Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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pass be split by someone.

      ceraki n merchant, wholesaler.

      cerakén (=ceraki + -an) herbs, spices.

      ceraking tahun n a waterspout on the sea (in these Vishnu is supposed to go up to heaven); perhaps also ‘water hose.’

      ceramcam n a plant with edible leaves.

      cerangcang n the triangular air holes in the clay walls of houses.

      cerawis C n beard (jénggot L).

      cerégah n a species of long banana.

      cerek intrans (nyerek trans) (EBali) pinch.

      cereka pass be pinched by someone.

      cereking adj grasping, greedy, miserly; intrans have to be asked often to do sth.

      ceremén n a species of plant (=carmén).

      ceremi n a species of plant.

      cereng intrans (see cureng).

      cerét intrans make the sound of water running out of a vessel.

      cerét cerét intrans drink by pouring water into the mouth from a distance.

      cérét L intrans (nyérét trans) make the sound of water running out of a vessel (ngglagak R).

      céréta pass be drunk till empty.

      cérétan n a vessel for water.

      cérétin pass be tried to drink.

      cerik 1 n towel, scarf, a cloth worn over one shoulder (=selandang).

      cerik 2 (Raf) n kettle.

      cerik 3 intrans (nyerik trans) be small; L adj small, little, young (cening M, halit H); n child.

      cerikang pass be made small.

      cerikceriké the children.

      cerikin pass be reduced, made smaller.

      cerik kelih adults and children, small and large.

      cerik mwani boy.

      hané paling cerika which (is) youngest.

      cerita (=carita) n story, tale, history.

      cerma R n mirror (cermin H (Mal), meka L).

      cerok intrans be hollow, sunken.

      cerok dayanné his tricks are evil, his ways are bad.

      cerok matanné his eyes are sunken.

      cerokcok intrans drip off, fall in drops, trickle down (tears).

      cerongcong n a kind of funnel (congcong with infix -er); n measure (= ½ céhéng).

      ceroring n a species of fruit-bearing tree.

      cerucuh 1 n semen, man’s seed (a very vulgar word for pejuh L, used as a term of abuse).

      cerucuh 2 intrans abuse verbally, shout at.

      ceruk n a grub infesting the arén tree (=hanceruk).

      ceruwih intrans make the vague squeaks of young animals.

      céscés intrans make the sound cés.

      céscésan n a fish, the mudskipper (which says cés).

      césta adj clever (=céstakara).

      cét L n paint, color (=cat, pulas) (ngecét trans).

      cétang, cétin pass be painted, colored by someone.

      ceta 1 intrans (nyeta trans) guess.

      ceta 2 intrans (nyeta trans) starve.

      cetana pass be denied food, starved.

      cetag 1 intrans make the sound tag (a rifle-shot).

      cetag 2 intrans (nyetag trans) collide with (SWBali).

      cetaga pass be collided with.

      cetak intrans (nyetak trans) cast metal, cast type, hence ‘print’ (books).

      cetakan n casting, printing.

      cetakang pass be caused to be printed.

      cetég intrans make the sound tég (a thunder-clap).

      ceteng intrans not be feeble, be strong; hiya henu ceteng he is still strong.

      cetét 1 intrans (nyetét trans) slit, cut; cetét layah siyunngé the tongue of the mynah has been slit.

      cetéta pass be slit by someone.

      cetét 2 intrans (nyetét trans) snatch, take quickly.

      cetét 3 intrans cleanse with cotton wool.

      céţi n pimp, pander (masc and fem).

      ma-céţi intrans use a pimp.

      ceţik n poison (artificial); adj poisonous (nyeţik trans).

      ceţika pass be poisoned by someone.

      céţok n a tool used by masons.

      cetot intrans peck (bird), bite (snake) (=cotot).

      cétra K n the first month of the Saka year (=March/April).

      cétramasa n the beginning of the year.

      cétrung n a species of bird that eats grubs, caterpillars.

      céwagara n the name of a person in the stories of Nī Tantrī (nyéwagara trans).

      ci L M ps pron thou (abbr of cahi).

      cicang n a tuberous plant, used as a vegetable (=kecicang).

      cicih intrans be ripe, before time; n premature birth; adj prematurely ripe.

      cicil intrans (nyicil trans) continue to do, do gradually.

      cicilan n a gradual step; instalment of cost.

      cicilang pass be done gradually, be paid in instalments.

      cicing L n dog, wolf (fox, jackal) (nyicing trans).

      cicing kanta wild dog.

      cicing paburu n hunting-dog.

      cicip intrans (nyicip trans) taste, try, touch with the tip of the tongue.

      cicipin pass be tasted, tried.

      cidra 1 intrans (nyidra trans) be false, deceitful (S chidra-); n treachery, falseness, trick-ery; stab, murder someone in his sleep (=singsé).

      cidra 2 intrans be cautious, careful.

      cihing intrans be hard to deceive.

      cihit 1 n a measure of a length, a unit of weaver’s thread (1/4 of madé).

      cihit 2 intrans (nyihit trans) tie, bind firmly.

      cihitin pass be tied firmly.

      cihit 3 intrans chirp, make the sound of small birds.

      cihna (=cina) H n sign; address of a person; title of a book (ciri L) (nyihna trans) (S cihna-).

      cihnanné the sign of it, his address.

      cik n form of addressing a Chinese male.

      cikal n a species of creeper bearing hard, round fruits, used by children to play ball with.

      tulang cikal n kneecap.

      cikar 1 intrans (nyikar trans) speak angrily, sharply.

      cikar 2 n wagon, cart, bullock cart (nyikarin trans) (Mal).

      cikräbala n the people of Yama (god of death).

      cikup intrans enclose, hold together (=cakup).

      cikut n neck, nape of the neck.

      cilak n a kind of ornament for the eyelashes.

      cilalongan n a species of bird.

      cili adj small, miniature; n a doll,

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