Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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intrans drink reluctantly (e.g. dirty water).

      glendarglendir intrans saunter about, roam idly, stroll in the streets.

      gli n a tickle; gli hatiné n an impulse to laugh.

      gliņḑeng, gliņḑenggliņḑeng L intrans wander, stroll, go off alone with no set goal (malalancaran R).

      gliņḑer intrans lose one’s balance, fall over.

      glogor L n stable, barn, shed (kandang H).

      gluglu intrans sob; n sobbing.

      gmesang pass be caused to be severe (gemes adj).

      gnéha K n southwest (=genéya) (S angéya-).

      gnep n completion; intrans be completed (=genep).

      gni K n fire (S agni-).

      go K n cow, bovine (S go- in compounds).

      goba L n form, outward appearance, manner, shape, figure, face, color (warna R, rupa C) (nggoba trans, magoba intrans).

      goba jelék n ugly shape, ugliness.

      gobéd n a sort of knife for slicing fruit, vegetables, etc. (nggobéd trans).

      gocék intrans (nggocék trans) put a rooster through its paces.

      gocék-an n a small cockpit, used for testing roosters.

      goco, gocogoco intrans pretend to be what one is not.

      goḑa intrans (nggoda trans) tempt; god,a n temptation.

      goḑég n the leg-feathers of a fowl; hair on a man’s feet.

      goḑég drupa n fowls’ feathers reaching beyond the thigh.

      godél n the young of a domestic animal.

      godél kambingé n kid, lamb.

      godél kuldiné n the donkey’s colt.

      godél sampi n calf.

      godem n a sort of barley; (Raf) millet.

      goḑoh, ga-goḑoh n a cake made with flour.

      goḑong K n leaf (hedon L).

      godot intrans (nggodot trans) saw, hack with a knife.

      gogong intrans (nggogong trans) carry sth with the help of many others, carry on a litter.

      gohok n hole, hollow, opening, a small cave (=gowok).

      golak intrans (nggolak trans) grope after sth, seek persistently till one has found sth.

      goléng intrans have spindly legs, grow out of one’s clothes; be top-heavy.

      golgol adj blunt, blunted (a cutting tool).

      goloh adj wide, roomy; loose-fitting (clothes); n what does not pinch, does not squeeze; what goes in or comes out easily.

      golok n a large knife, chopper.

      golong intrans form a body; be united in a group; make (rice) into a ball (nggolong trans).

      golongan n troop of soldiers.

      gholongan Legion (Lk 8.30).

      gombéng intrans (nggombéng trans) pull on sth held between finger and thumb; pinch (=gompés).

      gombét intrans (nggombét trans) break sth off with one’s nails, scratch to pieces.

      gomboh adj too wide, too roomy (clothes); intrans be loose, not tight enough (rope).

      gompés intrans pull on sth held between finger and thumb (=gombéng).

      gomplok n troop, band; intrans form a troop.

      goņḑa n a species of shrub.

      gondala n a sort of fat nodule on a fowl’s ear.

      goņḑang n a large water-snail.

      goņḑong n a great swelling on the neck, goiter.

      gonték intrans (nggonték trans) strike with the fingers towards one’s body.

      gonténg intrans (nggonténg trans) tear open, scratch open.

      gonténgang pass be torn open (the lobe of the ear by wearing a subeng, a heavy earring).

      gong n a large gong (used also for the whole orchestra).

      gonggang intrans sway, swing, oscillate; squabble (magonggang intrans).

      gongséng n a necklace with little bells on it, bells worn on the neck (magongséng intrans).

      gongsor intrans make haste, hurry, go on without interruption.

      gonjak n amusement, fun, romp.

      gonjan n noise.

      gopél 1 intrans break one or more pieces off sth.

      gopél 2 n a kind of cake.

      gopés intrans pinch between two fingers, squeeze.

      gopiţa K n an aphrodisiac; n a kind of cosmetic.

      gopura n the panel of carving above the gateway of a temple or a palace.

      gordi n gimlet.

      goréng intrans (nggoréng trans) roast, broil, fry, cook.

      gorénga pass be fried.

      gorét intrans (nggorét trans) croak.

      gorétgorét intrans croak continually about sth.

      goroh n prodigality with money; intrans squander one’s money, be prodigal; be generous.

      gorok intrans (nggorok trans) cut the throat of an animal, slaughter.

      gorok-an n sacrificed animal (=korban, semblingan).

      juru gorok n slaughter man.

      goros intrans (nggoros trans) drag a heavy weight after oneself.

      gorot intrans (nggorot trans) stroke over or along sth; play a violin.

      gosok intrans rub, scrape (=gesik); n violin bow.

      gosong intrans (ngosong trans) pick up, carry on the shoulders, carry away.

      gosonga pass be carried by.

      got n gutter, drain (Mal).

      goţok intrans hammer.

      gotol n the cock of a gun.

      gagotol n the cock of a gun.

      gotong n piece, fragment; adj broken in the middle.

      gotra R n scissors (gunting L).

      gowa n cave (=giha, gwa).

      gowak 1 n raven, crow (=gwak).

      batu gowak n obsidian.

      gowak 2 n a kind of pulse seed.

      gowakgowék intrans quack (ducks).

      gowang n a headless ghost; a kind of monster (=lawéyan).

      gowargowar intrans speak in a subdued voice, complain, wail.

      gowat, ga-gowat-an L n the last date for payment; the day by which work has to be delivered (wates H).

      gowéhgowéh intrans shout, cry from a distance.

      gowok n hole in the ground, den (animal), hollow, opening (=gohok).

      gra K n top, point.

      grabad n thing, substance.

      grabad-an n merchandise, what is kept in a shop.

      gragas intrans (ngragas trans) climb sth with the help of the hands.

      grago n a species of shrimp.

      gräna K n eclipse of the sun (kapangan L ‘is eaten’).

      grana Jav n nose.

      grami n a

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