Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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cut, slice; n a slice (=heheb).

      hahed intrans (ngahed trans) dwindle, make low, make too low (=hahed).

      hahéd intrans (ngahéd trans) explain, narrate (=héhéd).

      haheg intrans (ngaheg trans) keep silence.

      hahem n food for children.

      hahéng intrans (ngahéng trans) terrify, horrify; adj terrifying, amazing, extraordinary, strange; n a ghost, said to walk upside down, hence also called buta sungsang.

      hahéng-an compr more horrifying.

      hahep L intrans be in front, go forwards (=hadep, harep) (hayun R, hajeng H); adj abovementioned, concerned, before (in letters); n going forward, being in front.

      di hahep (=di harep, etc.) adv, prep in front of, in the presence of.

      hahep-an n going forward, being in front.

      hahér n perfume, scent; hahér gilo a species of flower, rose.

      hahérhahér-an n bright little crystals like diamonds, which are used to decorate gold ornaments.

      hahés n ornament, decoration (=pahyas) (hahyas K).

      hahi L n day (=wahi); rarely used except in the following phrases:

      hahiné the days.

      matanahi (=matan hahi) n ‘eye (of) day’ =the sun.

      sahi (=sa-hahi) adv daily.

      sahisahi adv continually (sadinädina R).

      tengahhi (=tengah hahi) n midday.

      tusing ngenah hahi there is no sunshine.

      hahib n a fence of bamboo.

      hahih interj (expressing amazement).

      ha-hijeng n one cluster (fruit); one bunch (bananas) (the rows of bananas in the cluster are called hijas).

      hahik interj (expressing amazement) (Gyanyar).

      hahing 1 n stink; intrans stink (a putrefied corpse), smell rotten, foul.

      hahing 2 adv (EBali) not (=tusing).

      hahir n a species of insect.

      hahis interj (when startled).

      hahit interj (to drive away cattle, buffalo, etc.).

      hahob intrans be in the shelter of a big tree.

      hahoh 1 L n fruit (=hoh; usually woh).

      hahon 2 L n the ashes of a hearth (=hawon).

      hahor H adj mixed (haduk L); intrans (ngahor trans) mix.

      hahorin pass be mixed by someone.

      hahot n (Raf) the sea.

      hahu n ashes (=hawu) (the H of hahon).

      hahub L intrans (ngahub trans) shade, shelter, be darkish because sheltered (hémbon H).

      hahud 1 n hydrocele.

      hahud 2 intrans (ngahud, ngawud trans) pull loose from a stem or stalk or skewer.

      hahud saténé the bits of meat have been pulled off their skewer.

      hahudin pass be pulled loose.

      hahud 3 intrans slip (foot), slide (land).

      hahug intrans (ngahug trans) enter, be among (mahug =ma-hahug intrans).

      hahugang pass be carried in, be caused to enter.

      hahugin pass be entered by someone.

      ha-hukud class for animals and persons; ‘one.’ (=hawukud).

      ha-humah n one house.

      hahun intrans become clouded, be covered with clouds; gunungé hahun the mountain is covered with clouds.

      hahung intrans (ngahung trans) make a hole, tunnel; n a mineshaft, tunnel; the channel of a river.

      hahungan n a mineshaft, tunnel; the channel of a river.

      hahup interj (to drive away cattle).

      hahur n roar of a tiger; intrans roar.

      hahus 1 n a grub that infests rice; the infestation of rice.

      hahus 2 n (NBali) an air current, draft.

      bakat hahusa be caught in a draft.

      hahut intrans (ngahut trans) strip off from sth (ring from finger, leaves from plant) (=hahud).

      hajag intrans have no fixed home, wander, be homeless; be undomesticated (animal) (ngajag trans); hasu hajag wild dog.

      hajag-an adj homeless.

      hajaghijig intrans run about restlessly, be unable to rest.

      ha-jagung-an n one maize-harvest (period of time).

      ha-jahan n one moment; adv in a moment, immediately.

      hajah L intrans (ngajah trans) teach, instruct (huruk H) (see lajah); n instruction, teaching, training.

      hajahhajah-an n instruction, teaching, training.

      hajahin pass be taught, instructed by someone.

      ha-jahi n the width of a finger (measurement).

      hajak intrans (ngajak trans) take with one, take along, invite to do sth with one (the vb can only be used to equals or inferiors (hiring/ngiring must be used for superiors); it implies that one or more persons desire others as individuals (including animals) to do sth or to act in some way with the subject or agent; in contrast, bareng L (sareng H) means ‘being together,’ though it may be used with a word meaning activity).

      hajaka pass be taken by (3ps agent or 3ps agents); prep along with, together with; dadi hajaka be persuaded.

      hajakang pass be called to come and do sth (with a friend).

      hajakhajak-an n help, assistance; urging; invitation (to join a group).

      hajakin pass be urged (to do sth).

      ha-jalan n one journey, one street.

      ha-jam n one hour.

      hajan n (Raf) stairs.

      ha-jani-han L adv at present, for the moment (=hajaniyan) (hamangkinan H).

      hajang n a kind of dish (food).

      hajap intrans (ngajap trans) desire, hope for, concentrate on.

      hajaphajap intrans concentrate on.

      hajaphajap-an n what is hoped for; telepathy, transference of thought.

      ma-ngajapajap trans long greatly for, demand.

      hajar 1 intrans (ngajar trans) raise and lower the hook to attract fish, sniggle; provoke, guide.

      hajar 2 (Jav) intrans teach, inform (=hajah).

      hajar-an n admonition.

      hajarhajar-an n education, teaching; doctrine.

      ha-jebos H adv one moment (ha-kejep L); malih hajebos just a moment.

      hajeg intrans (ngajeg trans) be erect, stand upright (=hajeg).

      hajegang pass be erected, be built.

      hajeghajeg n arrangements, regulation.

      hajeng 1 Jav equivalent of Bali hahep, harep H (all the Bali uses are derived from this).

      hajeng 2 intrans (ngajeng trans) be in front of, put in front of; n being in front of sth, someone.

      di hajeng H prep before, in face of, in front of (di hahep, di harep L).

      hajeng-an n what is in front of; di hajengan prep in the presence of, before.

      ring hajeng H prep before, in face of, in front of (di hahep, di harep L).

      hajeng 3 intrans (ngajeng trans) eat, drink (dahar, hamah L).

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