Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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H intrans be dumb, stupid.

      bisul (=busul) n ulcer; intrans have an ulcer (Mal).

      bitbit intrans (mitbit trans) open a little bit, take a bit.

      bitbitang, bitbitin pass be opened a little bit.

      biting 1 C n a pin or peg of bamboo.

      biting 2 adj choosy, fastidious, finicky.

      biting 2 adj hideous.

      biya 1 (=subiya) n a species of creeping plant that causes itching.

      biya 2 (=béya) n cost, expense, customs duty, toll.

      biyad intrans smash, demolish, break into.

      biyah n a tuberous plant.

      biyahbiyah n weeds among the rice plants.

      biyah ganjah n a species of epiphyte.

      biyahung n a species of plant, root vegetable.

      biyakta K adj famous; true (=wiyakta).

      biyana intrans (EBali) it is not, it cannot be; adv no, not.

      biyantara n the third day of the three-day week (=kajeng).

      biyang H n mother (mémé L, byang R).

      biyangang pass be called mother.

      biyang lalah n rainbow.

      biyapara K adj confused, irresolute, wavering, uncertain (=bingbang L).

      biyas n sand (miyasin trans).

      biyasin imp fill it with sand!

      biyasa L adj usual, ordinary; n being usual.

      biyasahang pass get accustomed to.

      biyasané adv usually.

      biyat intrans separate, divorce; hiya biyat makurenan he is divorced.

      biyayag adj scattered, dispersed; intrans scatter, disperse.

      biyayagan n scattering, dispersal.

      biyayagang pass be scattered by someone.

      biyayagin pass be scattered, be broadcast (seed).

      biyawung n a thorny creeping plant whose roots can be used as food.

      biyik (=bihik) n uterus; seedpod; ovary; a naturally empty egg.

      biyola n viola (D).

      biyolané the viola.

      biyoma K n sky (langit L).

      biyota n excitement, bustle, storm.

      biyu n plantain, banana, banana plant.

      biyu halas wild plantain.

      biyu lalung a whole banana, with the heart of the stalk and some leaf, forming part of the offerings at the house shrine on some feasts.

      biyuné the banana.

      biyunan n a kind of cramp in the limbs.

      biyunin pass have bananas put in it.

      biyuh adj luxuriant, thickly planted, tightly packed.

      biyuha K n battle-order.

      biyuk intrans fall in quantity to the ground, pour down.

      biyulan (=biyunan) n a kind of cramp in the limbs.

      biyur intrans be untidy, be in disorder, be in uproar.

      biyurang pass be brought into confusion, disorder.

      biyus adj unconscious, stupefied.

      biyut adj confused, excited, in disorder (mabiyutan intrans).

      biuta adj confused, excited, in disorder (mabiyutan intrans).

      bjeka pass was rubbed in the hands by them (from bejek) (Lk).

      bkel n provision for a journey (from bekel).

      blabar n flood (=belabar); n a sort of offering; n a gourd in which palm wine is put.

      blabur n rain during the dry season, moderate rain (=belabur); n heavy rain with flooding.

      blacak intrans be blackish.

      blacu n unbleached cotton cloth.

      blacuk (=bracuk) intrans talk nonsense; speak without making sense.

      bladbadan n a sort of proverbial saying.

      bladoh intrans be indifferent, not care, be slow in one’s thinking.

      blagbag n fetters, shackles, handcuffs (mlagbagin trans).

      blagbagin pass be put in fetters.

      blah (=belah) adj smashed, split, broken in pieces; n fracture, breach, split, crack; half.

      blah kalam the slit in a pen.

      blahu adj blue (D blauw).

      blahuwin pass be dyed blue.

      blahuk n a creature like a beetle, the larva of the dragonfly.

      blakas n a big knife, machete; ngentungang blakas matali ‘throw a machete (that) is tied on a cord’ =at random, accidentally.

      ba-blakas-an intrans be perfectly frank.

      blalak n a species of maize.

      blalu n a species of tree.

      blamba intrans remove the ribs of palm leaves (to use the fronds for weaving).

      blanak n a species of fish; n a species of rice plant.

      blancuh intrans be a bit mad, cracked; be insipid in taste.

      blancuk intrans be reckless, frivolous, daft.

      blandang intrans (mlandang trans) act as banker in gambling.

      blandar intrans collide.

      blandara pass be in collision with someone.

      blandingan n a species of chestnut tree (akin to blalu).

      blandongan n a wooden trough.

      blantahan intrans be not pleasingly cooked.

      blantik 1 n a trap for an animal.

      blantik 2 n reflection (light), resilience; intrans (mlantik trans) reflect, bounce back.

      blantikan n reflection (light), resilience.

      blantikin be reflected.

      blang adj dappled (horse or cow) (from belang).

      blangkur n flowers made into a wreath or garland.

      blangsah 1 n the sheath of the flower of the areca nut.

      blangsah 2 adj tepid, insipid; worried, nervous, restless.

      blangsé n a little bag or basket of palm leaves in which to keep coins, etc.; a jute sack.

      ha-blangsé n an immense, incalculable number.

      blangsung n a species of plant.

      blangsut n sling (weapon); intrans (mlangsut trans) sling, throw.

      blangsutan n sling (weapon).

      blangsutang, blangsutin pass be slung, thrown with a sling.

      blas intrans omit, leave out (=belas).

      ka-blas pass be omitted (=kabelas).

      ka-blasin pass be omitted, be left off, given up (=kabelasin).

      blatuk n woodpecker.

      blatung n cactus.

      blatungin pass be planted with cacti, be pricked by cacti.

      blayag n a small oblong basket full of cooked rice (mlayagin trans).

      blayur n a rice field ploughed but not yet harrowed.

      blayuran 1 n a disease of the tongue.


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