Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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      bo (=hebo) L n smell, odor, stink (hambu H) (mebo intrans).

      bo bengu intrans stink badly.

      bo miyik (=mihik) n perfume, scent.

      bon the smell (of).

      bobab L intrans (mbobab trans) be false, be wrong, be untrue (linyok H); n lie, untruth.

      bobabang pass be done falsely.

      bobabin pass be lied to.

      bobog 1 L (=bobab) intrans tell lies.

      bobog 2 H n nonsense.

      boboh (=bebeh, bohboh) intrans (moboh trans) lie scattered, spread out.

      bobok n a torch made of dry coconut leaves.

      bobor intrans (mobor trans) burn (=borbormorbor).

      bobot 1 R adj pregnant (beling L).

      bobotan n pregnancy; foetus.

      bobot 2 H n weight; adj heavy (bahat L) (mabobot intrans).

      bobotan n heaviness, weight.

      boco, bocoh adj not serious.

      bocok adj ugly, dirty, greasy, misshapen; n evil, impurity; intrans (mocok trans) have an ugly, nasty appearance; bocok maklecok intrans be very ugly, be unattractive, be nasty-looking.

      bocor L intrans leak, be ‘leaky,’ have diuresis.

      Boda (=Bodha, Buda, Buddha) n Buddha; Wednesday, the fourth day of the seven-day week.

      boḑag n a wicker hamper; a big woven basket.

      bodo 1 intrans have an ugly appearance.

      bodohang pass be made ugly.

      bodo 2 (Badung) adj mad, insane (=buduh).

      boḑo L adj ugly, ignorant, coarse, unhewn (kasar H).

      bodri adj unfriendly, impolite.

      boga (=bhoga) H n food and drink (moga trans) (S bhoga-).

      bogana pass be eaten by someone.

      bogbog 1 intrans (mogbog trans) cause trouble (=bagbag).

      bogbog 2 n lies, untruth (mogbogin trans).

      bogbogin in heda bogbogin imp do not be deceitful!

      bogbogang pass be a liar.

      bogbogina pass be deceived by someone.

      bogol intrans (mamogol trans) strip, take away.

      bogol-an n a convicted criminal.

      bogolin pass be stripped (of weapons).

      boh 1 (=bohboh, haboh) adj tame, gentle, willing (manuh H); boh dara (a woman) apparently friendly, but keeping her distance.

      bohang pass be tamed.

      bohin pass be made tame, behave as if tame, treat gently.

      boh 2 (NBali) n the loop of a snare; (Badung) n the frame of a kite.

      bohat K n a place for pleasure (=piyasan).

      bohés intrans be wide open.

      bohésang pass be made very wide open.

      bohok n a species of tree whose bark is used as medicine.

      bohol n a hole in sth (see bol 2, bolong, hebol).

      bohot intrans produce much fluid; tuwaké bohot the palm wine is flowing copiously.

      bohuk n hair (=bok).

      bojog n monkey.

      bojogé the monkey.

      bok 1 (=hebok) n hair (rambut H).

      bokbok-an n false hair.

      bokin pass grow hair, become hairy.

      bokné her hair.

      bok 2 n dust, grit (=buk, hebok, hebuk).

      bokah intrans have a swollen cheek.

      bokat 1 n a species of forest tree.

      bokat 2 n a short spear.

      bokatin pass be speared.

      bokbok intrans (mokbok trans) give what is wished for.

      bokbokin pass be given what one wants.

      boki n a worn-out earthenware cooking pot.

      boko n a sort of young turtle (bokoboko pl).

      bokong (=bebokong, bokongan) L n buttocks (jangkong, wangkog R).

      bokor n a metal dish on feet; a small tray.

      bol 1 n a species of rose-apple.

      bol 2 n anus, rectum.

      bol 3 n (Raf) slime.

      bola n ball (Port).

      Bolanda (=Belanda, Welanda) adj Dutch.

      bolang adj having a normal body but short legs.

      bolénan (=bulénan) adj having a covering or crust of foulness.

      bolong adj having a hole in it; pipis bolong n ‘cash,’ small coins with a square hole in the middle (8 ‘cash’ = 1 cent); often threaded on strings, to a definite amount (100 or 1,000), but never quite the full total.

      bolongin pass have a hole made in it (molong trans).

      bolu 1 n (Raf) lock (on a door).

      bolu 2 (=ba-hulu) adv above, higher.

      bom (=hebom) n bomb (ngebom trans); bom hatom atom bomb.

      boma, bomin pass be bombed.

      boma n painted or carved representation of a raksasa or a bear.

      bon 1 n bunch; federation; society (ngebon trans).

      bonang pass be asked to help a fellow member of a society.

      bonbonan n federation, being federated.

      bon 2 n the smell (of); bon bungané the smell of the flowers.

      bon 3 n bond, bill, cheque, a charge account (ngebon trans) (D bond).

      bonan n things bought on credit.

      bonang pass be bought and written into one’s account.

      bonin pass be bought and paid for later.

      bonar n a disease of the eyes.

      boncoh 1 (=boncos) intrans travel quickly without looking about.

      boncoh 2 (=boncuh) adj hasty, rash; intrans run fast, run at sth.

      boncol n boil, festering wound, bump on the forehead.

      gidat maboncol a forehead projecting on both sides.

      boncos (=boncoh) intrans walk quickly without looking about.

      bondol n a species of bird like the white-headed sparrow.

      boni n a species of small sour fruit, growing in clusters; the tree on which this fruit grows.

      bonjo (=bénjo) adj awry, askew.

      bonjor n a joint of a very thick bamboo used for storing water in houses, principally for extinguishing fires; a big water pot.

      bontang n a maize-cob stripped of corn.

      bontok L adj short and thick, stocky (=buntek, bawak) (cendek H); intrans (montokang trans) be short.

      bontokang, bontokin pass be shortened, abbreviated.

      bontot (=babontot) n a dish made from meat, wrapped in the sheath of betel nuts and tied at both ends.

      bongbong intrans fight gamecocks unofficially, to test their powers.

      bongbongang, bongbongin pass be tested in fighting.


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