Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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be wide apart, be far from everyone.

      canggelak intrans (nyanggelak trans) catch sth up, catch sth up with the hand.

      canggem intrans (nyanggem trans) bite, bite into, suck.

      canggem butah a species of hibiscus.

      cangget n notch, nick, incision; intrans (nyangget trans) make a notch, incise.

      canggetin pass be notched by someone, be incised.

      canggih L intrans babble, chatter, talk endlessly; be importunate (=calép, calung) (pentés R).

      cangglak intrans (nyangglak trans) receive or catch with the hand.

      canggléng intrans notch, nick, incise (=cangget).

      canggol intrans (nyanggol trans) bite.

      canging n a thorny tree, having flowers.

      mabunga canging employed to mean ‘beautiful but not pleasant to be with.’

      cangkah intrans be proud, conceited.

      cangkelakan n larynx, the ‘valve’ of the throat.

      cangkeling intrans (nyangkeling trans) have one’s hands crossed behind one’s back.

      cangkelong L n opium pipe (langsingan, palangsingan H).

      cangkem H n mouth (bungut L); cangkem hidané her mouth.

      cangkem kodok n a small yard in front of a house complex.

      cangkik intrans trick someone with jesting words (=cangkit).

      cangking 1 n a species of sea crab.

      cangking 2 n a high-pitched voice.

      cangkir n a little cup or bowl (smaller than cawan).

      cangkit n joke, jest, mockery (=cacangkitan); intrans (nyangkit trans) make jokes, jest, mock, trick with jesting words.

      cangklak intrans catch, receive with the hand (=cangglak).

      cangkling intrans (nyangkling trans) tie someone’s hands behind his back (=cangkeling).

      cangklong n a pipe for smoking (nyangklong trans).

      cangkok n the base or foot of the hanging lampstand called panyibéhan L (padamaran H); the lower edge of the head of a kris.

      cangkop n the two hands held together forming a cup.

      cangkrama intrans go on an outing, excursion.

      cangkrang n a disease (possibly measles).

      cangkrim 1 R intrans bow down, be subject to (tungkul L).

      cangkrim 2 n chicken pox (=cangkring).

      cangkriman n lullaby, cradle song (macangkriman intrans).

      cangkringan n chicken pox (=cangkrim).

      cangoret n a species of insect.

      cangurit n areca nut.

      cap (=hecap) n seal, imprint, mark.

      capang pass be sealed, have a seal affixed (ngecap trans).

      capcapan n printing, sealing.

      capin pass be imprinted, stamped, printed.

      capah trans (nyapah trans) crack, split, make a gap.

      capaha pass be cracked, split.

      capahin pass be cracked by, split by someone.

      capala 1 n the stick with which the dalang marks his rhythm during the wayang, by striking the box in which the figures are kept.

      capala 2 intrans be rebellious, revolt.

      hasta capala n rebel with the hand (S).

      pada capala n rebel with the foot (S).

      wak capala n rebel with speech (S).

      capat L n greeting, address (sapa R) (nyapat trans).

      capatin pass be greeted, addressed.

      capcap intrans (nyapcap trans) drip, dribble, drip down (like lacquer) (=hecap).

      capcapan n the water dripping off a roof.

      capil (=cacapil) n a Balinese hat or cap (nyapil trans).

      capilang pass be used as a hat.

      capilin pass be caused to wear a hat.

      caping 1 n edge, border.

      caping jurang n lip of a ravine.

      caping papah n edge of a coconut leaf.

      caping 2 n hair on the forepart of the head.

      caplag intrans (SWBali) collide (nyaplag trans).

      capleng intrans (nyapleng trans) become loose (esp a roof), escape from a fastening, break away; sever, break off (=campleng).

      caplengang pass be caused to become loose, be caused to break away.

      caplin n a shape of mustache, toothbrush mustache (‘Charlie Chaplin’).

      caplir intrans (nyaplir trans) fail in one’s aim, not achieve a goal.

      caplis intrans be very old; tuwa caplis adj old and worn out.

      caplok intrans (nyaplok trans) bite at, snap at, gulp, snatch at (food).

      capluk L intrans sound like the shutting of a pig’s mouth.

      caplukcapluk intrans bang the teeth together, gnash the teeth.

      capuh adj alike, of the same colour, on the same floor; intrans be of equal height (nyapuh trans).

      capuhang pass be treated alike, be put on the same level.

      capung n dragonfly; capung gantung n dragonfly that sleeps hanging down; capung gobogan n a very large kind of dragonfly; capung klekitikan n a small kind of dragonfly; capung kok n a large green kind of dragonfly; capung maling n a large kind of dragonfly; capung mas n a yellow dragonfly; capung memedi n a very small kind of dragonfly; capung meng n a striped kind of dragonfly.

      buka nguber capung hemasé ‘as (one) chases a gold dragonfly’ =much effort and little result.

      buka nglawar capung gedénan béya ‘as make-stew-of dragon-flies (is) bigger the cost’ =the peg is bigger than the post.

      cara 1 n manner, way, fashion, use-and-wont (nyara trans); adv in the manner of, in the fashion of.

      cara Bali in the Bali way.

      cara jani L, cara mangkin H ‘in the fashion of now’ =modern.

      cara pidabdab n order, arrangement, programme, system.

      cara 2 intrans weep (macara intrans).

      caracara n a sort of cake.

      carak n one of the many Bali words for the distinctive shapes of cows’ horns.

      caraka n ambassador, servant of a state, a cause (Jav) (=hutusan) (nyaraka trans).

      carang n branch, twig (nyarang trans).

      carangcarangné its branches.

      carang cerik n the beard of barley, etc.

      carang gedé n branch of a tree.

      carangin pass be made to branch.

      carapu (Raf) n shoe (=gamparan).

      caratan L n a drinking vessel (has a spout from which drink is poured into the mouth from a distance); vessel, pot (cicipan R).

      caratcurut intrans go to and fro together.

      carca n account, counting; mention, quotation (nyarca trans).

      carcana pass is counted, quoted.

      carem intrans (nyarem trans) attend in numbers, be present in numbers.

      caremin pass be attended by.


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