Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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      ka-ditu-wan the beyond, life after death.

      diwangkara K n the sun (S divā-kara-).

      diwasa K n day, time, season; the date of a letter (=déwasa).

      di-wéh-in pass (=hawéh) (he) was given (Jav prefix).

      diya adj past, last; connected.

      diya hangkan, diyämasa, diya temuhang last year.

      diya yama intrans be related to, belong to the same family.

      panak diya adj born of persons related as uterine brother or sister.

      diyah 1 (=dyah) n name or title of heroes, princes, princesses.

      diyah 2 intrans (niyah trans) envy, be evilly disposed; ngomong diyah speak evil.

      diyahin pass be envied, be regarded as evil.

      diyapi, diyapin conj though, even though.

      diyastu, diyastun conj though, even though.

      diyatunika n meditation; intrans meditate.

      ḑiyéşţi intrans turn oneself into an evil spirit, a ghost (=ḑéşţi).

      diyet adj black (=diheng, dihut).

      diyisdiyis intrans gasp with exhaustion (=dihis).

      diyus kamaligi n an offering for purification.

      diyut adj black (=diheng, diyet).

      dl- words beginning thus may also be written del-; the l is an ancient infix, now only found in derived words such as telepak (tepak).

      dlagdag n the base on which a store of rice is raised out of the reach of vermin.

      dlagdagin pass be provided with a base.

      dlegdeg intrans be undisturbed, settle (=degdeg).

      dlehdeh intrans (nlehdeh trans) walk easily, slowly.

      dlekdek intrans be too wet (cooked rice, the body with sweat) (=delek).

      dlekep intrans (nlekep trans) stamp or roll the surface of a piece of ground to make it compact.

      dlekapdlekep intrans pass be compacted repeatedly.

      dlekepang pass be compacted.

      dlengéng L intrans see (=dengéng).

      dlepakdlepék intrans sit or sleep on the floor.

      dlepdep intrans (nlepdep trans) have good manners.

      dlepdepang pass be taught good manners;

      dlepdepang hibané imp behave yourself!

      dlepék intrans (nlepék trans) stick, glue, be close together.

      dlepakdlepék intrans sit or sleep on the floor.

      dlépékang pass be caused to stick, be glued for someone.

      dlepékin pass be g1ued, stuck by someone.

      dlesdes intrans (nlesdes trans) do sth continuously bit by bit (=dresder).

      dlesdesang, dlesdesin pass be slowed down.

      dlungdung n a species of thorny tree.

      dlupak n shoe, sandal (=dupak) (nlupak trans).

      dlupakang pass be given sandals.

      dlupakin pass have sandals put on by someone.

      ḑo (Jav) num two (=ro).

      piņḑo adv twice.

      ḑomas eight hundred (2x400, or 400 twice).

      dobel (=debel) adj double (D dubbel).

      dobol 1 n a placard made of cloth.

      dobol 2 (EBali) n a kind of card game.

      dodol n a kind of sweetmeat made of rice, coconut, and coconut sugar; n a kind of cake; black bread; n a kind of mango.

      dodolang pass (this sweet) be made for someone.

      dodos intrans (nodoes trans) move very fast; obey someone.

      dodot K n a garment; an over-garment used by men, esp priests (saput L, kampuh R).

      dogén L adv only, solely, nothing but (kéwanten, kéwala, kémanten, kémahon H); sometimes ‘still, yet,’ e.g. hamun kén ja sukahné, bisa dogén hiya malajahin ‘so-great how its difficulty, can still he learn (it)’ =it is very difficult, yet he can learn it.

      hento dogén adv only that, just that.

      dogdog intrans (nogdog trans) beat hard, pound.

      dogdoga pass be beaten hard by someone.

      dogéran n (SWBali) a dance in which girls fence, dressed in short trousers.

      doglag, doglagan intrans be without feathers (fowl).

      dogolan n immature hairy grasshopper; jangkrik dogolan a cricket still in its hairy stage.

      doh H (Jav) (=hedoh) adj, adv far, distant (joh L) (ndohang trans).

      dohang pass be made distant, be taken far away.

      dohin pass be avoided, be kept at a distance.

      doh para intrans be impossible; doh para maduné kalahang pahit ‘it is impossible the honey be-overcome (by) bitter’ =good cannot be defeated by evil.

      ḑoho intrans (noho trans) groan, moan, cry for help (=ḑuhuhd,uhuh).

      dokar n a two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle with a roof (for persons) (Eng dogcart) (kréta L).

      dokdok intrans (nokdok trans) (Tabanan) cook meat.

      dokdokang pass (meat) be cooked in only a little water.

      dokok adj stupid, dull; intrans be a squanderer, wasteful, extravagant.

      dokter n European medical man (D).

      dol n sale (=hadol); H intrans sell, esp on commission (ngadol trans).

      dolar n dollar (D).

      doldol intrans (ndoldol trans) peck, pick up grains with the beak (=toltol).

      doleg n hatred, envy, jealousy (=duleg); intrans (noleg trans) hate.

      dolong n a species of black duck.

      dolop n spy; secret (nolop trans).

      dom n domino (ngedom trans).

      domas num eight hundred (twice 400).

      domba n buck, he-goat.

      domengguh adj half-cooked; half-ripe, fruit that is still hard.

      dompa intrans limp with both legs, through breaking both; lack strength to work.

      dompét n purse (nompét trans) (Mal).

      dompétin pass put in a purse.

      don 1 n leaf.

      dondon n foliage.

      dondonnan n leaves of many kinds, gathered to be eaten as vegetables.

      dondonné its foliage.

      don kayu lawang n (Raf) Indian leaf.

      don kuping n the tip of the ear.

      donin pass be provided with leaves.

      don 2 n gain, profit, advantage (see nirdon).

      doning H conj since, because (=déning).

      dono 1 adj clumsy, not handy.

      dono 2 n a bad betel nut (=dadono).

      dontal n palm leaf (as used for writing); the common word lontar is a mispronunciation of the Jav word ‘ron tal’ (Bali don tal).

      dong 1 neg pron not that, none (=tidong, tong); dong ja not at all.

      dong ké? hadong ké? is it not so?


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