Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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imp trust (me)!

      handelhandel n guarantee, complete faith.

      handep L n sale (=hadep) (dol H).

      haņḑet intrans (ngandet trans) stand still, stop suddenly, break off (=haņḑeg).

      haņḑetang imp stop!; pass be caused to stop, be stopped for.

      haņḑethaņḑet intrans stop completely; stop and restart, come out in spurts (water), stammer, stutter.

      haņḑih intrans stink (putrid fish or meat).

      handih n fig.

      handih kelen, handih kelur n kinds of fig.

      handika (Jav) intrans (ngandika trans) command, speak, order (=ndika intrans).

      handikayang H pass be commanded, be sent (hatur ngatur L).

      handil n share (finance).

      handir n one of the dances of the legong girls.

      handiri intrans (ngandiri trans) hold, hold fast (gisi L).

      handog adj fertile, prosperous, healthy.

      handong n an ornamental plant (=puding).

      haņḑudu n a species of wild areca nut.

      handuk n towel (D handdoek) (cerik R, seléndang H).

      handul n a species of tree.

      handungan n water channel, waterworks.

      handup intrans (ngandup trans) set (dogs) on.

      handupang pass be caused to attack (dogs).

      handupin pass be made fierce, be incited to attack.

      handus 1 n smoke (=hendus).

      mandusdus trans give off smoke.

      nekepin handusé ‘cover up the smoke’ =try vainly to keep sth secret.

      handus 2 (Jav) intrans wash, bathe in falling water (=hanjus).

      hané L rel pron that, which (sane H); used to attach a non-essential adj as attribute of preceding n; a phrase beginning with hané (sané) + vb (+object) is often used where in Eng a n of agency is used, e.g. hané ngglah habyan the owner of the garden.

      hanéh 1 n class one of a pair; tangan hanéh one hand.

      hanéh… hanéh (an) the one, the other.

      hanéh 2 n side, edge (nganéh trans).

      hanéhang pass be isolated, outcast.

      hanéhin pass be put on one side.

      hanem C adj young (hanom H).

      ha-nencén interro pron which one?

      hanéng (Jav) ‘there is in…’ (=hana hing, hada di… L).

      ha-nidra K intrans sleep (sirep R, pules L).

      hanih prep (Raf) towards (=di hanih).

      ha-niwi n the person towards whom one’s homage is due (siwi n) (Jav n for ny-).

      hanihaya, haniyayan n tyranny, unjust treatment.

      hanom H adj young, not yet adult (=henyom) (nguda, bajang L); n youth, lad, young woman.

      ha-non K trans see, look (=ton, heton).

      hansip n a village official who impounds straying animals (Mal abbr of pertahanan sipil).

      hantag 1 adj (Raf) sound in mind.

      hantag 2 adj firm.

      hantaka K n death, swoon, faint (mati L, paptengan L); intrans die, pass away.

      hantang kayu n the pith of a tree.

      hantara adj, adv inside, in among, between (S antara-).

      di hantara prep inside; di hantarané inside it.

      hantawali n a kind of shrub (=kantawali).

      hanté n chain, chains, fetters; the tying together of a corpse with rattan; intrans (nganté trans) put on a chain, chain up.

      hanté lima n handcuffs.

      hanténa, hanténin pass be chained up (a dog).

      hanteb (Jav) intrans be heavy (bahat L).

      hantebang pass be offered (in worship).

      hanteg intrans (nganteg trans) pretend to be going to do sth, make a feint, sound someone out, investigate (a case).

      hantegang pass be reached, be delivered.

      hanteghantegan n menace, means of frightening someone; investigation.

      hantem 1 intrans (ngantem trans) aim at, seek; n target, goal, what is sought.

      hantemang pass be aimed at, sought.

      hantem 2 intrans (ngantem trans) strike, hit hard.

      hantemang pass be hit hard.

      hanten R n younger brother (hadi L).

      hantén n bride, bridegroom (ngantén trans); hanténang pass be married, be caused to marry.

      hanteng 1 n a cloth worn over the breasts by women (=tengkalung) (nganteng trans).

      hantenang pass be wearing such a cloth.

      hantengin pass have such a cloth put on one.

      hanteng 2 H intrans (nganteng trans) be eager, zealous, diligent (jemet L); n zeal, diligence.

      hantengang pass be made diligent.

      hantengin imp be diligent!

      hantep intrans (ngantep trans) push, collide with (mantep intrans).

      hantepang pass be pushed, be bumped into, be collided with.

      pati hantep intrans bump against everything, bounce to and fro.

      hantes 1 intrans be handy, be ready, be forward.

      hantes 2 n snap, crack.

      hanti 1 L intrans (nganti trans) wait, wait for, expect (=hati) (hantos H).

      hantina pass be waited for.

      hantiyang tyang hakejep wait for me a moment!

      dini malu hantiyang wait here (until I come back).

      hanti 2 n a species of plant.

      hantiga C intrans be drunk, drugged, stupefied (punyah L, taluh R).

      hantinghanting n an ear pendant.

      hanto n ghost, evil spirit, demon (=hantu, mamidi).

      hantod n knee (=lulod).

      hantok n a foothold, a place to stand, a base, basis (ngantokin trans).

      hantokin pass be given a foothold.

      hantol 1 intrans (ngantol trans) repair a breach, stop up a hole in a clay wall, add to.

      hantol 2 n false hair.

      hantolhantolan n addition, false hair.

      hantol 3 intrans (ngantolin trans) continue, connect (mahantol intrans).

      hantolin pass be linked.

      hantolhantolan n a weak link, connection.

      hantos H intrans (ngantos trans) expect, wait for (hanti L); sometimes ntos.

      hantré n queue, a line of people (Fr entrée) (ngantré trans).

      hantréhang pass be formed up in a queue, a line.

      hantreg intrans (ngantreg trans) stop suddenly when in fast motion.

      hantug n touch, physical contact; intrans (ngantuga trans) touch, be in contact.

      hantugan n contact.

      hantugang pass be touched.


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