Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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of cutting.

      dadi 1 L intrans (nadi trans) become, happen, come about; recover from illness; n becoming.

      dadin =dadi before its subject (dados H).

      dadinné its becoming.

      dadiyang pass be caused to become, caused to happen; be permitted.

      dadi 2 intrans may, can, be able, be possible, be allowed; at the beginning of a sentence =‘can it be that…?’ (expressing surprise); dadi beginning a second clause in a sentence of a narrative =‘then, thus’; dadi frequently occurs just before a vb in the pass, merely emphasizing the event; intrans used at the beginning of questions omitting the interrogative word e.g. dadi hakéténg? [why] one kepeng? dadi tan dadi L adv possible or not, be it so or no (dados, tan dados H).

      sing dadi L (it) is forbidden (tan dados H).

      sing dadi + vb L (it) is not possible that (nénten, tan wénten H).

      dadi 3 n the last day of the sangäwara (nine-day week).

      dadihati (Raf) n selfishness.

      dadinan n a commemoration of one’s birthday every month.

      dadiya n a clan, group of families, who build and maintain the pura dadiya their private temple (see padadiyan n).

      da-dono n a rotten betelnut.

      dadong L n grandmother (nini R, nyiyang C); dadong huli hi mémé maternal grandmother.

      dados H intrans happen, become (=dadi L).

      dadosang pass be caused to become, caused to happen, be permitted; be treated.

      nadosang trans treat (a person).

      tan dados it is forbidden, it will not happen;

      tan dados + vb =neg imp (=sampunang).

      da-dosa-n n being fined, fine.

      da-doyan n hobby, entertainment, what one likes doing.

      dadu 1 (=ḑad,u) n dice.

      dadu 2 adj brown, pink.

      da-duduk-an n what has been gathered, collected; tax money.

      dadung n a strong, thick rope, hawser.

      da-duplak n slipper, shoe, sandal.

      da-dwa num two; intrans become two, split in two.

      dadwadadwa adv in twos, by twos.

      dadwang pass be thought to be two, taken for two.

      dadwin pass be done with both hands.

      hané dadwa the second.

      dadyan (=dadi-an) n (becoming, event, result; frequently used in dadyannya (usually dadyanya) adv undoubtedly, certainly; often has to be translated ‘the result was, it happened (that).’

      daga 1 intrans (ndaga trans) step, kick, kick sth.

      daga 2 R intrans be fasting, not have eaten (kenta L).

      dagal adj loose, not tied up (madagal intrans).

      dagan R n lower end, bottom end, river mouth (tebén L) (=padagan).

      dagang n trade; intrans trade, sell.

      dagang-an n merchandise, things to be sold.

      dagang gantal n seller of betel-quids, ready made up.

      dagang sera n ‘seller of fish-paste’ =one who sells things very dear.

      hi dagang the seller (mostly used of women).

      dagdag 1 n a species of plant, fed to pigs.

      halah tapel dagdag ‘resemble a mask made of dagdag’ =a description of a spotty-faced person.

      dagdag 2 n surgical work (nagdag trans).

      dagdagdudug intrans be piled in heaps everywhere (=dugdug).

      dagel intrans (nagel trans) throw, throw and hit.

      dagela pass was hit.

      dagel-an n throwing, hitting.

      dagelang pass be thrown.

      dageldagela pass be thrown several times.

      kadagelang pass be thrown by.

      daging 1 L n meat, flesh.

      dagingné adv ‘its flesh’ =in fact, in essence.

      daging 2 H n contents, what is in (hisi L); fig the thoughts, information, etc. in a letter.

      dagingha H n its contents (ndaging trans).

      dagingin pass be contained in, be filled with; be written in (a letter); be conceded.

      ḑaglan n duel (maḑaglan intrans).

      dähä L n maid, virgin (teruni H); adj virginal, not having borne fruit; intrans act as a virgin.

      dähä twa n old maid (Jav dare).

      dumäha intrans be still a virgin.

      dahahduhuh intrans moan, groan continually (=duhuh).

      dahak (NBali) adj very poor, needy, lacking necessities.

      dahapdahap intrans be in convulsions (dying) (=kejatkejit).

      dahapdehep intrans be bewildered with fear (=dehep).

      ḑahar (formerly H, now L) intrans (nahar trans) eat (hamah L) (Jav pangan).

      ḑahar-an n food; feast.

      ḑaharang pass be caused to eat, make (rice) go down pleasantly; ḑaharang nasi accompaniments for rice; ngahé ḑaharang nasi ‘make (what) causes-to-eat rice’ =make the various relishes that go with the basic steamed rice.

      ḑahar hasep H ‘food for smoke’ =fuel for sacred fire.

      dahasdohos intrans pant, go up and down quickly (the chest).

      dahat 1 L n dry land, shore (=dahet).

      dahat 2 C adv very, in high degree (sanget L, banget H); dahat nunas pican bhapa C (I) very much request the favour (of) Father (in Lk, translates ‘I give thee thanks, O Father’).

      dahating (=dahat hing) expert in.

      dahatduhut intrans express a feeling of illness, being unwell (=duhut).

      dahem intrans be overripe (tamarind).

      daheng (=deheng) adj ill-mannered, rude, illiterate.

      dahet 1 n dry land, shore (=dahat) (madahat, madahet intrans).

      dahet 2 intrans (nahet trans) strike hard.

      daheta pass be hit hard.

      dahhana K n fire (hapi L).

      dahod n (Raf) mainland, continent (dahat).

      dahon (=don) L n leaf (dahun H)(Mal).

      dahu n a species of forest tree whose fruits are eaten.

      dahuh 1 (=dawuh) n a Bali hour (=90 minutes): dahuh pisan 1st hour (6 a.m.); dahuh ro 2nd hour; dahuh telu 3rd hour; dahuh tepat high noon; dahuh lima 5th hour; dahuh henem 6th hour; dahuh pitu 7th hour; dahuh kutus 6 p.m.

      dahuh 2 adv west (when the sun is past the zenith) (=di-hahuh corresponding to kahuh (=ka hahuh), the west).

      dahuk adj white speckled with grey.

      dahunan H n leaves used as plates (donan L).

      ḑahusa n a species of bush used for garden hedges.

      dahut (=dawut) intrans (nahut trans) draw, attract (by spiritual power).

      daja adv south/north; (=di-haja kaja) towards the sea, downwards, and therefore undesirable (as opposed to kelod uphill, upwards).

      dajanan compr further south/north.

      daji abbr of hida haji, addressed to a brahmana.

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