Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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about seeking merchandise.

      halub intrans (ngalub trans) spread abroad (scent); be gentle, lovely (sounds); die out, die away (=ngalubhalub).

      haluh adj easy, not hard; adv easily; intrans (ngaluh trans) be easy, make sth easy; have an easy life.

      haluh-an n an easy thing; compr easier.

      haluhang pass be made easy.

      haluhin pass have (things) made easy for one.

      masan haluh n leisure.

      halum intrans (ngalum trans) be half-ripe, half-cooked; be withered.

      halumin pass have been half-cooked.

      halun 1 n wave of the sea.

      halunhalun n forecourt of a palace or temple (=bancingah).

      halun 2 adj fertile (ngalun trans).

      halup 1 adj slow, monotonous, dragging (sounds).

      ngaluphalup trans emit a monotonous sound, like a sundari (a bamboo instrument which emits a humming sound in the wind).

      halup 2 intrans (=halub) spread abroad (scent), die away (sound).

      halur n current (ngalur trans).

      halus adj sweet, pleasant, refined; high (language); fine (linen); soft (sound) (luwes H).

      halus-an compr sweeter; softer (ngalus trans).

      halusang pass be made sweet, pleasant, refined.

      halushalusin pass be treated more gently.

      halusin pass be made sweeter, finer; be treated gently, nicely.

      halut intrans (ngalut trans) char (wood).

      halut-an n a piece of charred wood.

      haluwan n the stern of a ship.

      hamad n the title of a Muslim story.

      hamah 1 L intrans (ngamah trans) eat (teda L, dahar M, hajeng H).

      hamahang pass be caused to eat; (rice) be accompanied by side dishes.

      hamahin imp do eat!; pass be given to eat.

      hamah 2 n food, meal.

      hamahhan n wood eaten into dust (by worms); cooked rice.

      hamahamahan kalangkangan (Raf) n indigestion.

      hamahhamahhan, hamahamahan n food.

      hamal n deed, work (Mal).

      hamam adj quiet, still, lonely.

      haman 1 adj insipid (tobacco), numb, insensitive (part of the body) (=kambang).

      haman 2 adj peaceful, safe (ngamanang trans).

      hamanang pass be made safe, be made peaceful.

      haman 3 intrans float on water.

      hamang 1 intrans (ngamang trans) act impulsively, act or speak wildly, act without thinking first.

      hamang 2 adj (NBali) loved, dear.

      hamangkin-an H adv at present, for the present (hajanihan L).

      ha-marawasa K trans get control by force, rob.

      hamas n a species of timber.

      hamatera C adj not very much, not very many (a submissive word describing a gift to a superior).

      hamawa intrans return, bring back.

      hambah 1 n inundation (=belabar).

      hambah 2 n path, way; intrans (ngambah trans) follow a path, go, enter.

      hambahambahan, hambahhambahan n roads; the opening into a house complex, a passage through a wall or hedge; hambahambahan yéh n water channel.

      hambahan n way, road.

      hambahin pass be followed (a path); salahné hané patut hambahina salah pati ‘his fault (is such) that it-is-right be-walked-by-him-a-path (to) a non-natural death’ =(I do not know that) his fault is such as deserves that he be put to death.

      hambah 3 adj weak, tasteless (e.g. lime for betel).

      hambal n layer, terrace.

      mahambalhambal intrans be in terraces.

      hambang intrans (ngambangin trans) hinder, interfere with.

      hambangin pass be interfered with, be hindered by someone.

      hambar 1 n amber; a kind of jewellery.

      hambar 2 n musk, civet; intrans be fragrant.

      hambara K n heaven, air, sky (S ambara-) (ngambara trans).

      hambarhambar n hedge, fence (=pagehan).

      hambat 1 n a rope stretched round sth; intrans (ngambat trans) shut off a road with a rope.

      hambatin pass be prevented, be hindered by sth, someone.

      hambat 2 adj excessive, extreme; hambat gedénné his height is excessive.

      hambat 3 intrans pronounce, name sth (=sambat).

      hambé intrans (ngambé trans) summon and welcome.

      hambed n strap, girth (saddlery); hambed hikuh tail-strap, crupper; hambed bahong neck strap; hambed basang belly-strap, girth (=hambet).

      hambek n nature, character; breath.

      sarwa mambek (=ma-hambek) all that breathes; the animal creation.

      hambén R n front balcony, porch, veranda, gallery (hampik L).

      hambénin pass be provided with a porch or balcony.

      hambeng 1 intrans (ngambeng trans) buy wholesale.

      hambeng 2 (Jav) intrans keep watch to prevent people from passing, close a road.

      mambeng (=ma-hambeng) intrans is guarded.

      hambeng 3 n a big wager.

      hambengan H n grass (a long tough grass used for thatching houses); toothpick.

      hamber n a large hammer (D hamer).

      hambet 1 n strap; hambet basang n girth (saddlery) (=hambed).

      hambet 2 n stagnant water (ngambet trans).

      hambetang pass be covered with standing water.

      hambet 3 intrans strike with a loud noise.

      hambil H intrans (ngambil trans) take sth, take away (jwang L).

      hambis intrans (ngambis trans) wrench off, jerk off, take off, tear, snatch; abduct a girl by force.

      hambles intrans clean, use up, exhaust (supplies).

      hambo intrans (ngambo trans) support one riding on a horse, run beside a horseman (habih R).

      hambrés intrans (ngamrés trans) snap at; bakat hambrés be snapped at, expose oneself to being snapped at.

      hambu 1 H n smell, odor (hebo L); intrans smell.

      mambu (=ma-hambu) intrans smell.

      hambu 2 n sprouts of the jaka tree, young jaka leaves.

      hambu 3 n a bright white cloud.

      hambubu n a bright white cloud.

      hambugan n secondhand clothes, used clothes.

      hambuh L n a mixture of herbs and leaves with which the hair is dressed (mambuh, makramas intrans) (kramas R).

      hambul 1 L adj such, of that kind (kadi H).

      hambul hapa gedénné so much its size.

      hambulné their kind.

      hambul to, hamun to like that, in that way, as much as that.

      hambul 2 intrans (ngambul trans) annoy, anger.

      hambulang pass be angered by someone.

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