Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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mutter, murmur.

      compak intrans (nyompak trans) notch, make an incision in (as a rubber tree).

      compakin pass be tried to notch, tap.

      compang intrans lack some pieces, have pieces missing, be dented, spoilt (=compéng).

      compéng adj chipped, dented, jagged at the edges (nyompéng trans).

      compéngang pass be chipped at the edge by someone.

      compong intrans (nyompong trans) cut, cut some off, cut some out.

      compongang pass be caused to be cut, be cut out for someone.

      Coņḑong n the woman who is the principal supporting character of the heroine in dramatic performances (nyoņḑongin trans).

      cono intrans go upwards and backwards (a cow’s horns).

      conteng L n spoon (=séndok) (cékot H).

      conto 1 L n sample, example, pattern (=tulad) (tilad R, tiru H).

      conto 2 intrans (nyonto trans) be a pattern, give a sample, specimen.

      contohin pass be given a sample; be set an example.

      contok n a game, throwing coins into hollows.

      contréng intrans (nyontréng trans) streak, scratch, tattoo.

      contrangcontréng intrans be full of streaks and scratches.

      contréngin pass be scratched, streaked by someone, undergo tattooing.

      congah 1 L intrans be presumptuous towards superiors, refuse an order (prasangga C).

      congah 2 n guilt, misdeed, presumption.

      congak intrans (nyongak trans) be very bashful, timid.

      congcong intrans (nyongcong trans) dig, dig a hole.

      congcongang pass be dug for someone, be caused to be dug.

      congcongin pass be dug by someone.

      congécongé n an insect that makes a sound when it is alone.

      congéh intrans be chipped, have bits broken off the edge (=cungih).

      conggér n flowers attached to the hair of dancers (nyonggérin trans).

      conggérin pass be so decorated with flowers.

      congkak 1 n a hole dug in the ground with a hoe, for seeds (nyongkak trans).

      congkak 2 n a the name of a card in ceki.

      congkéh 1 intrans (nyongkéh trans) dig a hole with a point, dig out with a point (=cokéh).

      congkéh 2 n (in some parts of Bali) coffee, coffee bush.

      congkél intrans lever a small thing out of the earth.

      congkelok adj bent round forwards (the horns of a cow).

      copét n pickpocket; intrans (nyopét trans) pilfer, pick pockets.

      copong adj dismembered (see compong); n the stump of an arm or leg.

      cor 1 (=hecor) intrans (ngecor trans) pour (water).

      kocorina pass (it) was poured-on.

      cor 2 n oath (in the phrase nayubang cor ‘drink the oath’)(=sasat Raf).

      corah adj evil, wicked, unjust, dishonest, sinful; n evil, sin.

      corah-an n wickedness.

      corahcorah n pl sinners, evil men.

      corahné its evil.

      hanak corah evildoer, thief, sinner.

      corak n pattern (in weaving, etc.) (Mal).

      coran adj subordinate (=cora K carry out an order); hané paling coran who is lowest in rank.

      coratcoratan H n a big stream of water from a pipe; fig garis sané nénten karwan lines that are not regular.

      corcor intrans (nyorcor trans) flow, pour, drop (liquid).

      corcor-an n drain, water channel.

      corcorang pass be poured, be dropped, be let drop on.

      corcorin pass have (sth) poured on by someone.

      coré adj evil, mean, vulgar; n a kind of demon.

      coréh (=cokréh) intrans dispute, quarrel.

      corék intrans (nyorék trans) scratch, draw a line, make a streak.

      corék-an n scratch, streak, line.

      corékang pass be caused to scratch, streak.

      corékin pass be scratched, streaked; be underlined, be crossed out.

      corok 1 intrans (nyorok trans) assume, guess, fathom, accuse.

      coroka pass be accused.

      corok 2 n adultery.

      corong 1 n flame; intrans flame, blaze (nyorong trans).

      corong 2 intrans (nyorongin trans) observe closely.

      corongin pass be observed closely, be looked at through a telescope.

      coţa intrans (nyoţa trans) be without a girdle.

      coţé intrans (nyoţé trans) put the kris in the front of the belt, be ready to fight.

      coţék (=cacoték) n a species of fish; lalayangan coţék a kite in the shape of this fish.

      coţék masambung layur ‘a coţék (that) has been hooked is a layur (a bigger fish)’ =a small thing is greatly magnified.

      cotot intrans (nyotot trans) peck, pick up (bird), bite (snake).

      cototin pass be pecked, bitten.

      saling cotot intertwine beaks.

      cowak 1 n name of a song containing an old man’s advice.

      cowak 2 intrans be spaced apart at varying distances.

      cowet intrans sound like the cry of a bird.

      cr- words beginning with cr- often are spelt cer-.

      cracah a species of sea fish.

      cracap n a sharp point; cracap pancing the barb of a fishhook (nyracap trans).

      cracakcrékcék intrans drip here and there, drip everywhere.

      crakén n a rectangular section of a rice field (nyrakén trans).

      craki n seller of spices.

      craki keling n a very stingy person.

      cramcam n a vegetable soup containing creamed coconut.

      crangcang n latticework (nyrangcang trans).

      crangcangin pass be filled with latticework, provided with a lattice.

      crapcap n a sharp-pointed thing (=cracap).

      creced intrans file sth down (=cledced).

      creceh intrans happen little by little.

      crecek intrans be pockmarked (=crekcek).

      crecek-an n pockmark.

      crécék n drop (of liquid) (=crékcék).

      crécét intrans spill, scatter (=crétcét).

      cregem intrans (nyregem trans) scratch with nails or claws (=crekem).

      crekcek intrans be pockmarked (=crecek).

      crekcek-an n pockmark.

      crékcék n a drop of liquid (nyrékcék trans) (=crécék).

      crékcékang pass be made to drop, drip.

      crékcékin pass be dripped by someone.

      crekem intrans scratch with nails or claws (=cregem).


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