Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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snore, breathe heavily in sleep.

      derbé H n (a distortion of deruwé) property; your (gelah L).

      derek intrans (nerek trans) be attached to a person or a place (emotionally).

      dérék n row, rank (nérék trans).

      dérék-an n row, line (of writing).

      dérékang pass be put in rows.

      déréng H adv not yet (durung C, tondén L); déréng rauh (he has) not yet arrived.

      derep intrans help with the rice harvest in return for a share of the crop, usually 1/5 to 1/8.

      derep-an n the share as above.

      deres intrans happen often, be dense, thick, copious (water, tears, words).

      dérés n a piece, slice; intrans (nérés trans) cut, slice.

      da-dérés-an n having been cut.

      dérés-an n cutting, remnant.

      dérésang pass be cut for someone, be caused to be cut.

      dérésin pass be cut, sliced; cut off.

      derik intrans arrange in a row (=dérék).

      derikan n line of writing.

      derika H adv there (=di-hirika); in correspondence these words are used (out of politeness) in the opposite sense: derika =where the writer is, deriki =where the recipient is (merika intrans).

      deriki H adv here (see derika) (=hiriki).

      deril n drill (cloth); drill (troops) (D dril).

      deringo n sweet cane, root of sweet cane.

      deris n the effect of a cold in the nose on speech.

      derumpuk intrans (nerumpuk trans) run quickly to.

      derus intrans (nepus trans) continue (durus K).

      deruwé C n property; used with a following n to mean ‘your,’ omitting any word which might be a pron.

      deruwén ratuné ‘your property,’ but: saking panagara drewén cokor hi déwa hiriki ring kalunglung ‘from the country property (of) “feet (of) the god (=your majesty)” there (not here) at Kalungkung’; deruwé is K duwé +infix -er-; it is written deruwé, derewé, drewé, derwé, derbé; the uninfixed form duwé is also used in the same way.

      des intrans move only slowly, cautiously (see dresdes).

      déśa n village, i.e. an area inhabited and cultivated by a community forming a recognized unit (S deśa-); also used loosely (like nagara) to mean land, area (esp land in actual use by people, as opposed to wild, uninhabited areas), town.

      caturdéśa the four points of the compass (S).

      déśa-déśa villages; lands.

      désa-han n the area considered to belong to a village community.

      désa, kala, patra (legal formula) place, time, situation.

      désak L n a title for female ksatriyas (hayu C); adj beautiful.

      désdés intrans run (eyes, nose, a sore) (=disdis).

      desek 1 adj near, forward, pressed together, crowded.

      desek 2 intrans (nesek, ndesek, ndesekang, mandesekang trans) advance, approach (=sesek).

      desekang imp go forward, draw near!

      desekin pass be pressed together by.

      desi n north.

      ḑeşţa n the eleventh month of the Saka year.

      ḑéşţa intrans (nésti trans) turn into a ghost, an evil spirit; bewitch (=ḑéşţi, dişţi,ḑiyéşţi) (ngaléyak L).

      destar H n head-cloth (Mal) (hudeng L).

      desti K adj beautiful (woman) (jegég L).

      ḑéşţi intrans (nésti trans) turn into a ghost, an evil spirit; bewitch (=ḑişţi, ḑiyéşţi) (ngaléyak L).

      ḑéşţina pass be bewitched.

      detdet intrans (netdet trans) pull at, jerk at frequently.

      détdét intrans be well-dressed (=datdat).

      dété n a kind of beautiful person.

      détiya K n demons (collective) (raksasa L) (S daitya-) (=détya).

      detik n second (part of a minute).

      détya K n demons (collective) (raksasa L) (S daitya-) (=détiya).

      déwa 1 n ninth day of the ten-day week.

      déwa 2 n masc god, spirit; used as title of satriyas and wésyas (fem déwi).

      déwa hénggong n a person in authority.

      déwa ratu n king, ruler; interj (amazement); a shout used to drive away monkeys.

      hi déwa brahmana (used as a pron).

      hi déwané your.

      déwädanda, déwägama n titles of two law-books.

      déwāgung contr of déwa hagung ‘your majesty.’

      déwangga n a kind of red-striped material used for loincloths.

      déwasa K n time, moment, day, auspicious day (=diwasa).

      déwasan the time (of).

      déwasahin pass be chosen as an auspicious day.

      déwäsaksi n ‘god is witness,’ oath sworn in a temple by brahmanas and satriyas.

      déwata n masc angel, god (fem déwati) (S devata-); intrans become a god, die (of kings).

      déwati n fem angel, god (S devata-); masc déwata.

      déwayan contr of déwa wayan, the eldest son of a brahmana.

      déwayu contr of déwa hayu, brahmana woman; the written form of the usual pronunciation of déwa hayu, the title of female brahmanas and ksatriyas.

      ḑéwé H ps pron he, himself (see déwék).

      déwék M n self, own person, body (didi L).

      déwéké the body; used by speakers to refer to themselves =I, we.

      déwekipun he himself, she herself.

      déwékné himself, herself, themselves.

      hi déwék I.

      déwi n fem queen, goddess; god, spirit; used as title of satriyas and wésyas (S dévī-).

      dharma, dharmma n beneficence, piety; n duty, religious law, patience (polos L) (S dharma-).

      dharmmika adj virtuous, pious.

      hanaké dharmma benefactors (Lk).

      hindu dharma n teachings of Hinduism.

      di prep in, on, at.

      di- this is not a Bali prefix, but the pass prefix of Jav and Mal used occasionally in literary Bali, with Bali suffixes e.g. to replace confix ka- -in: di-bresih-in, ka-bresih-in ‘be baptized, be cleansed.’

      dibarahi (Jav, Raf) (one who) is-loved (see barahi).

      dibasan n (Raf) legatee.

      dibi H adv yesterday (contr of di hibi).

      di-bresih-in pass be ceremonially cleansed, be baptized (Jav prefix) (Bali bresih-anga, ka-bresih-in be cleansed).

      dibya (=digbya) K adj wise, clever, gifted, beautiful (S divya-).

      di-celeb-ang pass be dipped in water, be baptized (Jav prefix).

      di-dalih n (Raf) the defendant, the accused (Jav prefix).

      ḑiḑi L n body (dihi, diri) (raga R, déwék H); pron self, selves

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