Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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2 adj suitable, befitting.

      gelénténg intrans (=gelanting) hang loosely from, hang on the hands.

      gelénténg-an n a small kind of scoop-net.

      geleng 1 intrans (nggeleng trans) attend to, give one’s full mind to; stare at.

      geleng 2 K n anger; intrans be angry.

      geles adj fine, beautiful, tender.

      gelgel adj crooked, pulled awry, bent round, not capable of being put right.

      geli intrans creep away ashamed, slink past someone.

      gelibeg intrans (nggelibeg trans) lean over, topple.

      gelidahgelidah intrans move about restlessly on a bed (=galédah).

      gelili n barley sugar.

      gelilik intrans (nggelilik trans) roll, revolve (see gilik).

      gelinting intrans rise from the ground.

      gelip intrans not dare to show oneself, creep away ashamed.

      gelis H adj quick; adv rapidly, immediately (gangsa, hénggal L); intrans (nggelis trans) be quick, rapid.

      gelisang pass be quickened, expedited, hurried.

      geliyur intrans be disarranged, mixed up, confused.

      gelodog adj coarse, roughly woven (mat, basket).

      ga-gelodog-an n coarse woven work.

      gelogoh n the sound of rushing water (nggelogoh trans).

      gelogor n stable, hut for animals (cows, pigs, horses etc.) at night; n a woven bamboo cage for catching monkeys.

      geloh intrans (ngeloh trans) flow, move about.

      gelomoh adj pudgy, fat.

      gelontongan n a block of wood; a short, thick log.

      gelong R n the hair-knot usually worn by men (=gelung) (jempong L).

      geludug (=geleḑug) intrans thunder gently; rumble (stomach); n thunder, rumbling.

      geluluk intrans roll, revolve (=gelilik).

      gelung n hair-knot of Bali men (=gelong).

      gelur intrans cry aloud, weep loudly.

      gelurgelur intrans yell often and loudly.

      gelut intrans (nggelut trans) embrace, include, join together, unite to do sth.

      gemal n a measure, a hand, four inches.

      gemba adj brittle, weak, fragile; intrans not be strong enough for sth.

      gembad n landslide; fall of a wall (=gembid); intrans fall down (wall), fall in (ground), burst out, erupt (volcano).

      gémbal n the mane of a horse; a kind of maize.

      gembid n landslide; intrans fall down, subside (ground), erupt (volcano) (=gembad).

      gémbléng L n vulva (baga R, sarira C).

      gemblung n the blunt thud of the alarm-block; the plump of sth falling into water.

      gembol intrans be round, be spherical, fat (=gemol).

      gémbol n a growth, swelling (body); a knob on a tree.

      gémbrong adj having thick or long hair (animals).

      gémé adj dirty, muddy, filthy (=daki).

      gemel L n fist, clenched fist (kepel H); intrans (ngemel trans) hold in the fist, crush in the hand.

      hagemel n a fistful.

      ngemelngemel trans knead well.

      gemes L adj hard, severe, cruel; n inhumanity, cruelty (keras H); intrans (nggemes trans) treat people harshly.

      gemesang pass be forced (to do sth), be treated cruelly, severely.

      gemgem intrans squeeze between two things.

      gemol intrans be round, fat (=gembol).

      gempal intrans (nggempal trans) break to pieces, break a large piece off sth.

      gempel adj gathered thickly.

      gémpél 1 intrans stand close together, be grown together (fingers, toes).

      gegémpélan adj conjunct pa and sa (see gampél, gegémpélan).

      gémpél 2 intrans be flat, not projecting (magémpél intrans).

      gempilis n a kind of cake made with rice.

      gempinis n a species of plant.

      gempol 1 intrans tie together (mangempol trans).

      kagempol pass be tied together.

      ga-gempol-an n nosegay, bouquet.

      gempol 2 intrans swell, be swollen; n a swelling, a thick lump, knob.

      gempong n the rind of the fruit delungdung, used as an unguent for the skin.

      gempuk adj prettily curled (hair).

      gempuluk n a pack, burden, a package to be transported.

      gempuluk-an n a package.

      gempulukan mata n eyeball.

      gempung intrans be wholly perished, annihilated, totally destroyed.

      gemuh adj fertile (land); rich; abundant; n abundance, wellbeing.

      gemuk adj immovable, stiff (nggemuk trans).

      gén abbr of hanggén pass ‘be used’; abbr of dogén adv ‘only’.

      gena L interro pron what? (=hapa); used only in: bakal gena?, lakar gena? what is it for? what good is it?

      hanggona gena seken be-used-for what definite (purpose)?

      genah H n place, situation; room, empty space; address (tongos L); adv where.

      genahang pass be placed, laid down (nggenahang trans).

      genahnyané ‘its place’ =where it is.

      geņḑa n fault, mistake (esp in a game) (=danda).

      ngendahang trans put at fault.

      geņḑéla n window, frame (=jendéla).

      geņḑeng adj foolish, simple, ignorant.

      gendenggendengan intrans act ignorant, act foolish.

      hanak geņḑeng n idiot.

      gendér n a musical instrument: a row of thin copper keys tied together with strings, over a row of bamboo sounding boxes, used chiefly at the shadow-play.

      geņḑing n tune, melody, song (nggeņḑing trans).

      ga-geņḑing-an n song.

      geņḑinggeņḑing intrans hum, drone.

      geņḑis H n sugar (gula L).

      geņḑis rateng adj dark brown.

      gendolagan adj bare, unfledged (young birds).

      géņḑong, gagéņḑong n knapsack, a beggar’s bag.

      hanak géņḑong n beggar.

      geņḑongan n a large gland in the neck beside the ear; a swelling of this gland.

      genep L adj even (number); full, complete (jangkep H); intrans (nggenep trans) complete, fill, finish.

      genéya K n southwest/northwest (kajakahuh L) (=gnéha) (S agnéya-).

      geni (=gni) H n fire (hapi L); abbr of agni ‘used’ (S agni-).

      genirowa, genirwa K n certain days of the month on which roofs must not be thatched (because they will catch fire).

      genit L intrans be itchy (ngenit trans).

      geņţa 1

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