Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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a special sign called bisah.

      ha 2 n contr of haha (=hara) fig tree; ha babi a species of fig tree.

      ha 3 interj ha! O! oh! ha 4 L adv yes, agreed, it is so (häha).

      haba L intrans (ngaba trans) bring, carry, take (a very general word) (bakta R, gawa, buwat C).

      habana pass be brought, carried by.

      hababang pass be caused to be carried, be carried for someone.

      kayu haba n a kind of woody shrub.

      habab intrans (ngabab trans) scatter.

      hababang pass be scattered by.

      habagi H n one share, one part, one half (L hadum).

      habah 1 intrans (ngabah trans) decorate, equip.

      habahhabah n ornaments, clothes.

      habah 2 intrans carry (=haba).

      haba-han L n burden, something carried (babakta-han R, ga-gawa-n C).

      habahaba-han L n burdens; talent.

      ha-bahong adj (water) as high as the neck, neck-deep.

      ha-balik-an n a return; bwin habalikan in a future incarnation.

      ha-bantang tumbak n a measure of time =1/2 hour before or after.

      ha-bang 1 K adj red, red-brown (bang-bang intensely red) (barak L); n rust.

      habang 2 n gutter, drainpipe, channel (nga-bang trans) (bang hollow).

      habang-an n channel, groove; habangan cunguh the groove under the nose.

      habangin pass be grooved, channelled by.

      ha-bara num ten million.

      ha-barong n a full orchestra, such as is needed for the barong dance; a class only in gong habarong ‘one full orchestra.’

      ha-barung n a full set of instruments for the orchestra (=habarong).

      habas intrans (ngabas trans) cut a hedge, prune, lop; reap (corn); cut grass.

      habas-an n cutting, reaping.

      habdi K n sea (pasih L).

      ha-bedik n a bit, a little (used as adv, as in Eng).

      habeh adj swelling (muscles); n a swelling due to illness; what exceeds the normal size; intrans move with difficulty because one is fat.

      ha-belok n one bar (soap), one block, (metal), one lump (soil) (D blok).

      haben intrans be calm, still, quiet; haben semunné calm (is) his expression.

      habén L n cremation, ceremonial cremation (lebu, palebuwan R; tiwa C).

      habenat intrans be very long.

      ha-beņḑul n a small weight, grain (gold).

      ha-bengong num 100 million.

      habes (=habas) adv somewhat too; habes liyu a little too much (see bes, bas).

      habet 1 L n conduct, behavior, ways, manner; intrans (ngabet trans) behave.

      habet luh n menstruation (rare usage).

      habetang pass be caused to behave.

      habet 2 intrans (ngabet trans) stretch.

      habetang pass be stretched.

      ha-betek-an n as long as it takes to eat a meal; one meal-break.

      ha-bidang class for flat things (leaf, carpet, garment).

      habig intrans only in hubaghabig n: images hung on the penjor.

      habih M intrans (ngabih trans) support, look after, hold up, be loyal (hubuh L); sit behind someone to support him; prompt (theater); R support someone on a horse, run beside a horse and rider (hambo L).

      habil intrans (ngabil trans) cut the whole bark off a tree.

      habil-an n the bark of a tree when removed.

      habilin pass have the bark removed.

      habin L intrans (ngabin trans) hold on the lap (pangku H).

      habina pass be held on the lap by someone.

      habin-an n the lap, the knees.

      habing adj steep (slope); n steep bank (stream), steep edge of a cliff.

      habir intrans be sloping to one side, at one side.

      hubarhabir intrans be hypertrophied, overdeveloped.

      habit intrans only in hubathabit rummage in somewhere; curse and swear.

      hablaghebleg intrans be washed away (a road).

      ha-blangsé n an incalculable number.

      hablegag n many, a number.

      ha-bol n anus, buttocks (bol).

      ha-bongkal n a weight, one ounce (gold).

      ha-bosbos, ha-bosbos-an H n one moment, one second (ha-kejep L); adv at once, in a moment.

      habot H intrans be heavy, be difficult (bahat L); be pregnant (beling L).

      habra 1 K intrans spread far and wide; hang in disorder (hair).

      habra 2 intrans gleam, shine, be beautiful and strong.

      ha-brarak n an immense number.

      habresé adj many all at once.

      ha-bresih K intrans wash (a corpse).

      habresih-an n washing.

      ha-briyukan adj all together at once.

      ha-bsik L num one; class (general) (ha-siki H).

      habu n ashes, earth mixed with ash; cigar ash; dirt (=hawu); H n dust, powder (=hawu); intrans burn; adj ash-grey.

      habu timah n burnt lead (metal).

      habug n a sort of sweet black bread, cakes.

      ha-buh (=buh) n false pregnancy; morbid swelling of the belly.

      habuk intrans (ngabuk trans) be thick, be dense.

      ha-bulan n one month.

      ha-bulih n one seedling, seed.

      ha-bunteran n one circle.

      ha-bungkul class for big things; ‘one.’

      ha-but intrans (ngabut trans) pull out, pull up; raise (anchor) (=but, hebut).

      habutan adj pulled up, dug up; kacang habutan n groundnuts.

      habyan L n a garden, a fenced area (esp for growing things).

      habyanhabyané pl the fields (of growing corn).

      habyan hanggur n vineyard; habyan hang-gurné his vineyard.

      ha-cagak n one draught, one gulp.

      ha-cakep n one section of a palm-leaf book (enclosed in boards).

      hacalhacal n the limits of the area in the sky for a pigeon race.

      hacanghacang n a kind of food.

      ha-cangkop n what fills two hands cupped together.

      hacar n pickles; adj pickled (not sweet) (Mal).

      hacé ps pron I (used only by the king of Kalungkung).

      ha-ceklik n half of a small coconut shell (a measure of volume).

      ha-celeb-an n one baptism; one dipping in water.

      hacep 1 intrans (ngacep trans) hope for (handel H).

      hacephacep-an n a thing hoped for.

      hacep 2 L n quiet meditation, consideration (redana R) (ngacep trans).

      ha-cepok L adv once, on one occasion (hapisan H).

      di hacepoké one time.


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