Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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n a dish of vegetables, made from various leaves.

      hantuk 1 H intrans (ngantuk trans) return, go home (mantuk intrans) (hulih, mulih L); n return, homecoming.

      hantukang pass be returned, given back.

      hantuk 2 H intrans do, act; pass be done; exactly parallel with bahan L, i.e. (1) used after an adv with another vb (N-form) following; here hantuk takes the ending -a to agree with a 3ps agent, though this suffix is not usual in H. (2) after an adv, with no other vb, hantuk is without meaning, but makes the adv into a vb (3) when the main vb in such a sentence is obvious it is not used, and hantuk then becomes the only vb of the sentence, e.g. yadyapin hasapunapi hantuk ‘though however is done(-by-you) (is acted),’ …whatever you may do, … ; prep by (agent), with (instrument), because of, with regard to; conj that (+ n clause).

      hantukan n matter, subject, affair (hence sahantukan ‘because of’).

      hantukannyané ‘its matter’ =about it.

      hantun intrans (ngantun trans) join, connect, tie together, join by twisting together.

      hantun-an n join, linkage.

      hantunhantun n pieces put in to lengthen a rope.

      hanu 1 L pron one, a certain one.

      di dina hanu on a certain day.

      hi hanu L (sang hanu H) So-and-So, an unknown and unnamed person.

      hanun +personal name: the one belonging to, that of human, e.g. tyangé limang hanun hi raka the field of me (is) five (times) that of Hi Raka.

      hanu 2 intrans (nganu trans) disturb, annoy, anger.

      bakat hanu intrans be too annoyed, be roused to indiscreet anger.

      hanuda K conj that, so that (hapang L).

      hanugraha C n gift, present (=nugraha, waranugraha) (S anugraha-).

      hanuman n baboon, monkey (=hanoman); the king of the monkeys in the Ramayana.

      ha-nut K trans follow, agree with, obey (tutut L) (this K trans form is used in Bali as a base as though pass).

      hanutang pass be caused to agree.

      hanutin pass be obeyed, be followed, be accepted by someone.

      hanut ring hawig act according to the rules.

      -hang suffix, in which the h is written only after vowels; in H the h is usually replaced by y (- yang), after vowels; the suffix is used (1) frequently (but not always) to make an imp; (2) added to the N-form it makes trans verbs from nouns and adjectives; (3) added to the N-form of verb-bases, it makes causative verbs from them; there are also other, less frequent, uses.

      hang n (=ang) the third of the syllables of the holy trihaksara formula, which, according to S grammarians, make up the syllable om (=a + u + ng).

      hangan R adv at all, only (=hanang).

      hangan papa anything at all.

      hangan hakatih a single one (long thin thing, hair).

      hangas n a circle of thorns put round a tree trunk to discourage fruit thieves (ngangas trans).

      hangdé (=padé) a particle put at the beginning of a sentence to suggest that the idea is not real; ‘supposing.’

      hangeg intrans (ngangeg trans) bring to a stop, stop.

      hangegang pass be stopped, halted.

      hangeghangeg intrans stop very suddenly, pass be stopped suddenly.

      hangegin pass be stopped for a moment.

      hangél R intrans be in a bad mood, be melancholy, languid, weary (hengsel L).

      hangen 1 H n liver, ‘heart’ (hulun hangen H, hulun hati L); the solar plexus, the pit of the stomach.

      hangen 2 intrans (ngangen trans) consider, meditate on; R n sense, thought (hati L); intrans (ngangen trans) think, have in mind, desire.

      hangenan n a lamp put on the breast of a corpse.

      hangenang pass be desired with longing.

      hangenin pass be considered.

      kangen (=ka-hangen) pass pitying, moved to compassion.

      hangerak intrans yell, scream, roar (a demon) (see kerak).

      hanget L adj hot, warm, tepid (water) (panes R); intrans (nganget trans) be hot, heat, warm.

      hangetin pass be being heated by someone.

      hangethanget n hot things (taste), spices (pepper, ginger, etc.).

      hangga K n body, form (hawak, goba L; raga R, rupa H).

      hangganin pass be embodied in, be represented by (subject is a country, district).

      hangganing (=hangga + hing) K its shape (gobané L), be like (hupama L).

      hangga sarira a coarse shape of body.

      hanggal intrans (nganggal trans) be free, not be employed or hustled by people; make oneself free, make someone free.

      hanggalin pass be free from being fussed in the future.

      hanggap intrans (nganggap trans) leave debts unpaid (esp gambling debts).

      hanggapan 1 n white ants, termites.

      hanggapan 2 n a sickle for reaping rice.

      hanggar intrans (nganggar trans) parry, use a weapon or sth to defend oneself, raise a hand.

      hanggarang pass be threatened with; hang-garang pedang be threatened with a sword.

      hanggara n Tuesday (S anggara- ‘Mars’); hang-gara kasih a Tuesday of good omen.

      hanggas n locust, grasshopper.

      hanggé H intrans (nganggé trans) use; wear (clothes) (hanggo L); like hanggo L, the pass form hanggé is used very frequently where in Eng a prep ‘with’ occurs (see hanggo); use as (with no expression of ‘as’): papak takénang hapang hada hanggén hida tangkis dogén just anything was-asked-about so-that there-be (what) was-used (by) him (as) a pretext only.

      hanggéhanggéhan H n whatever is worn, clothing.

      hanggeh intrans (nganggeh trans) get sth on credit; be trusted, be believed in.

      dadi hanggeh? can (I) have (it) on credit? hanggehan n a credit transaction.

      mayah hanggehan pay off sth bought on credit.

      hanggek intrans stop.

      hanggekhanggek intrans stop repeatedly, falter.

      hanggét intrans (nganggét trans) catch sth on a knife, hook sth with a knife.

      hanggih intrans (nganggih trans) be willing, express willingness, promise.

      hanggihang pass be caused to be willing, be persuaded.

      hanggit intrans (nganggit trans) pick (flowers); quote (literary work).

      hanggithanggitan n flower garden; literary work, composition.

      hanggo intrans (nganggo trans) use, wear (clothes) (hanggé H); the pass form hanggo is used very frequently where in Eng a prep ‘with’ occurs: besi pakuné suba pacekanga di bedégé hanggon palunné the iron nails were fixed in the partition-wall by him with his hammer (literally, ‘was used his hammer’); use as, be treated with: hiya hanggona kekedekan he was treated with laughter.

      hanggor adv (Raf) rather, it is better that.

      hanggrék n satyrion (a plant); hanggrék däha a kind of orchid.

      hanggrisa adj English; used to mean ‘fine,’ e.g. pinggan hanggrisa n a fine china plate.

      hanggur 1 n grapes; wine from grapes.

      buah hanggur grapes.

      hanggur 2 H intrans belong together, be crowded,

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