Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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a dish of meat stewed with herbs (=gagecok).

      gedabag n a thud.

      gedabaggedubug intrans walk heavily, tramp.

      gedubug n a duller thud than gedabag.

      geḑah n glasswork, crystal.

      gedal intrans (nggedal trans) fall continuously on (e.g. heavy rain); trounce, beat.

      gedang n a kind of plantain; n a kind of mango; n a papaya fruit; gedang saba n a species of papaya.

      gedé L adj large, big, great; heavy, thick; noble, respected; high (water) (hagung R, hageng C) (nggedénang trans).

      gedé keneh L be conceited.

      gedénang pass be made great, magnified.

      hida gedé n title of brahmana priests.

      geḑé n bigness, size, greatness; n the name given to the eldest son (not daughter); n a title used for respectedśudras.

      balé geḑé n the principal balé in a house complex (always of the same pattern) (balé hagung the chief balé in a temple or palace; temple).

      geḑénan n a great person; compr larger, greater.

      geḑénné its size (hageng hipun H).

      paling geḑéna greatest.

      gedebeg n a hollowed-out tree trunk on wheels; a Bali cart.

      gedebong n the shredded stem of a banana plant, fed to pigs.

      gedebong basah n a blade shape of kris.

      gedeg n hate, ill will, anger; gedeg basang kahiné ‘is-hated (by) my guts.’

      geḑeg L intrans (nggedeg trans) have ill will, be angry, hate (duka H).

      geḑegang pass be hated.

      geḑi intrans (ngedihang trans) go away, go out, remove oneself (magdi intrans).

      gedog n the box in which the puppets for the wayang are stored, on which the dalang beats a rhythm to accompany his recital.

      gedog-an n a wooden stable.

      gedogolan n insects; unfledged young birds.

      gedong n (Tenganan, EBali) a square cage, without floor and roof, built of bamboo, carried by the boys who are being initiated (teruna nyoman), from inside which they throw mud at the girls (gathered as sekaha dähä) in a balé.

      gedong-an n a house built of stone; the sleeping-house (metén).

      gedong kirtya n library.

      gedong metén n the stone windowless house in which the parents sleep, in which also the family valuables are kept.

      gedong tanah n underground house, cellar.

      geḑong 1 n one room in a house of several rooms; a stone building.

      geḑong 2 n a house for gods, built on four stone pillars.

      géḑor intrans (nggédor trans) move the closed hand as though beating time.

      géḑorgéḑor intrans wobble in the body (a fat man), move like a fat pig.

      gedos intrans (nggedos trans) drive someone from his home, drive into exile.

      geḑubang n the first red spittle from a betel-chew.

      geḑuh adj sticky, soft (ground).

      geḑuhgeḑuh n small holes left by the sea on the sand.

      gedul adj blunt, blunted (the point of a knife).

      gega C intrans (ngega trans) believe, trust in, obey (=gege) (sadin L, gugu H).

      gegarang n a species of plant.

      gegas conj (Raf) so that, until, finally.

      gegem n fist, handful (nggegem trans).

      hagegem n one fistful, as much as can be grasped in the hand.

      gegémpélan adj conjunct sa, şa, and pa, which stand on the writing-line.

      gegénan the usual pronunciation of gagahénan n.

      gégér H n uproar, clamor, noise (hendeh L).

      geginan n passion, desire (for things, action); devotion.

      géh interj a sound made to encourage pigs to fight.

      gehenggangsa n a species of caterpillar.

      gejir n rocking on the legs.

      gejor n shaking, earthquake (=linuh hageng ring bhūmi a great quaking on the earth); intrans shake, quake.

      gela n pain.

      gelägelä n a groaning sound, torture, torment.

      geladag n a smooth floor of wood or stone;

      geladag prahu the deck of a ship.

      gelagah n a long, thick species of reeds.

      gelah intrans (ngelah, nggelah trans) have (possess), have (a child); L n property.

      gelaha pass be owned.

      gelahang pass be caused to own, be claimed as one’s own.

      gelahé the property (the word is used to mean ‘the property of,’ and often must be translated ‘my own, our own,’ ‘our’ (deruwé H).

      gelahgelah, gelahgelahhan n property, possessions.

      gelalanggeliling intrans roll to and fro.

      gelam n a fungus-like climbing plant.

      gélan intrans betroth.

      kagélan pass betrothed (=n fiancé, fiancée).

      gelanting intrans (nggelanting trans) hang loose from, hang on the hands.

      gelang L n bracelet, anklet (pinggel R).

      ga-geleng-an n wrist, ankle (pa-pinggel-an R).

      gelang jalanan n door handle.

      gelang kala n armlet.

      gelanggang n a sharpened bamboo, used as a pike.

      gelap 1 H n lightning, stroke of lightning (tatit L); intrans flash (of lightning).

      gelap 2 H adj dark (peteng L).

      gelar intrans put in order, arrange, spread out (ngelar trans); n order, regulation; strengthening; enclosure, ambush; battle-order; what is necessary for a feast; what one relies on; n stakes (at gaming).

      gelarang pass be arranged.

      gelas n glass (D).

      gelatik n rice-bird; n a kind of melon.

      gelayot intrans (nggelayot trans) swing to and fro, be pendulous.

      gelbung n barn (=payung, jenang, panggong).

      gelebeg n rice store (raised on posts).

      gelebug n the thud of an object falling on the ground.

      geleḑug (=geluḑug) intrans thunder (not violent); roll (stomach); n gentle thunder, rolling sound of the abdomen.

      geleh intrans cry out in sleep, start up out of sleep with a cry.

      gelek L intrans (nggelek trans) swallow, swallow down (heled H).

      gelekang imp swallow it!

      gelem L n illness, sickness, fever (sungkan R); adj ill; intrans be ill.

      gelemgelem n pl sick people.

      gelemgeleman intrans be sickly, stay in bed.

      gelem ngapwan n tertian fever.

      gelem ngator n fever which causes trembling.

      gelem ngatung n quartan fever.

      gelémék 1 intrans (nggelémék trans) blame, censure, advise, forbid.

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