Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary. Norbert Shadeg

Tuttle Balinese-English Dictionary - Norbert Shadeg

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2 n a species of grass in fields.

      genten H adj new (hanyar L).

      gentén (=genti-an) n waiting.

      genténg n small broad strips of bamboo, used as shingles for roofs, instead of thatch; rahab genténg a shingled roof.

      genter, gentur n the rumble of thunder.

      hagenturan adj like the rumble of thunder.

      genti (=ganti) L intrans change, exchange (gentos H); silur genti L alternate (panyilur gentos H, pagentos gentos C).

      geņţong n a large earthenware jar, used for water or oil; a measure.

      gentos H (=gantos) intrans (ngentos trans) change; replace; renew; withdraw, give way; change one’s position (genti, gingsir, salin L).

      gentosin pass be replaced (by) (gentinin L).

      gentur n the rumble of thunder (=genter).

      geng abbr of hageng H adj ‘great.’ génggang n name of a material for clothes.

      géngséng n a copper frying pan.

      génggong n a mouth-organ played with the fingers, like a Jew’s harp.

      gencer intrans bite (ngencer trans); do sth often, urgently.

      genyi adj spoilt (e.g. food with sand in it), uneatable.

      genjang intrans (nggenjang trans) hurry, run fast.

      génjanggénjong intrans shake as in an earthquake (=genjung).

      genjargenjir intrans rock with the legs, rock in a rocking-chair.

      genjé n a species of hemp.

      genjé hamuk n a species of hemp used to make crickets ready to fight.

      genjira K n a steel spur for tying on roosters’ feet (taji L).

      génjong intrans shimmer, tremble (of the air) (=genjung); shake to and fro sideways, but fixed at the bottom (nggénjong trans).

      génjongang pass be caused to move to and fro (magénjongan intrans shiver).

      genjung intrans shake (see ka-pa-genjung); n shaking, tremor.

      genjung guminé n earthquake.

      genyug intrans (ngenyug trans) hit in a collision (spinning tops).

      genyuga pass be collided with.

      gepé intrans be utterly exhausted, dead tired, unable to go on.

      gepéng intrans in the phrase batu gepéng: disobey an order, refuse a summons to military service.

      geplug intrans (nggeplug trans) hit with the fist (=gebug, but less hard).

      ger n rumor; intrans be rumored (nga-ger trans).

      gér n the edge of a cliff, the rim of a hollow (=tembing).

      geradaggeredeg intrans run to and fro in great fear; n the beating of the heart.

      geradaggerudug 1 intrans run to and fro with a crowd; rumble (belly); crash, bang (doors, wheels).

      geradaggerudug 2 n a throng.

      gerah H n fever (panes L); adj dry, hot (skin), feverish; intrans be ill (=sungkan) (sakit L).

      gerakgerok intrans gurgle, make a roaring sound.

      gerantang n the stone head of an opium pipe (=cupak).

      gerantangan, ga-gerantangan n things hung near the ceiling of the gedong metén (stone sleeping house) for safekeeping.

      gerantim n a kind of gold head for a kris hilt decorated with a check pattern of iron wire.

      gerang adj dried in the sun.

      bé gerang n small fish dried in the sun.

      gerap adj timid, cowardly (=getap).

      gerasakgerasok intrans move restlessly like someone who cannot sleep, toss and turn, move about (=gurasakgurisik).

      gerat adj dried out, withered; thirsty; dry and hot (skin); n inflammation.

      gerayang intrans crawl about on legs (crabs, insects) (=grépé).

      gerebed n confusion, disorder; adj disordered.

      geredeg n the sound of many feet; the rumble of thunder (=gerubug).

      gereh n noise, rumble; the sound of thunder; raving, raging (=geruh) (magereh intrans).

      gerejeg n force, superior might (=garejeg) (nggrejeg trans).

      gerénténg 1 n the stone head of an opium pipe (=gerantang).

      gerénténg 2 n the sound of metal being struck; intrans (nggrénténg trans) clink, clang.

      gereng n hum (of a crowd), roar (nggereng trans).

      geréng adj harsh, hard (voice) (nggeréng trans).

      gerénggeréng adj very harsh.

      geret intrans carve, cut.

      gereta pass be cut, carved.

      gergaji n a saw, saw blade.

      gerinda n a round grindstone; intrans (nggerinda trans) grind (knives etc.).

      gering n sickness, affliction of the body, illness; pestilence; intrans have an affliction, be ill.

      pagringan n plague, affliction.

      geringsing n a kind of batik; geringsing sumäguna, geringsing wayang other kinds of batik.

      gerip n pencil (D griff).

      gerit intrans (nggerit trans) scour, scrub.

      gerobag n a large coffer or chest.

      gerobog intrans low, bellow, roar.

      gerok n death-rattle; intrans (nggerok trans) make the sound of the death-rattle.

      gerong n roar (=gereng); intrans roar, howl; sulk.

      gerubug n cholera, epidemic disease; intrans have an infectious disease.

      duk gerubugé at the time of the cholera.

      geruḑa n eagle (=garuḑa).

      gerudug n the sound of many feet; rumble of thunder (=geredeg) (nggrudug trans).

      gerug n noise, raging; the sound of thunder (=geruh).

      geruh n noise; sound of thunder (gereh, gerug).

      gerunyam (=garunyam) adj naughty, like a scoundrel, like a rogue.

      gerus intrans (nggerus trans) stroke over sth, smoothen, iron (clothes).

      ges adv the day before yesterday; huling ges pwan (=huli hi pwan) since the day before yesterday.

      gesah n trouble, affliction (=gisuh); intrans have trouble with sth, fail to reach one’s goal quickly.

      gesang intrans live, be alive (=hurip).

      gesar intrans be boiled till dry (rice); stick like dry sand.

      gésé intrans be close, near (used with a vb =almost, very nearly).

      géségéséyan intrans be very close.

      geseng H intrans (ngeseng trans) set on fire, light, scorch, singe (tunjel, ludus L).

      gésgés intrans (nggésgés trans) scratch an itching place.

      gesik 1 n violin bow (=gosok).

      gesik 2 intrans blow the flute.

      gesing n thorny bamboo.

      gesit 1 intrans shiver, have gooseflesh, shudder.

      dingin gesit there is a nip in the air.

      gesik léték unsalted, insipid.

      gesit 2 intrans be uncombed or dirty (hair), have sticky dirt on the skin.


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