Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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      deheng adj unmannerly, rude, illiterate, stupid (=daheng).

      déhéng intrans spend money recklessly for show, at a cremation.

      dehep intrans be terrified (madehep intrans).

      dehes intrans not cease, be incessant.

      dehet 1 n land (as opposed to water); intrans rain (when needed by plants).

      dehet 2 H adv very, much, hard (=dahat).

      dék 1 abbr of kadek, pet form of Made.

      dék 2 adj cheap; di kelas dék in the cheap class (of seats in a cinema).

      dekah intrans have a cold, be asthmatic, be clogged in the chest.

      dekahdekah intrans gasp for breath (like an asthmatic).

      dekat intrans be still uncleansed; pitra henu dekat the soul remains uncleansed.

      ḑekḑek intrans (nekḑek trans) wear out, wear into shreds; be patched again and again; (rice) grind very fine.

      ḑekḑekang pass be ground very fine by someone.

      ḑekḑek lidek pass be ground exceedingly fine.

      ḑekḑek renyuh intrans be completely shattered, dissolved.

      dekeh intrans moan, groan.

      dekem intrans (nekem trans) hold firmly, hold fast to.

      dekemang pass be provided with a grip, get a foothold.

      dékén H adj shallow (river), flat (board) (=dakén) (déngséh L).

      dekes intrans moan (=dekeh).

      dekesdekes intrans moan, groan.

      deket L intrans (neket trans) unite, stick to, be close to, close (a wound) (rapet H).

      deketang pass be brought together, be united.

      deketin pass be stuck to by sth.

      dekil adj soiled, unwashed, mottled (menyi, leteh L; reged H).

      menyi dekil intrans be very dirty.

      deking intrans (neking trans) keep silence, not speak.

      dekingang pass be silenced.

      dekuk intrans (nekuk trans) lower a horse’s head.

      dekukang pass be pulled down (a horse’s head with a rope).

      dekung intrans (nekung trans) make cuts in a tree and cover them with clay, so as to make the tree grow new shoots, which can be cut off and planted.

      dekungang pass be so treated (a tree).

      da-dekung-an n a tree trunk which has been so treated.

      dél 1 adj late; intrans bear fruit later than usual, be late in giving birth; padi dél rice which is standing in a field longer than usual.

      dél 2 intrans be backward (a child).

      delahdelah intrans roll the eyes.

      delakdelik intrans stare angrily (delik).

      deldel intrans repeat, do sth again (=dedel) (neldel trans).

      déldél intrans press sth till it becomes thin and flat; be in layers, terraces (=dédél).

      deleg (=da-deleg) n a species of freshwater fish.

      deléh adj staring, bulging (eyes) (neléh trans).

      deléhang pass be caused to stare, to bulge.

      delek intrans have too much water about it (=dlekdek); nasi delek watery cooked rice; hawakné delek his body is wet (with sweat).

      délem 1 n a tree with scented flowers.

      délem 2 n a slave (boy) in the train of Sang Rawana (in a shadow play); hence little boys, dwarves.

      buka délem pegat talinné ‘as a délem is-cut its string’ =(a man) is lacking in brains.

      deleng C intrans (neleng trans) stare, open the eyes wide, look at closely (delik L).

      déleng intrans be cross-eyed (=deleng).

      delep 1 intrans (ndelep trans) lower, glower, look from under sth, spy on.

      delep 2 intrans (nelep trans) do suddenly, unexpectedly.

      delep tekahin kema ‘done-suddenly it-was-arrived thither’ =suddenly they arrived there.

      délepa pass be ignored, be deliberately not seen.

      deles 1 intrans (ndeles trans) creep stealthily, creep away like a thief, walk bent over.

      pajalan bojogé deles ngintip kékér the stealthy course of the monkey the jungle-fowl sees.

      deles 2 n a species of snake.

      sang naga matemu ring hula deles H Lord Cobra commits adultery with many kinds of snake.

      delik 1 L intrans (ndelik trans) have the eyes wide open, make big eyes (pandreng R, deling C).

      delik 2 intrans (nelik trans) stay, be motionless.

      delikang hibané imp stay where you are! (an abrupt order).

      delima (=dalima, dlima) n pomegranate; dlima wanta a species of bush; mirah dlima a gem of the colour of pomegranate seeds, garnet.

      deling K intrans perceive, notice, pay attention, see; be learned, intelligent (tatas L).

      déling n a wooden image, puppet.

      délo intrans squint, be cross-eyed.

      delod adv downhill from, below, towards the sea (=di helod, kelod); south/north.

      delodan adj adv further south/north.

      delok intrans (nelok trans) look at, look over the top of sth, look out at; go to see someone, visit (bringing a present).

      delok-an n visit, look, viewing.

      delokin imp look at it.

      delu intrans (nelu trans) feel queasy, feel like vomiting.

      deludelu intrans feel rather queasy.

      deluh n an evil spirit possessing someone (=teluh) (neluh trans).

      deluh, deluha pass be possessed (by an evil spirit).

      deluk intrans (ndeluk trans) take something by stealth, filch sth from someone.

      delungdung n a species of plant (several varieties delungdung jukut, delungdung téngél) kuma delungdung n the ‘setting’ of fruit, when the fruit begins to appear.

      deluwang (=dluwang) n tree bark (formerly used for writing on), paper; n the clothing of a hermit.

      dem (=hedem) L intrans rest, sleep, lie down (=medem) (merem H).

      demak (Jav) intrans lift up, take sth off sth (jemak L).

      demang n chief; a bald-head (only in drama and dance); the name of a dance.

      demdem adj jet black, shining black (hair); intrans glitter, shine (face).

      demek 1 intrans be damp (clothes, air)

      demek 2 (Jav) intrans grab at sth (=sarap)

      demek 3 adj rather large.

      demen (=ḑemen) intrans (nemen trans) like, enjoy, approve of, find enough (seneng, kénak R, rena C).

      demen-an intrans like better, prefer; n liking; demenan tekén like better than.

      demenang pass be caused to be liked.

      demen hati n true love; adj voluntary.

      deminin pass be liked.

      demit (=damit) H adj mean, covetous, avaricious (cupar L); intrans be avaricious, grasping.

      demitang imp don’t be too generous, be sparing.


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