Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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intrans work irregularly because one is annoyed.

      hambulin pass be annoyed because one has left sth behind.

      hambulu n the banyan.

      hambun L n cloud (=hambu, gulem) (ngambun trans).

      hambun-an n a cloud of smoke, smoke.

      hambunang pass be lifted into the clouds.

      hambung n a climbing plant which may cover roofs or trees.

      hambunghambung n creepers chopped up as fodder for cattle.

      hambur intrans spread about; scatter.

      hambura pass be thrown away, squandered.

      hambyar adv side by side.

      hamé intrans (ngamé trans) name.

      haména pass be named by someone.

      ha-med-an n a long interval, what is felt to be a long time.

      ha-medang n class one little bristle (on bamboo or other plants).

      ha-melad intrans be lanced; be pierced as if with a knife; hamelad hasih be stricken by love (=welad).

      hameng 1 intrans (ngameng trans) hold weapons in a menacing way.

      hamengang pass be threatened with weapons.

      hameng 2 n sentry, guard.

      hamenghameng 1 n a performance (concert, play).

      hamenghameng 2 n a wife who is not properly married.

      hamer (=hammer) n a big hammer (D).

      hames 1 n dye; intrans (ngames trans) dye, color.

      hamesang pass be dyed.

      hameshames-an n the dyeing process.

      hamesin pass have sth dyed.

      hames 2 intrans (ngames trans) be greedy, desire greedily.

      hamesang pass be greedy for sth.

      hamét 1 C intrans (ngamét trans) take, take away, fetch, accept, receive, rob (jwang L).

      ha-mét 2 K the trans form of base pét.

      ha-meteng K trans be pregnant, conceive (weteng n belly) (beling L).

      hamik intrans (ngamik trans) nibble, be constantly eating in small amounts.

      hamikhamik-an n snacks, things nibbled at continually between meals.

      hamis intrans (ngamis trans) break sth into small bits.

      hamishamis-an n what is left when sth is broken into small bits.

      hamit n permission, leave (to go or stay); intrans allow (pamit n leave, departure).

      hamla adj sour, acid (=hasem).

      hamonto L adj so much (should be written hamun to).

      di hamonton paréréngné in the (being) so great his unwillingness.

      hamong intrans (ngamong trans) keep watch, stand guard, have overnight, look after.

      banten hamong n a rite at a baby’s third-month festival to ensure that it is watched over (for good).

      hamong-an n what is watched, guarded; the duty that has to be done.

      hampad intrans (ngampad trans) clear forest.

      hampad-an n clearing.

      hampag intrans (ngampag trans) be too old, go on too long.

      hampag-an compr older, going on longer.

      hampah L adj neglectful, careless, untidy (heman, teman H, laména R); intrans (ngampah trans) take no notice of, neglect; forget a promise.

      hampah-an n untidiness, neglect (temanan H).

      hampahang pass be left free from interference.

      hampak M intrans (ngampak trans) open (hungkab L).

      hampakang pass be made to be open (esp a door).

      hampakin imp open (it)!; pass be opened for someone.

      hampal adj a pure-white cow with black horns and hooves (=sampi hampal).

      hampan intrans (ngampan trans) pull, tug.

      hampang H adj light, easy, not heavy (hihing L); adj tasteless, insipid.

      hampar n a kind of scented ointment.

      hampas n remnants, leftovers; the remains of pressed sugarcane (fed to pigs), when the juice has been extracted.

      hampat n rubbish, branches floating in a river (=hangkrah).

      hampatan 1 adj hesitant, suspicious, doubtful.

      hampatan 2 n one quarter (=ha-hempat-an).

      hampeg 1 intrans (ngampeg trans) beat out (dust), beat clothes (=hampig).

      hampeg 2 intrans (ngampeg trans) wrench, jerk, trail away, drag away by the hand, snatch.

      hampeh intrans (ngampeh trans) drag with one, carry away (on the wind); depart this life (wantus C).

      hampehang pass be blown away.

      hampel adj collected, gathered (ngampel trans).

      hampél n a species of moderately thick bamboo.

      hampen n a cord of twisted thread.

      hamperu R n a kind of grass; gall, bile (nyali L).

      hampet 1 intrans (ngampet trans) staunch, stop the flow.

      hampet 2 intrans (ngampet trans) strike with force.

      hampetang pass be forced, compelled.

      hampi n fire (=hapi L).

      hampig intrans (ngampig trans) beat clothes, beat out dust (=hampeg).

      hampih intrans (ngampih trans) be separate.

      hampihang pass be isolated.

      hampik L n front balcony, porch, front part of a house, veranda (hambén R).

      hampil, hampilan (Jav) n a decorated box for offerings, brought to the cockpit at ordinary cockfights.

      hampin n bunch (of leaves), bundle, pile, heap (ngampin trans).

      hamping intrans be worn thin, be ground thin (a well-used knife).

      hampis adj thin, worn thin (ngampis trans).

      hampisang pass wear thin with use.

      hampisin pass be worn thin by someone.

      hampiyun n opium (=hapiyun).

      hamplas n a species of tree which has hard, rough leaves which are used like sandpaper to smooth down wood.

      hamples n sandpaper (ngamples trans).

      hamplesin pass be polished by abrasion.

      hamplemsari n a species of mango.

      hamplop n envelope (for letter) (ngamplopin trans).

      hamplopin pass be put in an envelope.

      hampo n a sort of clay eaten by the Bali, esp by pregnant women (ngampo trans).

      hampokhampok n a silver plate worn over the genitals by Muslims.

      hamprak, hamprat intrans speak rudely (=damprat, samprak).

      hampreg n threat, bluff; intrans (ngampreg trans) threaten, snarl at, bluff.

      hampru 1 n bile, gall (=nyali).

      hampru 2 C intrans flatulate, fart (ngampru trans).

      hampud intrans (ngampud trans) assemble, gather, collect.

      hampud-an n rubbish heap.

      hampudang pass be gathered, collected.

      hampuh L intrans

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