Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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1 n a bright red, non-patterned material for loincloths.

      géso 2 n abbr of gerakan satu Oktober (a reference to an attempted coup in October 1965).

      gestok n abbr of gerakan satu Oktober (a reference to an attempted coup in October 1965).

      getak intrans (nggetak trans) drive before one, drive cattle.

      getap adj frightened, timid, fearful, cowardly.

      getar adj clear, enthusiastic (speech).

      getas 1 K n mango (poh L).

      getas 2 adj broken, broken off; clear, properly accentuated (speech) (see tas, tastas).

      getel intrans (nggetel trans) pinch, break off with the fingers, pluck, pluck, off (leaves) (=getil).

      getep intrans (nggetep trans) clip (wings); cut to a point, sharpen.

      geti n a kind of delicacy.

      getigeti n pl sweets, candy.

      getih L n blood (rah, herah R).

      getik intrans (nggetik trans) make a knocking sound.

      getil intrans (nggetil trans) pinch, pluck with the fingers (=getel).

      geting intrans repel, disgust, arouse dislike or anger.

      geţing 1 intrans become narrower, come to a point; be thick at the ends and thin in the middle.

      geţing 2 n repulsion, dislike, disgust.

      geţok intrans (nggetok trans) rap, tap (with the knuckles); knead dough.

      getor n shivering, trembling (nggetor trans).

      gelem nggetor n ague.

      getul intrans be extremely small (=getung).

      hagetul n a tiny bit (=hagetung).

      getung intrans be extremely small (=getul).

      hagetung n a tiny bit (=hagetul).

      géwar n the sound of many voices, din, noise.

      gibeg intrans (nggibeg trans) tear oneself free, loose (=gadibeg).

      gidat n forehead; sakit gidat n headache.

      gidgid adj sharp (stones).

      gigi L n tooth, tusk (huntu R).

      gigi kilap n thunderbolt.

      gigina, giginyané his teeth, tusks.

      gigir R n back (of the body) (tundun L).

      gigis 1 intrans be little, gentle, unimportant, be not bad.

      gigis-an compr less, less bad; better (health after illness).

      gigis masahut intrans give a gentle answer.

      gigis 2 n a bit.

      hagigis one bit.

      gigis 3 n the third day of the eight-day week.

      gigit intrans (nggigit trans) eat the opium that remains stuck to the pipe.

      giha K n rock cave, grotto (=giya, gwa).

      gihet intrans be in earnest, be serious (=giyet).

      gihing n backbone, spine.

      tulang gihing n vertebra.

      gila n revulsion, horror; intrans be repelled by sth.

      gilak adj rapid, hasty; making rapid movements indicating madness.

      gilap intrans shine, beam, gleam; n shine, coat of varnish.

      gilgil intrans tremble, shiver with cold.

      gilgilgilgil intrans tremble with old age; tremble over the whole body.

      gili K n ridge, long hill; small island.

      gilih intrans (nggilih trans) change positions with someone, take over duty, relieve a guard; do sth in turns, in course; n exchange, change, taking over (duty), relief.

      gilih-an adj acting in turns, in course.

      gilik intrans (nggilik trans) turn sth about, roll away (a large object); adj round, spherical (bunter H).

      giling intrans (nggiling trans) turn, roll.

      gilir intrans exchange with someone, take turns (=gilih).

      gilir-an n watch, period after which a guard is relieved.

      gina K n hook, barb (bucu L).

      hastagina having eight corners (a shape of balé).

      pancagina having five corners (a shape of balé).

      ginawé K pass be being done, have been taken in hand (gawé +infix -in-).

      gintan n cumin.

      gintan cemang n black cumin seed.

      gintil n pimple, lump on the skin.

      ginggang intrans totter, waddle, be unsteady; intrans be of changeable temper, unsteady of purpose (=hobah).

      gingser intrans go more rapidly (ngingser trans).

      gingserang pass accelerate (of a car).

      gingsir H intrans change one’s place; remove, withdraw, yield (gentos H, kisid L).

      gingsul intrans be set crooked, be twisted (teeth) (=salah genah be wrongly positioned).

      ginceng intrans have the hair in disorder; be very frayed (a rope).

      ginjal 1 intrans (nginjal trans) stamp with the feet; tread on, trample on.

      ginjal 2 intrans (nginjal trans) not go smoothly; be displaced (numbered pages).

      ginjal 3 n what is left over after sth has been shared out.

      ginjel n little lumps of fat on the neck.

      gipih n speed, haste; adj rapid (=gupuh); intrans hurry, hasten.

      gir intrans make the sound of a small gong.

      girang intrans rejoice, be very happy, do sth with pleasure.

      giri K n mountain (gunung L M).

      girik intrans (nggirik trans) toy with, fiddle with; bore a small hole; clean cotton by stirring with a stick.

      giring n side, edge (nggiring trans).

      gisang intrans (nggisang trans) touch with the hand.

      gisangin imp handle (it)! gisgis intrans scratch with the nails (=gasgas).

      gisi L intrans (nggisi trans) hold, hold firmly, keep firm hold (gamel H).

      gisina kébotina pass ‘is-held is-be-lefted-by him’ =is held by him in his left hand.

      gisina knawanina pass is held by him in his right hand.

      gisok intrans rub (=gosok).

      gisuh n difficulty, trouble (=gesah); intrans have trouble with sth, not reach one’s goal easily.

      gita K n story, narrative, poem (S gītā- ‘song’) (gaguritan L); n melody, tune (gending L).

      gitik n rod, stick, staff.

      ga-gitik n rod, stick, staff.

      giwang 1 n talc-earth.

      giwang 2 adj inlaid with lozenges of mother-of-pearl (comb, knife etc.).

      giya K n cave, grotto (=giha, gwa).

      giyat n pimple, pustule on the face.

      giyet L intrans be serious, be in earnest about (=gihet) (hitep H).

      giyetgiyet intrans make a great effort.

      giying n spine, backbone (=giing).

      giyur n clamor, roaring, raving.

      gl- words beginning gl- are also spelled gel-.

      glagak R intrans

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