Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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pass be annoyed by someone’s talk.

      cékérin pass be annoyed by someone’s talk.

      cekés intrans make the sound kés (cutting grass).

      ceket 1 intrans be easily offended, short-tempered, sensitive; n the plant touch-me-not.

      ceket-an n short temper, irritability.

      ceket 2 intrans give advice.

      ceket 3 intrans take quickly, snatch.

      ceki n a card game.

      cekiyan n a card game (ceki).

      ceki-han n the cards used in the game ceki.

      cekilik n a half of a small coconut shell, used as a measure.

      ceking intrans (nyeking trans) narrow down to a point, become narrower (a road); n sth that is thick at the ends but thin in the middle.

      cekangceking intrans be malformed, misshapen (esp the body).

      tali ceking n a rope worn at one point almost to breaking.

      cekir 1 (=cekér) intrans court, caress, serenade (a girl).

      cekir 2 n a young coconut (=klungah).

      céklé intrans (nyéklé trans) copulate.

      cékléna pass be copulated with by someone.

      cekoh intrans make the sound koh, cough.

      cekohcekoh intrans cough repeatedly.

      cekok (=cékok) n valley, a flat place on mountain; adj hollow, concave; intrans have hollows in it (nyekokang trans); margané liyu cekok the road has many hollows in it, is full of holes; nganti cekok bahana ngutgut (he) bit a hollow in it.

      cekokang pass be hollowed out, have hollows made in it.

      cekol 1 intrans (nyekol trans) come to, entrust, keep.

      cekolang pass be staked, betted; be entrusted to.

      cekolin pass contain, have sth put in it; cekolin pipis (it) has money in it.

      cekol 2 intrans make the sound of sth that falls on the ground (=cedug).

      cekong intrans bark, bay (of dogs) (=kongkong).

      cekot intrans make the sound kot.

      cekotcekot intrans the cooing of turtledoves.

      cékot 1 H n spoon (séndok L) (nyékot trans).

      cékot 2 L n a kind of fishing net (nyékot trans).

      cekug intrans make the sound kug (the thump of a falling object).

      cekuh n a species of plant, forget-me-not; its root is used as spice or medicine.

      cekuk intrans (nyekuk trans) grasp with the hand, grip, seize with force, strangle; n handful.

      cekukin pass be grasped repeatedly.

      cékur n the sound made by a rooster to call hens.

      cékurcékur intrans crow (rooster).

      cekut intrans make the sound kut (a person trying to eat without drinking).

      cekutan n hiccup; intrans have hiccups.

      cekutcekut intrans be choking over food, for want of a drink.

      celabingkah n potsherd.

      celabingkah betén byu, gumi linggah hajak lyu ‘sherds under banana-tree, wide land with many (people)’ =there are as many tunes as there are persons present.

      cela tabuwan n the sting of a hornet.

      celäcelu intrans be uncertain, insecure, waver; hesitate between two views.

      celagi n tamarind (=hasem); punyan celagi a tamarind tree.

      celak 1 L n penis (purus R, lingga C).

      buka celak penyu ‘like the penis of a tortoise’ =crooked, bent.

      celak lutung n foresight of a gun; n fishhook.

      celamcam intrans (Raf) interrupt.

      celana n long tr ousers (=jalér) (Mal) nyelanabin (trans).

      celana dalam n drawers (woman).

      celana péndék n shorts.

      celanahin pass have trousers put on by someone; imp put your trousers on.

      celang intrans have sharp senses.

      celangkup n a snare for jungle fowl.

      celapcelep intrans go in and out (see celep).

      celapat intrans continually get in someone’s way (capat +infix).

      celapatcelapat intrans walk back and forth.

      célcél intrans be hard to please, be fussy (=cécél).

      celeb intrans (nyleb, neleb trans) dip in water; baptize.

      celebanga pass be baptized (=kacelebang).

      celebin pass be dipped in water.

      celebon tangan n a sort of whirligig.

      celebungkuh n a piece of a mud wall; a lump of dry clay.

      celed 1 intrans (nyeled trans) reduce, shorten, shrink.

      celed 2 intrans (nyeled trans) be corrupt, take bribes.

      celed 3 intrans (nyeled trans) tie up, bind; n a tie, bond, string to tie with.

      celedan n a tie, bond, string to tie with.

      celedin pass be provided with a string, be tied up.

      celed 4 adj hollow (=cekok).

      céléd intrans (nyéléd trans) disobey, refuse, not keep (a promise).

      celeg intrans be swollen.

      celegeg intrans sip.

      hacelegeg n one sip, one draught.

      celegek intrans (nyelegek trans) swallow (=celegok).

      celegekan n the valve in the throat; the act of swallowing.

      celegekang pass be swallowed; sing sedeng celegekang find that one is not believed.

      celegekcelegek intrans hope very much for sth.

      celégokan n a deep hole in a road, subsidence.

      celek 1 intrans (nyelek trans) stick a finger in, stick sth in, plant (seedlings).

      celekang pass (a flower) be stuck behind the ear.

      celekang, celekin pass be planted.

      celekcelek pass have a finger stuck in repeatedly; celekcelek taluh ‘the egg repeatedly has a finger stuck in it’ =(money) be taken away bit by bit until it is all gone.

      celek 2 H intrans (nyelek trans) explain, make clear, describe (seken L).

      picelek H n (piseken L) description, explanation, advice.

      celék intrans (nyelék trans) eat (very low), drink greedily, drink (dog).

      célék intrans (nyélék trans) lick.

      célékin pass be licked.

      célékcélék pass be licked often.

      celekenting n tossing up (a coin), heads or tails (a children’s game).

      celemcem intrans use vulgar words, scold, abuse.

      celeng n a climbing plant which has flowers (=teleng).

      celéng L n a door staple, hinge; a doorframe of metal (purus kori H).

      céléng L n pig.

      bé céléng n pork.

      ca-céléng-an n a ‘piggy bank’; a bamboo with a slot in it, into which coins are put (often in the roof of the metén).

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