Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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      hampun 1 intrans pardon, forgive (=hampura).

      hampun 2 adv past, already (sampun H).

      hampung 1 H intrans (ngampung trans) harvest rice (hanyi L).

      hampungang pass be harvested for.

      hampunghampung n the completed rice harvest.

      hampung 2 adj light, not heavy (feathers, kapok, etc.).

      hampura intrans (ngampura trans) forgive, pardon (Jav form of sampura H).

      hampurayang H imp forgive (me), pardon (me)!

      nunas hampura H (I) ask pardon.

      hamput intrans (ngamput trans) cleanse, purify.

      hamputang pass be ceremonially purified by fanning.

      hamputin pass be cleansed of spiders’ webs (a house).

      hamud intrans (ngamud trans) pull out, pull on.

      hamudang pass be pulled out for someone.

      hamudin pass be pulled out.

      hamuh adj rotten; moldy.

      hamuk intrans (ngamuk trans) rave, be furious, attack in fury; n tumult, great noise; furious, mad rage.

      hamukang pass be driven to fury.

      hamukhamuk-an n tumults.

      wong hamuk n a raving, dangerous person.

      hamul (=hambul) adj like, as big as (see hamun).

      hamun n size, bigness; adj such, so much, as big as, like.

      hamunapa L adv however big, however much (hamunapi H).

      hamuné the size; L so big, so large; hamuné maklonné ‘so-great its-length’ =so long a time.

      hamun hapa gedénné? how big is it?

      hamunika, hamuniki H so big, so large.

      ha-mung adv simply, alone, except.

      ha-muwus K trans speak, say (wuwus intrans).

      hamyug intrans spread abroad.

      -han suffix (the h written only after a vowel) which makes (1) comparative adjectives (2) abstract nouns indicating the action involved in a verb (3) the place where an action is performed (4) the thing with which an action is done.

      hana K intrans to be (used only in the highest literary style or in high social contexts).

      hida nuhunang hanaké hana di tgehan he brought down the men (that) were on a height.

      jeneng hana (expression of the idea of being in a place where the copula is usually merely implied).

      takana contr of tak hana not existed (Lk 8.24) (hada L, wénten H).

      hanacaraka n the consonantal alphabet, named with its first five syllables.

      hanak n person, human individual (the word originally meant ‘child’ (Mal), and this meaning survives in manak (ma-hanak) ‘give birth,’ panak (pa-hanak) n ‘young of animals,’ ‘interest on money’); the widest word for ‘human being,’ hanak needs to be qualified with other nouns or with adjectives to give it content; alone it may even be used with nouns indicating animals (e.g. bémasé hento hanak ‘those goldfish’), and with personal pronouns (e.g. tyangé hanak ‘I’); hanak may stand alone for ‘you’ (e.g. kénéhang hanake =(you) act thus), as well as for ‘he’ or ‘she’; with a vb, hanak as subject or object means ‘someone, people, persons.’

      hanak aghung king, ruler.

      hanak bahan laba hired servant.

      hanak bali Balinese.

      hanak cenik L baby.

      hanak cerik L child.

      hanak déśa villager.

      hanak di misan L nephew, niece (pyanak misan M; hoka sameton H, hoka ring siki H).

      hanak hagung king, governor, prince.

      hanak hagung histri queen, princess.

      hanak halit H child.

      hanakang, hanakin pass produce interest (money).

      hanakhanak pl people, persons (as individuals, as opposed to wong a person or persons as members of a category).

      hanakhanakan n a small piece of ground; a miniature.

      hanahhanak mata n the pupil of the eye (the little figure seen in the eye of someone else).

      hanak jaba, hanak di jabahan H śudra.

      Other less common phrases:

      hanak hubuh fosterling, orphan.

      hanak jawi ‘Javanese’ =stranger, foreigner.

      hanak katih dwarf.

      hanak mabuwi captive, prisoner.

      hanak mahumah indweller, inhabitant.

      hanak mamula tiller of the soil.

      hanak mangadah broker, dealer.

      hanak masyat soldier.

      hanak mawarong shopkeeper, grocer.

      hanak nagara native of the land.

      hanak nanggala ploughman.

      hanak numpang passenger on a ship.

      hanak ngidihhidih L, hanak ngagéndong R beggar.

      hanak nyéwa tenant of land, hirer of land.

      hanak pajalanan traveler, journeyer.

      hanak pangajukan kedis fowler.

      hanak pondokan temporary resident, lodger.

      ha-nambut K trans awakes great longing (=sambut).

      hanaman C n rice cooked in a small basket.

      hanamika K n the ring finger (=lék) hanan intrans (ngananin trans) clear the ground of trees, clear forest.

      hanang adj a word emphasizing ‘one.’

      hanang hadiri twara not a single one.

      sing hada hanang hakikit L not there-is any one-little bit (=hangan).

      ha-nangis K trans wept (=tangis).

      hanas adj long and large; clear of growth and slippery (the dike between rice fields).

      hanasang pass be straightened.

      handa n level, degree, stage (nganda trans).

      handang n obstacle, blockage; intrans (ngandang trans) block (a road).

      haņḑap adj low, concise, abbreviated; intrans (ngaņḑap trans) be low, make low.

      di haņḑap prep below, under, beneath.

      haņḑap hasor (=haņḑap kasor) intrans be humble.

      haņḑapin pass be made low or lower, be treated as low.

      handar n drill, auger.

      haņḑé L adj like, similar; adv for example (hupama H) (ngandéyang trans); n likeness, example.

      haņḑéyan, haņḑéhaņḑéyan n comparison, likeness.

      haņḑéyang pass be made like, be likened.

      saņḑénya L (=sa-haņḑé-nya) ‘with its likeness’ =for example, such as, in a manner of speaking (sahupamanya H) (see pandé).

      handeg L intrans (ngandeg trans) not be moving, be still, stop suddenly, break off (cadel H) (mandeg intrans).

      handegang pass be stopped, be delayed, be towed.

      handel intrans (ngandel trans) trust, count on (tagok L) (kandel, kahandel pass).

      handelan pass be trusted; pass

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