Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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n family valuables hung near the ceiling for safety in the gedong metén (parents’ sleeping house); n valuables carried about in one’s sash to keep them safe (=gerantang, ga-grantangan).

      grantangan basa n the interlinear translation of a document.

      granggeng n grumbling (=grenggeng); intrans mutter, grumble.

      grayang intrans (nggrayang trans) move along (a swarm of ants); skip along.

      grebeg intrans (nggrebeg trans) surround a high personage (of a crowd); n the customary procession of district chiefs and their subordinates round the king’s palace.

      grédag intrans (nggrédag trans) exorcise evil spirits; n exorcism.

      gregaji n saw (tool) (nggregaji trans).

      grégatgrégot intrans hobble along.

      gregeh, grégéh intrans neigh, whinny (nggrégéh trans).

      grégot adj waddling, tottering (gait) (see grégatgrégot).

      gréja n a high balé, used as a watchtower in war.

      grembengan n a wooden block put on oxen at the beginning of ploughing; a wooden bell for oxen (the same, but smaller is kroncongan).

      grémbéng adj steep, vertical.

      grémbéng-an n a steep drop, slope, an abyss.

      grembini H intrans (nggrembini trans) have peculiar desires for food (a pregnant woman) (hidam L).

      gremeng intrans (nggremeng trans) be half-dark, foggy, shortsighted; loom up.

      gréméng adj in tatters (a garment); eaten by caterpillars (leaf).

      gremong intrans stick up (the feathers of a fowl).

      greng K intrans shout (magrengan intrans).

      grenggeng intrans mutter, grumble, talk to oneself, growl (=granggeng); n mutter, grumble, growl.

      grenyatgrenyit intrans move about on one’s feet, be in continual motion; rock oneself in a sitting position.

      grépé, grépégrépé intrans (nggrépé trans) crawl about on legs (crabs, insects); crawl forward with one foot at a time.

      gretép intrans act energetically.

      grindemgrindem adj rainy, (sky) covered with rainclouds.

      gringsing n a kind of batik (see geringsing).

      grinjem n borer, esp for boring guns or blow-pipes.

      grisgis n a deep breath (in sleep) (=grusgus).

      griya C n the house of a brahmana (gradation: griya, puri, jero, humah) (S grhya-).

      griyamgriyam intrans swarm, be present in large numbers (insects).

      griyenggriyeng intrans mutter, grumble, talk to oneself, growl (=grenggeng).

      griyohan n hubbub.

      grobag n a box (of wood or woven work).

      grobogan n waterfall (roaring water).

      grongsang n a fowl with curly feathers.

      grongsyang intrans (metal objects) clash together.

      growanggrowéng intrans roar (a captured tiger).

      groyohgroyoh intrans sway the body, roll, shake, rock.

      grumbungan n a wooden block put on oxen at the beginning of ploughing; a wooden bell on an ox (=grembengan).

      grusgus n deep breathing in sleep; the sound made by a carpenter’s plane.

      gua n cave (=gia, gowa).

      guak n crow (bird) (=gowak).

      guak selem n raven.

      gubar K n an oblong drum beaten with sticks, war drum (=kendang).

      gubeg intrans (nggubeg trans) be restless.

      gudgud adj worn out, old, used up, useless.

      guḑig adj covered with sores (skin), scurvy; n scurf.

      gudug n a kind of leprosy.

      gugonin pass be believed (=gugu).

      gugu H intrans (ngugu trans) believe (sadin L, gega C); n faith, belief (sadin L).

      guguwang pass be believed; post bail for, act as surety; guguwang habet be surety for conduct; guguwang hada be surety for personal safety; guguwang panganggo act as full surety in law.

      guguh intrans pine away with age (animals), be very old.

      gugul intrans (ngugul trans) disturb, worry, trouble (=gulgul).

      gugut intrans bite, gnaw, snap (=gutgut).

      guhguh intrans be very old (=guguh).

      guhun n the warp in a loom.

      guhung 1 (=guwung) intrans shut in, cage (ngguhung trans).

      guhung-an n a cage for a gamecock (circular, with a curved roof).

      guhung 2 (=guwung) n the sign for conjunct r after a consonant (cakra K).

      gujeg intrans (nggujeg trans) press in on sth; fight about sth, squabble.

      gula L n sugar (from cane) (gendis H).

      gula batu n loaf sugar.

      gula pasir n powdered sugar.

      gulabir intrans wobble (fat); quiver, shake; shimmer (the horizon in heat) (=gabir).

      gulakgulik intrans roll about in one’s sleep, turn over and over.

      gulem L n cloud (méga H); intrans be cloudy (sky); gulem ngemu n a rain cloud.

      gulgul intrans (nggulgul trans) excite, stir up, annoy, hinder.

      guli n (Raf) finger joint.

      gulik intrans (nggulik trans) roll, roll away, roll round.

      guliling intrans (ngguliling trans) twist round, turn round.

      guling 1 intrans (ngguling trans) roll up; turn round and round, cook sth on a spit.

      bé guling n meat roasted on a spit; a roast sucking pig.

      guling buntut n human sacrifice (as formerly practised).

      gulingin pass be rolled up by someone.

      guling 2 n a round cushion, bolster.

      gulis intrans (nggulis trans) cut the flesh from the bones; fillet fish.

      gulu C n neck (bahong L).

      gulung L intrans (ngulung trans) roll (lelet H); n roll (of material).

      gulung-an n roll, bale; intrans roll, turn over.

      gulungin pass be rolled; saling gulungin roll over someone.

      gumana n intention, purpose, proposal (nggumanayang trans).

      gumanayang imp pay attention! be purposeful!

      gumanti 1 L conj until (ganti +infix -um-) (gumentos H).

      gumanti 2 intrans (gati + vb) do sth with great concentration.

      gumasih in the phrase sih gumasih n enduring love, mutual love (sih humasih =hasih +infix -um-).

      gumatapgumitip, gumatatgumitit n creatures, esp flying insects or creeping things.

      gumatargumatar intrans tremble violently (gatar +infix -um-).

      gumati intrans be diligent (gati +infix -um-).

      gumbreg n the name of the sixth week.

      gumentos H conj until (gentos +infix -um-) (gumanti L).

      gumenyah intrans burst forth in crowds.

      nyahnyah gumenyah have many children.

      gumi L n country (political), realm, kingdom;

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