Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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intrans be wholly covered with sth, be thickly sown with sth.

      dempék n a species of banana.

      dempel n heap, swarm; intrans be swarming with; dempel semut be swarming with ants.

      démpél intrans be grown together (a hen’s toes) (=dimpil) (némpél trans).

      démpélang imp stay there; pass not be moved.

      démpét intrans stick together, grow as one (fruit, fingers), be double (banana); be sticky; mata démpét the eyelids are stuck together.

      démpétang pass be stuck together by someone.

      démplé intrans dance up and down to frighten someone.

      démplok intrans be wholly covered with sth, be thickly sown with sth (=dempal).

      dempul n putty (for glass) (nempul trans).

      dempulin pass be fixed in with putty.

      demung n chief (in drama) (=demang); n name of a song tune.

      dén 1 (Jav) n cause (krana L); conj because; in names, allegedly means ‘to the north of’ e.g. Dénpasar.

      déniya, dénipun its cause.

      déné the cause.

      dén 2 interj a sound used to calm cattle or buffalo.

      deņḑa n fine, punishment (=danda).

      denden adj jet black (hair) (=demdem).

      déndéng intrans dry in the sun (=déngdéng);

      masa déndéng R the dry season.

      déning H conj while, when, since (Jav dén hing); prep because of, in the sight of, by (+agent); déning sapunika H (krana kéto L) since things were (are) thus, like that.

      déng the fourth note in the Bali gamut (dang, ding, dung, déng, dong).

      dengang intrans not be still, not be at rest; move to and fro.

      dengas intrans breathe deeply.

      dengeh adj dull-witted.

      dengek intrans (nengek trans) take a handful.

      dengekang pass cause to take a handful, be given a handful.

      dengel intrans (nengel trans) bite (=dengkel; see dangal); dengel cicing be bitten by a dog.

      dengél adj charming, pretty.

      dengen 1 intrans (Raf) marry.

      madengendengen intrans get married.

      dengen 2 n what inspires fear, terror, amazement (ndengen trans); an evil spirit; an offering to evil spirits; n an offering made at the column in the house complex.

      dengéng L (=dlengéng) intrans (nengéng trans) see; dengang dengéng look repeatedly, look frequently.

      dengéngang imp open your eyes!; pass be open wide (eyes).

      dengéngin imp look at it!; pass be seen by someone.

      denges adj black; selem denges pitch black.

      dengkak n one shape of a kite.

      dengkal intrans be naughty, mischievous, wanton.

      dengkek 1 intrans (nengkek trans) seize, catch (=déngkol).

      dengkekang pass be caused to be arrested.

      dengkek 2 intrans be short in the body.

      dengkék 1 n one of the cards in the game of ceki.

      dengkék 2 intrans (nengkék trans) dispute, quarrel (see dengkik).

      dengkéka pass be scolded, addressed sharply.

      dengkel 1 intrans (nengkel trans) fall upon (like a dog on food).

      dengkel 2 intrans bite (=dengel).

      dengkendengken intrans walk in a bent position, walk with a stoop.

      dengki n envy; adj envious.

      dengkik intrans (nengkik trans) appear combative, be ready for a fight, utter threats (of attack), use acrimonious language.

      dengkakdengkik intrans utter strong and sharp words.

      dengkika pass is threatened with violence by someone.

      dengkikina pass is threatened with violence by someone.

      dengkakdengkik intrans utter strong and sharp words.

      déngkléng intrans (néngkléng trans) draw up, both legs suddenly, be crippled (=dengkléng, dingkling).

      déngkléng-ang pass have one leg raised.

      déngkléngin pass walk on one leg.

      dengkluk intrans (nengkluk trans) bend the knee or knees.

      dengklukang pass be caused to bend the knees.

      dengko n embrace (=déngkol) (nengko trans).

      adengko intrans embrace.

      déngkol adj curly (hair); intrans curve inwards, cur1 inwards; n a leg weak with much walking.

      dengkul n knee (nengkul trans).

      dengok L intrans (negok trans) emerge from a hole; look out of a hole, look at.

      dengokang pass be caused to appear.

      dengokdengok intrans stick the head out repeatedly.

      dengokin imp look there!; pass be stared at.

      déngséh adj shallow (water), flat (board) (dangsah L, dékén H).

      dengsek intrans be close, be crowded together (=desek).

      dep intrans abbr of hendep ‘rest,’ usually in the following forms:

      depang L imp allow, let, let alone (bang-gayang H).

      depin L imp allow someone, permit someone (banggayang H).

      depa n fathom (measurement =distance from fingertip to fingertip of both outstretched arms) (nepa trans).

      depahin pass be measured with the outstretched arms.

      hadepa n one fathom.

      hadepa hagung n a long fathom (from the tip of the big toe to the tip of the right hand stretched upwards).

      depadepé intrans creep to and fro.

      depak intrans catch with the flat hand (=tepak).

      depang, depin imp let, allow (abbr of hendep).

      depang suba ‘allow what is past’ =let it stand as it is; it is enough.

      depin ditu leave it there, leave it alone.

      depinin pass be left behind.

      depé intrans creep.

      depadepé intrans creep to and fro.

      dépéng adj supported, held up.

      depin intrans (nepin trans) let allow (this is a form due to false understanding of depin (see dep), taken to be an independent vb; from it are made madepin intrans, and depinin pass be permitted by someone).

      depin ditu leave it there, leave it alone.

      depit intrans (nepit trans) stick, cleave; n what makes things stick, glue.

      depitang pass be caused to stick, be glued.

      depuk intrans (nepuk trans) twist, twine, spin (thread).

      depukang pass be caused to be twisted, be twisted for someone.

      depukin pass be twisted, spun.

      ḑepuk n a measure as much as will fit between the two bands; a sheaf of rice; two things put over, beside, or after someone (nepuk trans).

      depukang pass be tied in bundles for someone.


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