Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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the world.

      guminé the land, the earth.

      guminné their town.

      guminnyané his country, district.

      gumi pulangan retired members of the village council.

      gumilap intrans glitter, sparkle (gilap +infix -um-).

      gumitir n a species of flower.

      gumpang n the heads of rice when the grain has been beaten out.

      gumpung intrans fall out (hair), have fallen out.

      gumuk n grave mound, mound, heap of earth (=gagumuk).

      gumulah adj boiling (water).

      gumuruh K intrans make a great noise (guruh intrans +infix -um-); n the sound of many voices.

      guņa K n profit, gain, advantage; energy, force, magic (S guna-); adj clever, capable, able.

      guņanné his gain; its advantage, profit, point.

      gunati n title of a poem (=dé gunati).

      guņḑik n concubine; a prince’s secondary wife (śudra).

      guņḑul adj (ngguņḑul trans) bald, completely shaven.

      gunem n music performed before the shadow-play.

      gun-gun intrans (ngun-gun trans) give in to one’s child, spoil a child in this way.

      guntek n a species of fish.

      gunting n scissors; intrans (nggunting trans) shave, cut the hair.

      guntingan n small insensitive pimples on the skin.

      guntung n thin fibers from the midribs of palm leaves, twisted into rope.

      gunung n mountain.

      gunung-an, gununggunungan adj mountainous, looking like mountains.

      gunung batu n solid rock.

      gunungé, gunungngé the mountain.

      gununggunung pl mountains.

      gung L n amount, total (abbr of hagung).

      gung hartta, gungngartta total amount of money.

      pigung n amount, count.

      gunggung n a species of wild strawberries (=gaunggung).

      gupek n an oblong drum, beaten with the fingers.

      gupremén n government (D gouvernement).

      guprenul n governor (D gouverneur).

      guprenul jéndral n governor-general.

      gupuh intrans hurry, be quick; n speed, haste; adj hasty, hurrying.

      gur intrans make the sound of a large gong.

      guragada adj very arrogant.

      gurasakgurisik intrans toss and turn when unable to sleep; move about restlessly; be movable (=gerasakgerasok).

      gurda K n banyan tree (bahingin L).

      gurit n poem, story, narrative (see gorét ‘croak’); intrans (nggurit trans) tell a story, recite a poem, compose literary work.

      guru 1 n teacher (S guru-); spiritual teacher; hi guru suśrusa respect for teachers and elders as a religious duty.

      para guru the teachers.

      guru 2 H n father; used as pron =you, I, he (like bapa); hi guru Father.

      bhatara guru a title of Siwa.

      guru loka the king’s priest, the priest presiding at a national religious festival.

      gurun cningngé thy father (to Jesus from his mother, Lk 2.48).

      guruh K intrans make a loud sound, the sound of many voices or of thunder (=gereh).

      gusti H n lord (written ghusti, gusthi); master; address of a wife to her husband.

      gusti, hi gusti used as pron ‘you’ to high persons; hi gusti and hida gusti are part of the names of persons of the wésya and satriya castes (male and female).

      gusti hayu title of female wésya.

      gustin méméné (my) lady mother.

      gutgut intrans (nggutgut trans) bite (men and animals), snap, nibble, gnaw (=gugut).

      gutil intrans (nggutil trans) bite (snake).

      guto n the name of the alleged ancestor of the sengguhu (śudra priests).

      guwam, guwaman n a disease of the mouth in children; quinsy.

      sakit guwam intrans have quinsy.

      guwangan n an instrument on a kite, sounded by the wind.

      guwét intrans (ngguwét trans) carve, cut into, make incisions in.

      guwi in guwi tengah marcapada n the equator.

      guwung n the conjunct r after a consonant (=guhung) (cakra K).

      guyang intrans roll in the dust; throw oneself round and round, lying on the ground.

      guyu intrans (ngguyu trans) laugh; n a laughing face, laughter.

      guyonin pass be laughed at.

      guyul adj weakened with age, stiff in the joints with age (ruyut H) (not as extreme as raya L).

      gwa n (=guwa) cave, den.

      gwak n crow (bird) (=gowak).

      gwak selem n raven.


      This letter is now silent in Bali, except at the end of a syllable; in earlier days it was pronounced in many words, as can be seen in the Mal forms of some words common to Mal and Bali. This pronounced h occurred at the beginning of the suffixes -a, -an, -ang, -é, -in, and the Jav preposition hing, as also in enclitic pronouns like hidä, hipun, hiya; the h is still written in the Bali script when the suffixes -an, -ang, -in, (rarely -a) are added to bases ending in a vowel, though it is ignored in Roman script. The effect of this h is also seen in the sporadically occurring doubling of a final consonant before -an, -é, and hing: candakkan, paméyossan, ceningngé, nangnging (nanghing), manywaknywakkiyā. When these suffixes are added to bases ending in h, it is usual to write h only once, though it may be doubled; one therefore has to know the word in order to decide whether the written h is silent or the fricative. The initial h is usually dropped in the second form of a reduplicated word (e.g. hamahamahan, hadepadepan), though it is frequently written. Similarly, enclitic pronouns like hida, hipun, hiya are often written without h. The loss of h in pronunciation led to the writing of all initial vowels with h, even in K or S words which began with an initial vowel (e.g. the S prefix meaning ‘not’); only in names are the old initial vowel-signs (aksara wayah) used, mostly by the learned.

      ha- 1 a prefix, often written he-, used freely before nouns of verbs whose base has only one syllable, e.g. hebah (bah), hadot (dot); the transitive forms of verbs with a monosyllabic base always have this prefix, nasalized to nga-, nge-.

      ha- 2 K a verbal prefix surviving in literary Bali, put before S-forms and N-forms without influencing the meaning; ha- also means ‘and.’

      ha- 3 (in K and S words) the S prefix a- which negates the word, e.g. hakroda ‘not-anger.’

      ha- 4 num one; it is prefixed to words of size or amount, and to classifiers, e.g. ha-bagi one half, one part; ha-besik one; ha-bulan one month; ha-cepok once; hadasa decade (1x10); ha-diri one person; ha-laksa 1x10,000; ha-lembar one sheet (of letter-paper); ha-ringgit one dollar; ha-tenga one half; ha-méter one metre; ha-wahi one day.

      -ha suffix indicating 3ps (sing or pl) as a pron expressing the genitive, or the agent of a pass vb, or the direct object of a trans vb; the h is rarely written in Bali script and never in Roman script.

      ha 1 n the first letter of the alphabet; at the end of a syllable, when another consonant follows,

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