Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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together (tambun L).

      hanggurang pass be visiting.

      hanggurin pass be visited by someone.

      hanggur 3 intrans (nganggur trans) be at leisure, have nothing to do.

      hanggut 1 intrans (nganggut trans) snatch at sth with the mouth, bite at (dog), try to catch sth in the mouth (see gutgut).

      hanggut 2 intrans (nganggut trans) nod the head.

      hanggutang pass be caused to nod.

      hanggutin pass be answered with a nod.

      hangguthanggut intrans nod the head continually.

      hangin n wind.

      hangin-an adj compr be bloated with wind.

      hangin baret, hangin selahung L, hangin dres (=deras) H n storm wind.

      hanginhangin R n fan (kepet L).

      hanginhanginan adj empty-headed.

      hangin mahilehan n whirlwind.

      hanging (=hanghing, hangnging) conj but.

      hangit n the smell of singed hair; intrans smell nasty.

      hangka n numeral, cipher, figure (written) (S anka-).

      hangkabang pass be moved up and down.

      hangkabhangkab n up and down motion.

      hangkabin pass be frightened by a movement; hangkabin barong sami be afraid of sth or someone that is not dangerous.

      hangkara K adj proud, obstinate; cruel, wild, greedy, selfish.

      hangkas intrans be always just about to do sth; be always prevented from doing what one intends; be always kept off one’s plan.

      hangkasa n sky (langit L).

      hangkat intrans (ngangkat trans) set off, march to war, depart.

      hangkeb n cover, covering, lid; bedspread, tablecloth (ngangkeb trans).

      hangkebang, hangkebin pass be covered up by someone.

      hangkedhangked adj very bent, crooked.

      hangken 1 K n power, strength, means.

      hangken 2 K intrans claim as one’s own, recognize as one’s own (haku L, kangken H).

      hangkep intrans (ngangkep trans) double, fold double.

      hangkepang pass be folded double by someone.

      hangkepin pass be given double, be folded.

      hangkep-in pass be knocked on (a door).

      hangker n what is terrifying, ghosts.

      hangkid 1 intrans (ngangkid trans) lift, raise; promote; collect (dues).

      hangkidang pass be lifted up, promoted.

      hangkidin pass be tried to lift.

      hangkid 2 intrans bathe in a lake or river and make an offering there.

      hangkih intrans (ngangkih trans) breathe.

      hangkidang pass be breathed.

      hangkihan (=hangkiyan) L n breath; breathing; one minute (a breath).

      hangkihang imp breathe!

      hangkihhangkih intrans breathe deeply, breathe quickly, pant.

      hangklonghangklong intrans walk alone, travel alone.

      hangklung n a musical instrument (a row of obliquely cut bamboo in a frame, with small sticks in them, which make a ringing sound when moved).

      hangkod intrans (ngangkod trans) raise, cause to go higher.

      hangkodan n appeal to a higher court.

      hangkodang pass be appealed (be taken to a higher court).

      hangkodhangkod n all the procedures involved in an appeal.

      hangkrah n rubbish (branches, etc.) floating on water.

      hangkrog n gallop; intrans gallop, walk jerkily.

      hangkuh 1 intrans (ngangkuh trans) undertake, aim at, have as a plan; n target, aim, plan.

      hangkuhang pass be undertaken, be aimed at.

      hangkuh 2 intrans be proud.

      hangkuk intrans (ngangkuk trans) press down.

      hangkukang pass be moved backwards and forwards (the loins in coitus).

      hangkukhangkuk intrans move the loins quickly in coitus.

      hangkulhangkul n thatch on an earthen wall.

      hangkut intrans (ngangkut trans) buy wholesale, buy in bulk (not meat).

      ha-ngling trans weep for someone (=heling).

      hanglu adj ill-mannered.

      ha-nglurah trans rule, govern, be prince (from lurah).

      hangnging conj but (=hanghing).

      hangob intrans (ngangob trans) amaze, astonish.

      hangoba pass be amazed.

      hangobang pass be caused to wonder.

      hangobhangoban n an amazing thing.

      hangohhangoh intrans be out of breath, pant with hurrying.

      hangon intrans (ngangon trans) watch cattle, herd, pasture.

      ha-ngretanin trans act as judge about sth, decide a law case (from kreta n).

      hangsa n goose (S hamsa-).

      hangsal n accent in music or dance.

      hangsal bwang n a thrown-away accent.

      hangsal batis n a foot-accent.

      hangsana n a species of tree.

      hangsang, hangsangan n the gills of fish.

      hangseg intrans sigh (mahangsegan intrans).

      hangseghangseg intrans be very much out of breath.

      hangseh intrans (ngangseh trans) walk or run fast; make an effort.

      hangsehang pass (an effort) be made by someone.

      hangsek intrans (ngangsek trans) throng, be close together, push on others.

      hangsekang pass be pushed close together.

      hangsel 1 n word, group of letters (ngangsel trans).

      hangsel 2 intrans stop for a moment in reading aloud.

      hangseng H intrans breathe (=bangseng) (hangkih L).

      hangsengan H n a breath, breathing; a hot blast of air; n symptom of disease.

      hangsep intrans (ngangsep trans) forget (lali H).

      hangsog (=hengsog) intrans wobble; shake up and down.

      hangsoga (=angsoga) n a tree with splendid flowers.

      hangsokang pass be stuck out, be extended; be proposed.

      hangsokhangsokan n extension.

      hangsokhangsokang pass be greatly extended.

      hangsonhangson C n dog (cicing L, hasu R).

      hangsud intrans (ngangsud trans) cross out, scratch out, erase.

      hangsuh intrans (ngangsuh trans) snap at someone.

      hangsuha pass be bitten by it.

      hangsul intrans (ngangsul trans) go back, return, depart from (Jav wangsul).

      hangsur 1 intrans (ngangsur trans) breathe heavily through a chest cold.

      hangsur 2 intrans (ngangsur trans) pay by installments.

      hangsuran n instalment.

      hangu 1 K intrans be amazed (bengong L).


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