Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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2 interj (to encourage); dong horahang then tell (us)!

      dong 3 n the fifth note of the Bali gamut (dang, ding, dung, déng, dong).

      dongkal intrans dig up, grub up a tree stump.

      dongkang n toad.

      dongklang intrans (nongklang trans) gallop (horse).

      dongkong n frog.

      dongkrak n a lifting device, jack (for cars) (nongkrak trans).

      dongkrakin pass be fitted with a jack.

      dongkrong intrans (nongkrong trans) be silent.

      dongkrongang pass be silenced, be kept quiet.

      dongsok intrans push, throng; saling dongsok throng, thrust together.

      doplang intrans have lost two legs.

      jangkrik doplang n a cricket that has lost two of its legs.

      baju doplang n a sleeveless vest, singlet.

      dor n the sound of a gunshot, rifle shot.

      ḑora 1 K n a lie; adj false (bobab L).

      ḑora cara adv (in) a false manner; n a swindle; intrans lie, cheat, swindle.

      ḑora 2 K n the first day of the three-day week (=pasah).

      doré n the roof of a house, esp the ridgepole.

      doréng adj striped like a tiger; speckled, spotted.

      dori L adv behind, after (=di hori, duri) (pungkur H).

      di dori prep behind, after.

      dori -y an compr adv later, afterwards; nearer the back; adj later; bwin doriyan L (malih pungkuran H) adv later on, afterwards (fut).

      doron n return; doron mulih the return home.

      doroné adv the time about 10 a.m.; kanti doroné until about 10 a.m.

      nyaput kanti doroné wear an (extra) cloth until about 10 a.m.

      dosa n sin, transgression, omission (S dosa-); n fine (punishment); refusal to pay a fine or make an offering as prescribed by the rules of a sekäha (danda).

      dosadosa n pl sins (nosa trans).

      dosahin pass be fined.

      dosa matyan n murder.

      dot 1 (=hedot) intrans (ngadot trans) desire greatly, crave.

      dotang pass be caused to desire.

      dotdot-an n whatever is desired.

      dotdotin pass be strongly roused to desire sth.

      dotin pass be desired, craved.

      dot tekén have desire for.

      dot 2 n element (Raf); n teat of a baby’s bottle.

      ḑowa K n prayer, adoration, oblation (mad,owa intrans).

      dowang (EBali) adv only (=dogén).

      doyan 1 intrans be fond of, like.

      doyan 2 adv possibly, maybe; syapé doyan hamah lubak the fowl perhaps was eaten (by) a civet cat.

      dpang, dpin see depang, depin.

      ḑrasḑris intrans snore, breathe hard in sleep.

      drawa adj long, extensive (=dawa); intrans be flowing smoothly.

      lewir madu drawa H like dripping honey (in praise of a voice).

      drebé C n property (=deruwé) (gelah L).

      dredes intrans (nredes trans) move slowly and cautiously because of illness (=dresdes).

      dreman 1 n the name of a melody; n species of grass.

      dreman 2 K pass (=kasayangang) be beloved, be caused to love.

      dresdes intrans (nresdes trans) move slowly and cautiously because of illness (=dredes).

      dresdesang pass be moved with great care.

      drewé C n property; drewé + n =the property of, owned by (=deruwé).

      ḑrisḑis adj rapid (growth, progress) (=ḑarisḑis).

      driya K n sense (sight, etc.) (S indriya-).

      dropon adj hasty, premature; intrans know sth by half and act as though one knew it completely; talk about what is no more than hearsay.

      drutdut 1 n quail (bird).

      drutdut 2 intrans (nrutdut trans) trip, run with short steps.

      duda intrans not be shining, not be giving light.

      dudon H intrans deny (=dudu-an (say) it is otherwise; boyanin).

      dudu, dudū K adj adv else, otherwise; adj evil, ill-intentioned (i.e. being different) (=dédé).

      dudududu C adj pl otherwise (than true).

      ḑuḑug H intrans pile up, lay one on another (bugbug L).

      ḑuḑuk intrans (nuduk, ņḑud,uk trans) pluck, pull; take up, receive; collect (taxes).

      duduka pass be taken in.

      dudukan tax, toll; what is gathered; tax on gambling; juru dudukan tax gatherer.

      dudukang imp pick (it) up for (him)!

      dudukin pass be picked up, gathered; be liable to duty.

      hada kutang, hada duduk (where) there-is debt, there-are collectors.

      tusing duduk n a sacrifice which does not produce a result.

      dudul n bait for fish (=duldul) (nudul trans).

      dudus (=dusdus) intrans be smoked out, killed by smoke.

      dudut intrans (ndudut trans) draw to oneself, pull, attract.

      ndudut keyun, ndudut cita win someone’s affection, make oneself worthy of favor.

      dug conj when (=duk, dugas).

      duga 1 intrans be willing; tusing duga be unwilling.

      duga 2 intrans win at European dice.

      duga 3 intrans think much of oneself because one is different.

      duga 4 n cross (mark); occurs also in the game contokan: 4+2, 8+2, 12+2 etc.

      duga 5 H adj true, adv truly (=dugi).

      dugahan n (Raf) measure of depth.

      dugal n the congealed blood from the wounds of a cook; n a crudely carved image.

      dugas n time, occasion (=di hugas, dugan); conj is used for ‘when’; ‘while’; ‘at the time when’ (no more precise than duk).

      dugasé the time (when).

      dugas dinané hento that same day.

      dugas sangkepané né di dwa bulan at the time of the meeting that (was) 2 months ago.

      dugas to at that time, moment.

      dugdug H intrans pile up, lay one on another (bugbug L) (nugdug trans).

      dugdug-an n pile, heap, stack; a large quantity.

      dugdugang pass be piled, stacked for, be caused to be piled.

      dugdugin pass be piled, stacked by someone; suba tegeh bwin dugdugin ‘already high yet is piled up’ =a wealthy man is given further help.

      ḑugḑug n stack (of grain); ḑugḑug padi a pile of unthreshed rice.

      dugi H (=kadugi, kandugi) adv truly, indeed; kadugi sampun tyang nagih indeed I warned (him); also used for duga ‘be willing.’

      ḑuh interj (sorrow) alas, O (=heḑuh, huḑuh); used as a vocative particle in addressing very high persons.

      duheg (=duweg) L adj agile, quick, intelligent,

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