have fun.

      bihahu n a species of plant.

      bihik (=biyik, bik) n uterus, ovary, seedpod; a (naturally) empty egg.

      bihin L adv (=bwin) (taler H) also, yet, still.

      bihing adj red (fowl).

      bihit n pistil, bud (mabihit intrans).

      bihulan (=biyulan, biyunan) n cramp of a muscle, a kind of cramp in the limbs.

      bija H n very white rice, used for offerings.

      bija kuning rice dyed yellow.

      bija ratus rice for offerings mixed with many other ingredients.

      bijal 1 n a large insect, caterpillar.

      bijal 2 intrans (mijal trans) excite, shame, tease; adj teasing.

      biji (=béji) H n bathing place.

      bik (=bihik) n ovary, seedpod.

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