Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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2 intrans cook till just done, because of lack of fire.

      blebeg (=blegbeg) intrans pour out a flood of words.

      blébéh n rash speech.

      blebet n a winnowing tray with a curved bottom.

      blébét (=bebet) intrans be full, stuffed full.

      blecek intrans be tangled, tousled, in disarray.

      blécék (=bécék) intrans be muddy.

      bledog (NBali) n yaws (illness).

      blegag intrans be many.

      blegandang adj violent; n a forced marriage.

      bleganjur n one kind of drum in the gagambelan.

      blegbeg (=blebeg) intrans flood with words.

      blegbegan intrans stop, get stuck in a speech; not be able to find a quick answer; be worried.

      blegedu L adj disobedient, unwilling to obey a command, shrewish (tempal H).

      blegeran adj undamaged, whole and unim-paired.

      blegiding n a species of plant having winged seeds.

      bléhbéh intrans be morbidly talkative; be unable to keep a secret.

      blekek intrans (mlekek trans) keep control of oneself.

      blekék (=brekék) n a bird of the swamps.

      blekem (=bekem) intrans restrain, hold up.

      blekok n a bird of the heron, stork species.

      blekor (=blekur) intrans fold, bend, bend sth until it is broken.

      blengbong n heavy rain.

      blenget n the excrement of dogs; a loathsome object.

      blenggu n fetters.

      blengih intrans weep easily.

      blengkakan L intrans be poor; tiwas blengkakan totally destitute.

      blengkeh intrans be circular, coil.

      blengkeh-an n circle.

      blengkehin pass be encircled, surrounded.

      blengker n circular mark (mlengker trans).

      blengkerin pass be marked by someone with a circle.

      blenguh adj stupid, dull, retarded.

      blenyék (=blenyok) intrans go into the mud.

      blesat intrans move, things about, scatter (mablesat intrans).

      blesbes intrans go out one after another (mlesbes trans).

      blétbét intrans tie, bind neatly (mablétbét intrans).

      blétbét-an n cord, band, belt.

      blétbétang pass be tied tidily.

      bleteng n a plant like maize.

      bli 1 (=beli) n elder brother.

      bli 2 (=beli) L intrans buy (mli, meli trans) (tumbas H).

      blibar 1 n a half-ripe mango.

      blibar 2 n a thin slice before it is chopped up (mlibar trans).

      blibarin pass be sliced thinly and then chopped up.

      blibis n teal.

      blicak adj walked on, trodden down (mablicakan intrans).

      blida n a weaver’s tool like a long ruler.

      bligé adj slippery, difficult to keep hold of.

      bliged n coil (mligedang trans).

      bligo n pumpkin eaten as a vegetable.

      bligud intrans (mligud trans) tie up, restrict; be slow.

      blikur (=blekur) n cage.

      blikut intrans be affected by a current.

      blimbi n gizzard, crop; paunch.

      blimbinan the contents of the crop.

      blimbingan n a species of tree and its fruit (see blingbing).

      blinder intrans go round, rotate (mlinderang trans).

      blinderang pass be made to go round, be revolved.

      blinderin pass be surrounded, encircled by.

      bling (=beling) L intrans conceive, be pregnant.

      blingan (belingan) n womb; foetus; pregnancy.

      blingbing 1 n a species of tree, with fruit that is large, segmented and sweet/tart.

      siksik mlimbing have grown old.

      blingbing 2 n another tree with elliptical fruit (unsegmented, sour), used as a vegetable.

      blinger (=bingung) intrans be angry.

      ka-blinger pass be made angry.

      blinguh adj unhealthy, unsound; (=blenguh) dull, stupid.

      blitbit n a fence of strips of bamboo.

      blitbitin pass be fenced with strips of bamboo by someone.

      bliyung n hatchet.

      bliyus intrans be empty.

      blog (=belog) adj foolish; n folly, stupidity.

      blohmata n a species of eel.

      blokok (NBali) n a dish of edible roots, beans, maize, and spices.

      blokot intrans be muddy.

      blokotan adj splashed with mud.

      blolong intrans (mlolong trans) tell lies; n lie; adj untrue, false, lying (mablolong intrans).

      blolot (=blokot) intrans be dirty with mud.

      blondor (=blandar) intrans collide, run into.

      blongkak n part of a coconut shell with its husk.

      blongkakan n part of a coconut shell with its husk.

      blongkang intrans (the part of the palm-wine tree which) is cut off.

      blongkangan n the base of the removed part of the palm-wine tree.

      blongkangin pass be removed, cut off.

      blongsong n a sarong (the ends of a piece of cloth sewn together, forming a tube, worn as a skirt) (mlongsong trans).

      blongsongang pass be provided with a sarong.

      blongsongin pass have a sarong put on one by someone.

      blubuh intrans be overcome with sleep.

      blukbuk n a sort of sweetmeat, twisted with young coconut palm leaves.

      bluntas n a shrub planted to form hedges.

      blungbang (=balungbang) n a long hollow in the ground, moat, ditch, a path worn into a hollow (mlungbang trans).

      blungbangang pass have a shallow ditch dug in it.

      blungking n young melon (eaten as vegetable).

      blus (belus) intrans make wet, be wet.

      bluspus intrans (the grain in the ears of rice) set.

      bluwang n a mole-cricket.

      bnah (=benah) intrans (mnah, menah trans) make straight.

      bnahin pass be made straight.

      bneh (=beneh) intrans be just, righteous, be right, act righteously.

      bnehan (=benehan) n truth, rightness.

      bnehang (=benehang) imp do righteousness!

      bnehbneh (=benehbeneh) be very righteous.

      bneng adj straight, justified, entitled (see beneng).

      bngong adj amazed, speechless; n amazement (see bengong).


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