Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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to become skilled, clever.

      duhegan (=duwegan) n a young coconut used in religious ceremonies.

      duhka, duhkita K adj trouble, grief, pain of mind (S duhkhita-) (sungsut R, sedih L) sad, grieved.

      ḑuhuhḑuhuh intrans groan, moan, cry for help (=haḑuh).

      duhun intrans precede, be ahead (=duwun) (nuhun trans).

      duhunin pass be preceded by, be overtaken by.

      ḑuhung K n kris (=ḑuwung).

      duhur n growth, size, height; adj tall, high (=duwur); H adj head, top, point (sirah C, teras, heņḑas L); adult; intrans (nduhur trans) grow; H become adult, grow up; the n is used as prep ‘on,’ ‘on top of.’

      di duhurné on it.

      duhur-an compr adj principal (wife); H elder, older.

      pinih duhur firstborn.

      duk 1 L n time, hour, moment (daweg H); the n is used as adv and conj.

      duk bajang youth.

      duk cerik L, duk halit H childhood.

      duk hento, duk to, duk kéto at that time, when.

      duk twa old age.

      duké ‘the time’ =when.

      duké punika H at that time.

      duké smengan adv in early morning.

      duk 2 n the fiber of the sugar palm; tali duk n a rope of this fiber.

      duka 1 H n grief, sorrow; annoyance; anger (of a superior) (besus L).

      dukahin pass be grieved; be angered.

      dukahin, dukanin pass be rebuked, be blamed.

      duka 2 n the fourth day of the ten-day week.

      ḑukḑuk intrans gather, collect, receive (=ḑuḑuk).

      ḑukuh n a sudra hermit or priest.

      dukun n shaman, healer by magic.

      dukut n grass, weeds; the 29th week of the year.

      dulamé intrans groan, moan, complain, cry.

      dulaména pass be called upon for help.

      dulamé pati intrans moan continually, call on father and mother for help.

      ḑulang n a wooden tray on which to put dishes or cups.

      dulangakdulangék intrans look round in bewilderment.

      duldul n bait for fish (=dudul); intrans (nduldul, nuldul trans) fish with a hook and bait; try to catch small fish by lifting the stones under which they hide; fish fo information; sound someone out.

      duldula pass be baited, be lured.

      duldulin pass be baited (a hook or line) by someone.

      duleg H n jealousy, envy, hatred (=doleg) (hiri hati L); intrans be envious, be jealous, hate.

      duléngék intrans (nuléngék trans) look upwards at (=tuléngék).

      duléngékang pass be caused to look upwards.

      duli intrans (nuli trans) defy, challenge.

      dulina pass be defied.

      dulu 1 K intrans (nulu trans) see, look (hiwas L).

      dulu 2 (=di hulu) adv, prep uphill from, above.

      duluh intrans (nduluh trans) follow, go along a path, pass by (=dulur).

      duluhang pass be caused to pass.

      dulur H intrans (nulur trans) follow, be a companion of, agree with, harmonize with.

      dulur-an n following, train, company; what goes with sth.

      dulurin pass be accompanied; dulurin haji laksana pass have partners in an activity.

      menulurin trans accompany, be with.

      duluwan H adv at the top end, what is above (contr of di-hulu-wan).

      dum L n dividing, sharing (=hedum); intrans (ngedum trans) share, divide (bagi H).

      duma pass be shared by, divided by.

      duman n share, part, division; a dry measure (bagyan H).

      dumduma pass be shared out (hajak among).

      dumin pass be given a share.

      duma 1 intrans become broody (hen), begin to lay eggs (hen); be about to calve (cow).

      duma 2 n a kind of offering.

      dumaḑak intrans may it be (daḑak +infix -um-) (numadakang trans).

      dumadakang pass be prayed for.

      dumadé in the phrase tan dumadé adv ‘then.’

      dumadi intrans begin to be; be reincarnated (dadi +infix -um-) (dumados R).

      dumalada adj simple, plain.

      dumara conj when, as soon as, at the moment when (du- emphatic prefix); adv just past, just now; first, for the first time (=tumbén).

      dumengguh intrans be still unripe (fruit, peas, etc.).

      dumi n the name of a joint of meat.

      dumilah intrans flame, be burning, be bright (dilah +infix -um-).

      dumun H adv formerly; saking dumun adv from earlier (jumun, malu L); before (hané malu L).

      dumunan compr adv earlier (hi maluwan L).

      dumunin pass be preceded (ndumunin trans).

      dumunung intrans take lodgings, put up (dunung +infix -um-).

      dundun intrans (ndundun trans) waken, shake someone awake (nanginin R waken); attack from behind, poke in the back.

      dundunin pass be wakened.

      dunung L n the place where one is (sanggrah R).

      dunung-an n inn.

      dunungin pass be lodged in (padunungan L, pasanggrahan R lodging).

      dung n the third note in the Bali gamut (dang, ding, dung, déng, dong).

      dungkah adj pale, pallid; faded (skin).

      dungkang intrans (ndungkang trans) step, stride, step over, take a big step.

      dungkang-an n step; pace, stride.

      dungkangin pass be stepped over, be disregarded.

      ha-dungkang n one stride.

      dungkap L intrans (nungkap trans) reach sth by jumping, jump in the air, pass over a mountain, ascend (tincap H).

      dungkapa pass was ascended by someone.

      dungket adj short; lawasan tihingé dungket the joints of the bamboo are short.

      dungki n a basket of plaited bamboo, for catching shrimps or small fish.

      pencar kerep, dungki langah ‘net small-mesh, basket wide-mesh’ =many get the results, but in the end nothing is enjoyed.

      duraka K n sin, wrongdoing (dosa L, prasangga C); adj disobedient, sinful (dur- K prefix meaning ‘wrong’ + S suffix -ka making adj.)

      dur-atma-ka K ‘having a wrong soul’ =n evil-doer, thief (pamaling L).

      durbala n agony, great pain.

      durén, durian n the fruit durian (earlier duryan, as lyan, lén).

      nasak durén, nasak manggis ‘is-ripe the durian; is-ripe the mangosteen’ =the sexual desire of a man is visible, that of a woman is not visible.

      durga n the wife of Siwa, a goddess of destruction and disaster; hence K n difficulty, obstacle; adj difficult, troublesome.

      durga déni n the name of a female demon.


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