Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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      gangsal adj bad at speaking, bringing out words only with an effort.

      gangsar intrans make haste, hurry, go fast, go on uninterruptedly (=gongsor).

      gangsarang imp hurry up!, hasten!

      gangsing n top (toy).

      gangsur intrans breathe quickly, pant, gasp.

      gangtong n water pot.

      gancan n spindle (spinning); spool, reel.

      gancang 1 adj hasty, rapid, premature; intrans do sth rapidly.

      gancang 2 n a species of plantain.

      gancé n cluster, bunch, wad (=réncé); intrans be together (many things of the same kind).

      ganja n the upper rim of sth; festoon; the wide upper end of a kris sheath.

      ganjah n a species of tuberous plant (biyah).

      ganjar n gift; offering to the powers below, demons; n an object carried before a corpse at a cremation: two long bamboos joined together by a skein of white and colored thread on which 227 képéngs are strung.

      ganjih adj brittle, fragile, infirm; n what is loosely connected.

      ganjing, gaganjing n a device for measuring water (in irrigation).

      ganjur K n lance, spear (=tumbak L).

      ganjut (=ganjot, ganyut) n heel (=tungak bahis).

      gapgap intrans (ngapgap trans) bring sth as a present to a friend or relative on a casual visit (uninvited).

      gapgap-an n a present (as above); souvenir (=temontemon).

      gapgapang pass be brought as a present.

      gara K n a married woman; a prince’s wife.

      garandang n a species of sea-animal with sharp thorns on its back.

      garantim n a fashion of head of a kris-hilt, made of gold, with lozenge patterns of iron wire.

      garang intrans (nggarang trans) attack with many others; scramble.

      garangan n mongoose.

      garap n work, deed, action, performance (nggarap trans); intrans touch with the hands, work with the hands; perform (duty).

      garbhini K adj pregnant (S garbhinī-).

      garéja n sparrow; kedis garéja sparrow.

      garejeg n force, violence, power, superior force (=gerejeg).

      gargaji n saw (tool).

      gargita H adj happy, glad, joyful (=kénak) (kendel L).

      garing adj dry, dried (food).

      garis L n line; garis karwan regular lines.

      garjak intrans (nggarjak trans) execute (a criminal).

      garjjita C n joy, gladness (demen L) (S garjita-‘jubilation’).

      garpu n fork.

      garu n aloes-wood.

      garuḑa K n a fabulous bird like an eagle, on which Wisnu rides (S); garuḑa mungkur ‘garuda at the back’ =an ornament worn by padandas on the back of their heads during some ceremonies.

      garung n a kind of clay.

      garunyan (=gerunyam) adj rascally, no good, rogue.

      garut 1 intrans (nggarut trans) stretch the arms out in front so as to reach sth; take everything at once, seize sth violently for oneself.

      garut 2 intrans (nggarut trans) answer a speech with few words.

      gas (=hegas) n gas; lengis gas n petrol for motorcars (Am).

      gasa 1 K n bracelet anklet (gelang L).

      gasa 2 adj quick, rapid, with speed.

      gasal adj odd (number); unequal (stakes at games or betting).

      gasgas n itch, itching; intrans scratch (cat, etc.); intrans (nggasgas trans) scratch an itching place (=gésgés).

      gatah n gum (used as medicine); gatah kayu n resin, gum from trees.

      gatar intrans tremble.

      gatel H intrans have an itch; sexual desire (genit L); n an itch.

      gatép n a tree with broad leaves and scented flowers, which produce fruit that tastes somewhat like chestnuts.

      gati L adj important, true, essential, needing to be done (gatos H); adv very, incontestably (pisan H); adj urgent, hurried, hasty, needed in a hurry; n speed, haste; intrans (nggati trans) do in haste, do quickly.

      gatiyang pass be done in haste.

      gumati intrans do in haste, worry.

      gaţik intrans just able to touch everyone; knock, be in contact.

      gatot K adj strange, unusual, wonderful.

      gagatot kaca seraya the name of a poem and of its principal character.

      gatra 1 L n plan, project, proposition (gatri C).

      gatra 2 n news (horta L).

      gatra 3 adv almost, nearly, about.

      gawa C intrans (ngawa, nggawa trans) carry (haba L).

      gawé (=gahé) intrans (ngawé trans) do, make, work.

      gawénang pass be done, be made.

      tan pagawé L (tan pakaryya H) adj useless, in vain, pointless.

      gawok (=gahok) intrans marvel, be amazed.

      gawu (=gahu) n harrow.

      gayot 1 (Raf) n mole, wart.

      gayot 2 adj tied at both ends, like a carrying-mat.

      gayung 1 n a coconut shell ladle, used in religious rites.

      gayung 2 intrans (nggayung trans) swing to and fro continually hanging on sth; dance in a certain fashion.

      gayur n the tusks of a kidang (roe-deer) (=kambit n bite).

      gebag L intrans (nggebag trans) watch, keep watch on, observe, care for (kemit H, jaga C); n watch (division of time).

      gebag-an n the watch, watchman, sentry; the personnel serving in a palace.

      geban-géban intrans go up and down, hop, skip, shake (hair).

      gebang n a species of wild palm-flowers.

      duwin gebang n a mode of damascening on the blade of a kris.

      gebeg intrans (ngebeg trans) rub, make contact with friction.

      gebegang pass be rubbed, be ground (with a stone).

      gebeh n a large container for water, of clay or metal.

      gébér n dewlap (of cattle) (=gabir).

      gebiyog n entrance to a fort; door or gate of a fortified place.

      geblag intrans (nggeblag trans) smack with the flat hand.

      gebog 1 intrans (ngebog trans) collect, gather, unite, add together; n meeting, gathering.

      gebog-an n amount, sum, total; wholesale buying or selling; the amount agreed as payment for work.

      gebogang pass be added up.

      gebog 2 n a measure of length (=twenty fathoms); a roll of cloth of this length.

      gebog 3 L n an offering made to the household gods at New Year (pajegan R).

      gebrag intrans (nggebrag trans) startle, frighten.

      gebras intrans raise the voice (magebras intrans).

      gebug intrans (nggebug trans) strike, hit with a fist; strike a musical instrument (drum, gong).

      gebuh adj tender (meat); soft (ground, fruit).


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